How do I load items from a txt file into listbox?

Read an online tutorial that teaches you how to read text files. Once you understand how to do that the rest is simple (just add each line to the list box)

commented: Teaching them how to fish. Nice work. :) +3

Thank you for your response..I'm in extreme help,completely failing ...It is a csv file and I'm just trying to load the first item in listbox...this is what I have so far
I used the load procedure
then for I as int = 0 to n
line= books(I)
data= line.split(","c)
booklist(I).title= data(0)
..... and for the rest of the categories I needed
dim query= from headings in booklist
order by headings.title
select headings
for each headings in query

You can use a For Each Loop to iterate through the array.

For Each record As String In data
    ' Do some data processing...

that's what I did...I think.its posted above.still not working..im stuck...there's definitely something im missing just don't know what

In your LINQ statement, there is no need to use Select (in c# you have to). since you are only pulling records of the same type.

I've also noticed you are pulling from one heading. since you are declare a heading as the first index of data.

data= line.split(","c)
booklist(I).title= data(0)

The foreach statement is confusing. You are using headings in the Linq statement and in the foreach statement. I would use something more like this for the Linq statement.

Dim query = From heading In data
            Order By heading.title

Then the for each loop should work.

For Each h as heading in query
    ' I'm doing data processing...

there four other categories of data (two are integers)on the same line each separated by a comma...
I guess that's why I thought I had to use the select statement...im basically teaching myself this from the web,youtube, and forums like this...and I still have no clue..everytime I debug...it says indexoutofrange

Meaning that the index you are tryng to reach does not exist.

For example your For loop:

for I as int = 0 to n

means that 'I' will increment to the next value each time the condition is ran. If I use I as a variable in the loop for example:

For I as integer = 0 to 10
    Console.WriteLine (MyArray(I)) ' write the record at the index of 'I' to console.

Now, if I have only 10 records in the array, the last index would be 9 (arrays are 0 based meaning they start at 0 and not 1). The loop will error out since the index would be higher then the number of indices in the array.

The error will be an 'IndexOutOfRange' exception; or the index I want does not exist in the array I am iterating through.

I left out the part before the for loop.. dim n as books.count-1(thinking that would take me to the end of the file) which would be the counter...

I think this is something like you were working on.

Dim line As String
Dim data() As String

'declare the number of books variable, then assign it.
Dim n As Integer = books.count - 1

' For Loop
' This loop will run until 'I = n' or while 'I = (books.count -1)'
For I as Integer = 0 to n
    line = books(I)
    data = line.split(","c) ' divide the string by a comma, 
                            ' and assign them to the string array 'data'

' now we will iterate through the data array and pull the records.
For Each s As String in data

its weird because thats what the code looks like...with the exception of line 16..when I tried that it didnt work...I must be missing something somewhere

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