20,284 Topics
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I'm making a program that allows me to control my other computer from this one by encoding and streaming the commands I enter into a console to the destination, which then decodes it and does what the command says and encodes the result and streams it back, then my side … | |
hello i have a datagridview (Dg) with 7 columns. i have a RowValidated event which tests if the validated cell is the first (index = 0) then sets the focus on the third cell with columnIndex = 2 BUT the cell that's getting focus after the row is validated is … | |
Hello, I'm just looking for an answer or idea. I plan to connect vb.net to mysql (which is done) and also the PHP connected to the mysql. But I'm confuse with something. VB.NET is use for offline things (which people will come to store and buy), but PHP is buying … | |
Hi, I would like to know how to write a "Console application" in dll form for a patch installer so that I could call it from the installers and find out the installation of a program. I have created a VB.NET class project and checked the COM Interoperation or sort … | |
I have been doing some research on the net, and found many ways of doing this, but it all leaves me with the same question. Wich one is the better to use? What i want to do, is a simple yet stable configuration system for any of my projects that … | |
Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class frmLogin Dim cn As OleDbConnection Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim add As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Users\User\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\DietTrainer\DietTrainer\DT.mdb.accdb" Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Dim SID As String = "admin" Dim SPSW As String = "admin" Dim LoginID As String = Me.txtID.Text Dim LoginPassword As String = Me.txtpsw.Text … | |
hey guys, i am looking for new topics related to vb.net (DATABASE PROJECT). can anyone help me in this research?? | |
Well here it is, im using list view box and MSAccess as Database connection rs.Open " SELECT * FROM Menu WHERE Menu_ID=" & tmp, con, 3, 3 rs.Update txtname.Text = rs("Name") txtprc.Text = rs("Price") txtqnt.Text = rs("Quantity") rs.Update clos MsgBox "Updated Successfully!", vbInformation, Me.Caption Form_Load txtname.Text = "" txtprc.Text = … | |
Hello I am working on a Asp.net website where i can upload images. When i upload images i resize and save 3 different images: Original, Picture and a Thumbnail. My problem is that when i resize .Gif images they just end up with ugly colours and without animation. I had … | |
Hi all! i am trying to copy a file from 1 location to other location with a new name. The new name should be like "Oldname + date & time". I wrote the following code but getting error that the Given path format is not supported [code] Imports System.IO Public … | |
Hello, Currently I can connect database through local area network by using IP address on the SQL string. Then I read about security things that it require ssh/tunneling ? I also wanted my computer can connect to mysql database server not only through LAN but also through the Internet. So, … | |
Hello All, I have a question regardind=g accessing shared resources. I have a for loop in which i am creating many threads.. And each thread at some point of time they call this function : [code] Public Function UpdateMailJobs(ByVal con As Data.DataRow, ByVal jobid As String, ByVal varName As String, … | |
Can Somebody please help a newbie ? I`ve searched high and low for an answer, but just can`t seem to get it working ! I`m trying to write a programme ,in VB2008 Express, to receive Serial Port Ascii data ( from a Multimeter) and display it as Hex Data in … | |
Hello, I Got problem in using delimiter by using vb.net 2008 Please take a look at my code [CODE] Dim array As String() Dim IPaddr as String Dim r As New System.IO.StreamReader("config.ini") Dim rline As String = "" Dim s As String = "" While r.Peek <> -1 rline = … | |
hello i have an appl. in vb2008 with a datagridview. when i import my data from excel (colum with text and numbers)it only imports the numbers or the text , not the both. example : 120 150 set25 160 "set25" is not imported example : set120 150 120 set130 "150 … | |
I'm trying to LINQ two tables based on a dynamic key. User can change key via a combo box. Key may be money, string, double, int, etc. Currently I'm getting the data just fine, but without filtering out the doubles. I can filter the double in VB, but it's slooooow. … | |
Private Sub Save_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Save.Click conn.Open() Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("Update (SELECT Employee.empno, Employee.emplname, Employee.empfname, Employee.empmidname, Employee.contactno, Admin.description FROM Admin INNER JOIN Employee ON Admin.adminNo = Employee.adminNo) Set emplname=?, empfname=?, empmidname=?, contactno=?, description=? where empno=?", conn) cmd.Parameters.Add("empno", OleDbType.Integer) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("emplname", OleDbType.Char) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("empfname", OleDbType.Char) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("empmidname", … | |
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the following Code. I am trying to launch a form on a different thread because the form takes 10+ seconds to load. The code I am using follows: [CODE] Public Class frmAdjustments Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim gVariant As Guid Dim gsUID As Guid … | |
hi everyone kindly help me with my code, my form isn't showing my newly added records in the database but when i close it and then open again it will show. I want to know how to add refresh button and it will automatically refresh itself.. Thanks in advance! | |
How to store and retrieve images from VB.NET and Sql Server 2008 | |
I'm re-posting this because I forgot to put code tags around the code. I'm trying to make a form with a thermometer painted on it. I want the thermometer to go up each second. I tried the code below and it sorta works, but not really. It does the For... … | |
Hello people, can some one explain me how i can plot distance based graphs.., like i have x,y and z vlaues in three files , i calculate distances cause x and y are latitude and longitude now i need to plot them using zed graph.., i can plot them but … | |
Here is my Prob- we have a main router from which we use a distributor or hub for internet connection distribution, ever computer connected automatically obtains IP address of format say - 180.50.50.xxx to access net connection. if any connected computer has different IP format than the given one, it … | |
How do get a dll's resources By resources i mean the stuff that you can put in like Images,files,icons ect. How to you call the resources:) | |
please give me full coding for searching data from textbox and display it in gridview. | |
hi i guess the title pretty much states the question but i will give the senario to be more clear. i have a mousemove() event which i add in my program programmatically and i need a way for raising that event (again) programmatically too. raiseEvent control_mousemove() doesn't work as it … | |
I play a game called Hyperiums... long story short, the fleets cost money depending on your planets race, production and government type. And you can have it by how long it's going to take and what the fleet AvgP is going to be or see how much the upkeep will … | |
I need to return a class which inherits List(Of ) in a webservice. The consuming application simply views it as an array of the class, not a list. In fact, the Collection class is not even available to derive an object from. Class Definition: [CODE=VB.NET] Public Class TestResultCollection Inherits List(Of … | |
I've got a vb.net 2005 form that calls a stored proc to load a combobox with eligible sales reps. There are approximately 40k sales reps available...I know that's a lot, but that's what I'm dealing with. I'm trying to figure out why it's taking this form 15 seconds to load. … | |
im going to try and explain this as easy as possible, this is something i have never done with .net before there is a login form at [url]http://www.ritani.com/salespersons/login[/url] it uses the post method to login. i have a web browser control in vb.net that I want to have automatically log … |
The End.