20,284 Topics
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Hello everyone, First of all sorry for my English. How can I rename headers in dataGridView? When I press on Find button all works just fine. I get the information wich I want. But headers of columns in dataGridView have names just like in database (PersonID, Name_Person,... ). I would … | |
Hi, I am looking for advice on the best way to achieve my current goal. I am reading a textfile and extracting information from each line. For example string1 and string2. I am then writing these string to a datatable. However, sometimes there will be repeats in string1 and string2. … | |
Hello all, I am currently working on a project that requires an update within an Access Database. There are photo folders, and the user defines the path name via a dialog box. That path name is stored to a string value, and through OleDBReader, the actual name of the photo … | |
I want to read content of pdf file when window openfiledialog appear.I use VB 2005 at winform. anybody know please help me!!!( show code | |
Are There Any youtube Control Object My Own FLV player Can't Play File From Youtube I use SHockwave Flash Object It Can't Play File From Youtube How Can i Embed Youtube ON My Form By Link or Control | |
Hello, I have just migrated from VB6 to VB.net (VB2008) and have created a small test program for Windows CE device in VB .net Now my problem is how to install this on Windows CE device !! Google has been not a great help to me ..may be i am … | |
Can i make privilages to make two modes 1. Admin Mode 2. Ristricted User Mode. Please give me some sample code. I am using vb.net with sql server 2008. | |
HI, pleae can any one help me regarding the issue: I am trying to develop system where i can add run time some user control like button, textbox, checkbox . Thanks suman | |
if I forget to enter a value in a cell in my gridview a loooong error who says thar that the indata format is wrong. anyone who know where in visual studio I can make this error a bit more understandable for others? | |
Hi all, I'm developing a graphing application that plots several lines from a protein sequencer that outputs its values in .csv format. I've read the csv into a DataGridView just fine, which is laid out like this: Cycle | A1 | A2 | A3 (all the way up to A12, … | |
Hey people, I've been coding in vb.net for a while but never had to publish anything (it didn't get covered during any of my classes) so here's my confusion: Context: My application uses an existing excel spreadsheet which it then modifies per user input, and saves the modified version to … | |
I am really having trouble getting my app depolyed! I have within it several Crystal Reports utilizing the CR viewer, but when I package everything it won't work on the machine is it installed on. I get an error that reports a problem with cyrstal! I tried unistalling and reinstalling … | |
i m new user in visual studio 2008.i want clear information to work with this topic.. | |
HELP Solve this problem in vb.net using console app.!!!! 1) Write a program that accept a number and output its equivalent in words. sample: enter a number: 100 output: One hundred 2) Write a program that accepts an ordinary number and outputs its equivalent In roman numerals. sample: ordinary numbers: … | |
ello, just wanna ask if u all familiar on how to make a code using VB. Act I already call my database from access to appear on web based app, but to make it COLOUR on a specific box can not be done. Before this, I tried to make it … | |
I got a serious problem. Though I have made my program newly it shows error. I have used 1280,1024 animation only for first form then used 1280,1024 image for every form. Today I was checking then it was showing me error message for 19th & 20th form. If I use … | |
i have form1 - Form2 and Form3 Form1 appears and i have to pick a color and click the button to go to the form2, then in form2 it shows the color and in form3 too which is the best way to do this ? My.forms.Form2.SomeCodeHere or just Form2.SomeCodeHere | |
Hello, everyone. I have a small program, and i want that program to show how much RAM the whole system is using, and i want it to show how much R.A.M my program is using, any ideas on how to do that? is it hard? | |
Good Morning Guys, I have scoured the net for help with this problem of temporarily disabling mouse clicks on a VB Net form and have not been able to find a solution that works. I'd like to prevent users form clicking on a form when i'm doing some background processing. … | |
I need a waveform for when i put a audio clip into a panel. It's for a school project,so please help! | |
im having a problem with my database this is my partial screenshot of the form: [URL="http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e355/bettybarnes/untitled.jpg"]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e355/bettybarnes/untitled.jpg[/URL] i want to have a form with the list of employee's id & names on the left side, and when i click it, it will display on the Personnel/employee tab? I don't have a … | |
Please help me to make a program regarding on connecting vb.net user login program into a sqlyog enterprise database.. Please help me.... | |
Hello. I am developing an application and i needed for find if a certain IP:Port is online or not and keep updating it. At the moment i have it pinging the IP:Port every time a timer ticks, this works fine but every time it ticks, the application window freezes for … | |
Is there any way to retireve the exact position of a HTML element, say a button? | |
Hey all, I want to add a C++ dll as an embedded resource in my project(so that i could use this applicaion and dll anywhere without being worrid about the dll file location) and subsequently, i want to access it in my vb code. This dll contains a method which … | |
sir i want coding for hotel management system | |
Hi Everyone! I have trouble in finding a way to hide or let certain amounts of items be unable to see in a listbox. Here is what I have done so far [CODE]Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged Select Case ComboBox1.Text Case "Snacks" ListBox1.Items.Insert(0, … | |
Hi all im doing a project on bed ordering system. There i'm using some text boxes to display the selected bed item's description ( like manufacturer, size of bed & price of bed). When the user input the value for the quantity text box & click on the add button; … | |
[CODE]Me.pass = Conversions.ToString(CDbl((((Conversions.ToDouble((4 & 3)) - Conversions.ToDouble(4)) + (Conversions.ToDouble(2) * Conversions.ToDouble(1))) / Conversions.ToDouble(2))))[/CODE] Please help me find the value of Me.pass I've been trying for a while but I simply cant get it :( Please help... Also, it would be nice if you could explain it, thank you... | |
OK. So I'm making a simple game that is a car that moves around the screen according to the arrow keys. i have made code to rotate the car inside the picturebox, but i don't know how to make the car move in the direction that it is facing after … |
The End.