How do I show Tab control on my form in Win XP style Look? i have set the Drawmode=OwnerDrawFixed while Xp Style Look is disappere in vs.net2005. I tried to use Application.EnableVisualStyles but that doesn't change in Tab Control.
i have used Skybound Component through that i can achive it but my requirement is not used any thried party control. so without use any thried party i need to get the XP Style Look in Tab control.

if any one know then please let me know....................


You can use manifest file to take the style from the current operating system.
I dont know which version of VB.NET you wroking with , but this way worked good with 2002,2003 and it is so easy to apply
Just rename the attached file , the first section of it "AppName" replace with your Application exe Name, then put this file in the bin folder of your application.

in the Form Design you have to change one Property for buttons :
FlatStyle , change to System and Run with XP themes

Remember that when you finishing the application , you have to include the manifest file in the setup project

Good Luck

Thanks Ammar.

I have tried out manifest file in my app. But that is not working.

By the way I’m using visual studio 2005, it provides all the controls looks like xp style so that manifest feature is inbuilt in framework 2.0. But the only one problem in “Tab Control

Well finally I have got the solution and I had created one article in codeproject.

Here is the link

I have faced one problem in this Tab control article. When I’m putting 10 to 15 controls on each tab and then navigate between them, I have noticed a considerable delay in redrawing the controls on the TAB Page

So if you have any idea then pls let me know…

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