20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for vvashishta

I need to export the HTML report to PDF. how can I do this. Please help me out. Thanks

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Jupiter247

Hi Guys, I am struggling on an assignment where I have to enter an odd number to produce a triangle of stars. e.g. If I enter 5 - then it should look something like this ***** *** * My code is as follows: [COLOR=#0000ff]Private[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Sub[/COLOR] btnEnter_Click([COLOR=#0000ff]ByVal[/COLOR] sender [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] System.Object, [COLOR=#0000ff]ByVal[/COLOR] …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Krishna88

i want to run the .exe from server machine. i am using vb.net vs2005. and i use the process to start the exe . and i get "Permission denied" message. how can i resolve it .. any one help me you know the solution.

Member Avatar for Pundia

I want to make a graphic of certain data in my program. The problem is that the zedgraph doesn't zoom out to see the dots or lines in the graphic. This is my code: [CODE] Sub llenar_graph(ByVal zgc As ZedGraphControl) Dim myPane As GraphPane = zgc.GraphPane myPane.Title.Text = "Algoritmo GenĂ©tico" …

Member Avatar for TCESeregon
Member Avatar for hignou

Hi , Could somebody give me an insight as to what the requirements which needs to be kept in mind when converting a software application running in vb.net as a desktop to a web based application. Time frame required hardware / software required hosting if required It would be a …

Member Avatar for TwijoO

Okay so my problem is that the server (accessed through filezilla) wont allow .exe extensions to be uploaded as a result i have added a .new to the end and that allows it to be uploaded. Thus when i download it i simply remove the .file from the end. That's …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for jtok

I am using Visual Studio 2010 for development. This is a web application using asp.net and vb.net with MS SQL Server 2005 for the database. I'm having some issues with inserted data being overwritten by the next transaction (if done within a relatively short amount of time, say, roughly several …

Member Avatar for jtok
Member Avatar for jtok

I am running SQL 2005 Standard Server. I am using Visual Studio 2010 for development. Let me just say that what I have below works, I would just like to have some constructive critisism. Is this the best way? Is there a better way? Are there any things I need …

Member Avatar for jtok
Member Avatar for nv136

I am having a tough time in vb.net to make the scrollbars to work of the contents of a panel.... here is my code Private Sub HScrollBar1_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) Handles HScrollBar1.Scroll Panel122.Left = HScrollBar1.Value now, i want to change .Left to .Right, but it won't …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for zulhimi89
Member Avatar for zulhimi89
Member Avatar for TrueVb.NetNoob

Hi guys! I wanna ask how to code to make a button make a sound out when pressed? Can you add sound files to it, like a mp3 file? Any suggestions? Thank You!

Member Avatar for TrueVb.NetNoob
Member Avatar for zulhimi89

hye, i have some problem regarding on how to make a specific box to be coloured. I just can find all to be coloured. N not the specific box i want..n else if u hav any link related pliz share...thx

Member Avatar for zulhimi89
Member Avatar for digitalsindhx

Dear Friends I have Developed a Successful Database Software, it include Datagrid, First, Last, Next, Previous, Add, Delete, Edit, Update, Search just Every Thing is Working Nice, But I need help from one of expert from you. my problem is that every time when i Start program its all functions …

Member Avatar for lanitooot
Member Avatar for Naveed_786

Hi all, I am trying to check a record in database before inerting a new record here is my code but problem is when i enter a names first alphabet it imediatly populate massage please help me i want to check it after entering whole name thanks in advance. [CODE]Private …

Member Avatar for Naveed_786
Member Avatar for tanvirahmad4914

Hello experts I need to use Hindi language in .net, I m added Unicode font through control panel> Regional Language > Language and Install, but in language bar there is only two Hindi key bore one is "Hindi" traditional and other is "devnagri INSCRIPT" , I tried to add other …

Member Avatar for sartana

Code above perform on a button_click event, and it's show crystal report with no error. When I click icon PRINT REPORT, dialog box appear, I just need to click button OK and printer start it's job. But I wonder, how to set PRINTER PAPER-SIZE by coding? So every time I …

Member Avatar for zulhimi89

hello there, i just want to ask regarding on how to change a colour in a box in access VB Macro. by default sure will be in white, i want to build an alert to change it into a red box..or else any related link can i study more>

Member Avatar for johmolan

I have a windowsform where I have a listbox who displays all the pdf files in a folder, I select one of them and push a button and it shows in a webbrowsercontrol I have added to my form. But I know wants to have a similar form for my …

Member Avatar for georges-louis

hi everybody, I'm looking everywhere to find out a way to access a specific column and row of a datagrid generated by a sql-query in visual basic. The datagrid looks, simplified, like this: column1 column2 data1 data2 now I would need a function, that reads data2 out in visual basic …

Member Avatar for georges-louis
Member Avatar for Naveed_786

Hi dear, I want to pass two dates from crystal report and want to get result between these two dates but it returns result only from one date here is my code any suggestion: [CODE]If TextBox1.Text = "" Or TextBox2.Text = "" Then MessageBox.Show("Please enter Date!", "ALI ENTERPRISES", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) …

Member Avatar for Naveed_786

Dear All, I am designing a crystal report in VB.NET I have designed a crystal report i want to pass parameter from a textbox but when i pass parameter or without passing parameter run the report it pulls all the records from the database please help my code is as …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for deepeshgavel86
Member Avatar for ravindra_kolhe

[CODE] Dim Files As String() = Directory.GetFiles(StrTempFolderPath) Dim Filename As String Dim File_name As String = "" Dim File_name1 As String = "" For Each Filename In Files File_name = Filename.Substring(Filename.LastIndexOf("\")) File_name1 = File_name.Remove(0, 1) objBaseClass.FileMove(Filename, strPICKDIRpath & "\" & File_name) objBaseClass.Execute_Batch_file(File_name1) Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents() Public Function Execute_Batch_file(ByVal filename As String) As …

Member Avatar for ravindra_kolhe
Member Avatar for unclepauly

hi, well i have posted this on two other forums without success, hoprfuly you guys can help me ! the scenario - i have a native c++ dll that creates and initializes a string, which is a char array. [CODE] char pRet[1024]; memset(pRet, 0, 1024); strcpy(pRet, "change me!"); [/CODE] the …

Member Avatar for Proctor

Hello: I have an unbound datagrid and I'm trying to save it's contents to my access database. here's my code thus far: [CODE] Dim dt As New DataTable() Dim dr As DataRow = Nothing For j As Integer = 0 To (Me.DataGridView1.RowCount - 1) - 1 dr = dt.NewRow() If …

Member Avatar for Tarang Raval
Member Avatar for siddhc

Hi, I made a simple Form1, with Text.Box1 (starting value=1) and Text.Box2 (starting value = 100000), as shown in the attachment : I wanted that, when the Form loads,value of Text.Box1 keeps on increasing by 2 and value of Text.Box2 keeps on decreasing by 3. I wanted to achieve this …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for trpsjt2008

Hi How To Make This Faster [CODE] Private Sub MonMove() For A = 0 To (Cnt - 1) MyControlArray(A).Location = New Point(MyControlArray(A).Left _ - 1,MyControlArray(A).Top) Next End Sub[/CODE] first i make A Hundred of PictureBox Later I use Array How To Make it Faster ,When It Appear More than 20 …

Member Avatar for trpsjt2008
Member Avatar for SethR

Someone please help me before I smash my computer. Every time I try to update a database using my data adapters update method I get the following error.....[B]Object variable or With block variable not set.[/B] I can't for the life of me figure out why this is happening. Here's the …

Member Avatar for reenez
Member Avatar for TrueVb.NetNoob

Hi Guys! Lately starting to make a project which involving calculations in it, Unfortunately I got some trouble because the calculation which is displayed out is wrong. The main idea is that I set a event where you pay 5 "Gcoins" to play the "paper scissors stone" game against the …

Member Avatar for TrueVb.NetNoob
Member Avatar for muhamin

wat is the problem here [CODE]cmd1 = New OleDbCommand("Update tblParking SET status = 'Available' Where exp_date <='" & Date.Today & "'", cn)[/CODE] i want update the field status to "Available" when exp_date is less then todays date.. wat do i need to do.

Member Avatar for crapulency

The End.