i have a very simple access DB and im tryin to update the records but the update never works. im using asp.net/vb.net and i've include the execute in a try/catch block and it always prints the sql string (the catch). here is my code, perhaps i have an error that ive missed:

SQL = "UPDATE members " & _
         "SET username = '" & txtUsername.Text.Trim() & "', " & _
         "password = '" & txtPassword1.Text.Trim() & "', " & _
         "first_name = '" & txtFirstName.Text.Trim() & "', " & _ 
         "last_name = '" & txtLastName.Text.Trim() & "', " & _
         "email = '" & txtEmail.Text.Trim() & "'" & _
         "WHERE first_name = " & Session("first_name") & _
         "AND last_name = " & Session("last_name") & ""

' Check if connection to DB is already open
If MyConn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If

Dim MyCmd As New OleDbCommand(SQL, MyConn)

' Try/Catch...in case DB error


Catch ex As Exception
    profile_error.Text = SQL 
    profile_error.Style("Color") = "red"
End Try

im also adding a user ID soon and will be changing the where to check for the unique ID.

G'd evening Dru!
The sintax seems to be fine, but we don't know the values you are sending nor their types. I would sugest to store (just for tests purposes) the sql string in a varible and then write its content in the inmediate window.
Good luck

What is the error-message?

Maybe you have to put an extra spcace before the last line (" AND last_name = " & Session("last_name") & "")

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