I have been experimenting with developing an application in FoxPro 7.0 for my personal useand to learn more about the application. I do have a book called The Fundamentals: Building Visual Studio Applications on a Visual FoxPro 6.0 Foundation (author Whil Hentzen). It is a good book, but I was wondering if there was a good website that had tutorials for beginners.

Any ideas?


how to create tables and forms?

I need to develope a visual foxpro Project for my personal use.Pls help me .How to make a complete project .Where to start and make form ,reports table,database etc.Any free tutorial available in this respect?Pls inform me about it.

Hi all,
If any tutorial for visual foxpro pls inform me at forumsourav@yahoo.com
any links to make form menu etc and how to run visual foxpro .
Pls helm me.

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