i'm new to all this.
I'm really stuck!!

I'm running XP Prof and have recently installed SQL Server 2000 Personal edition. It seems to have loaded in ok,,BUT,,it won't connect to my localhost,,i don't know what the problem is i get the 1069 error message.

Pleaaaaasssee can someone help me,,i have to get it sorted quick as i need it for my uni project,, and time is running out!!

Thanks alot


I'm not sure if this problem has been solved, but I was browsing through the forums and noticed this unanswered problem.

Did you install SQL Server with something other then the default instance?

Goto Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services, and verify that Microsoft SQL Server is running.

Need a few more details.

Is Service Manager Running in the Taskbar? Is the service running like Techmaven stated?

How are you trying to log in / connect to the server?

What is exact message of the error?

Can anyone please help me out regarding a problem..?
I need to add a new server to the existing servers in the SQL server2000..assume i need to add an SAMU server to the existintg ones.
I have added it in the enterprise server manager, but i not able to start it from the query analyser.....can anyone please guide me in this.

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