20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for thiemebr

Hi, I have a static sqlparameter default value which I need to display in a label but I can't get it to work. I tried: lblDefaultRate.Text = SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters["rate"].ToString but didn't work. Any idea what is wrong? Thanks

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for fafa70

hi. i have a piece of code that i wanna know that in how many miliseconds it would be run. Public Sub TurnLeft(ByVal speed As Single) Dim timer As Single If Not IsNothing(Me._DriveActor) Then 'command below Me._DriveActor.Turn(speed) End If End Sub i know that we have timer class but you …

Member Avatar for fafa70
Member Avatar for beforetheyknew

Hi guys, I’ve written an application and I’m trying to utilise a database behind it. I’ve created a mysql database, and table which all appears to work correctly. I appear to have connected to the db correctly too. And hit a bit of a brick wall. As a side-note, within …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for GTTravis

hi Guys, i am planning to teach myself ASP.net using vb and c# via the visual studio 2010 ide. my issue is that many books keep recommeding visual web developer as the tool to use but i want to use Visual Studio 2010 and hence can somebody point me in …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for vammy

Guys, Need your help here please.. I have a windows form where i have a requirement to convert money entered as integer into string format.. like : if amt entered was 5000,it shld be converted to five thousand rupees only.. please help..

Member Avatar for salman_hundekar
Member Avatar for salman_hundekar

how to insert special character in sql database like wise" @#$%^&&*" plz mail me ans at salman_hundekar@rediff.com

Member Avatar for salman_hundekar
Member Avatar for dre-logics

I use Visual Basic 2008 Database is Mysql Three tables: 1. table article fields: item number, item description, color number, month number 100 chair 2 3 2. table colors fields: color number, color description 1 red 2 blue 3. table months fields: month number, month description 1 January 2 February …

Member Avatar for dre-logics
Member Avatar for mancode1007

Guys, I having problem converting the sql server function to mysql function. It work perfect at sql server now it now working at mysql. Please help.Thanks DELIMITER $$ CREATE Function `pearldb`.`SortingAlphanumeric` ( ColValue NVARCHAR(255) ) RETURNS NVARCHAR(1000) BEGIN DECLARE p1 NVARCHAR(255); DECLARE p2 NVARCHAR(255); DECLARE p3 NVARCHAR(255); DECLARE p4 NVARCHAR(255); …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for codeorder

Being a vb.noob as basically most of the vb.net world, I use the `Try/Catch` statement quite a bit for when it comes to errors, as the following. With Me .Text = "a" Try .Text += 1 Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("error: " & ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical) End Try MsgBox("a") .Text = …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for collin_ola

HI, I'm having a problem with saving some text in a while using the FileOpen Method, as shown below. Dim Filename As String Dim text As String = "Testing Testing" Console.Write("Enter new file name: ") Filename = Console.ReadLine Console.WriteLine() FileOpen(1, Filename , OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Write) FilePut(1, text) FileClose(1) I'd appreciate it …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

This code demonstrates how to add controls to a form at run time. The number of rows and columns, the spacing between the controls and the size of the controls are all determined by Consts, but this could easily be changed so that the parameters are user entered. My example …

Member Avatar for mie.ilani

need help! Public Sub emailNotification(ByVal strTo As String, ByVal strFrom As String) Try If strTo Is Nothing Then MessageBox.Show("Please Check Email") Else Dim [to] As New MailAddress(strTo) Dim [from] As New MailAddress(strFrom) Dim message As New MailMessage([from], [to]) message.Subject = "Parcel Info No: (" + txtTracking.Text + ")" message.Body = …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for Iamkenny

Hello people. Ive got a problem with a listbox of mine. I have three lisboxes, one listbox1 is for product category, another lisbox2 is for the product itself in which it will appear after the user has chosen a product category AND another listbox3 which acts like a shopping cart …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for collin_ola

Hi, The code shown below sucessfully saves text onto a line in a txt document, but using the array, I want to be able to save each piece of text on a separate line. How would I do this? Thanks in advance :) Dim filePath As String Dim objectWriter As …

Member Avatar for collin_ola
Member Avatar for bazzer14

I want to know how to create our own file, such as: (.Docx). If we opened the file in notepad the characters contained in the that's file could not understand, so i would like to know by what method of making the it's file? Is the file created and use …

Member Avatar for bazzer14
Member Avatar for Iamateur

Follow this link: http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/vbnet/threads/423122/crystal-report-from-date-todate/2#post1808761 As I am not getting any reply there and if any one else can solve this problem then please do reply or tell me any other alternative. Ok The problem is : 1]Its not showing any report if I click on Button. The button is where …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for jayawant.sawant

Hi all, how to hide process in the taskmanager of windows 7 in vb.net? How to hide any process in windows 7 using vb.net. If you have any solution then please give me the links or urls related to such task. Thanks, Jayawant

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for shahbaz13

Hi there, I have made a spell checker in PHP which does spell checking by splitting the words by space, checks wheather the word is spelled correctly from a database dictionary, if not, It shows some suggestions when a user clicks on it and also highllights the wrong spelled word... …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for VB 2012

Hi people im back or well atleast for now -_- Gr 11 is Sh...t anyway. Im busy making a database for myself - im using listview not sql or other cr..p (Plain) I would like to get a guide to help me with all features of listview im new in …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Iamkenny

Hey guys I have a new problem. I am using mysql as my database. I want to get the sum of an amount between 2 dates heres my code for mysql: select sum(amount) from orderline group by orderlinedate between 'Datehere' and 'Datehere'; But my problem is how do i get …

Member Avatar for wen_cai
Member Avatar for ahmedsiddiqui86

Hi All, I would like to know how to create freight invoice.. In invoice we want a table with 3 columns first column wil include type of charges second column will include taxable charges with amount in rs third column will include non taxable charges with amount in rs Then …

Member Avatar for ahmedsiddiqui86
Member Avatar for Sevyt

Is there any way to create a button which basically clears a entire table in your database? I was hoping to have 2 buttons, 1 to empty a table 1 to fill the same table again. The idea is to store a year long values, and at the end of …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Omnibus

Suppose one has an open VB.NET form on the screen. How can one have that form printed?

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Iamateur

1] One Windows Form: datetimepickers to accept fromdate and todate respectively. Crsyatl Report Viewer Button to show the Crystal Report. 2]Crystal Report How to do the coding? I tried from my side and also some1 in this forum also helped it but still not able to do it.

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Gus_19

I have my form checked if it's dirty when a user goes to close it. If its dirty is true, the user is asked if they would like to save the data. When they click yes, the 'save event' is called. The problem I'm having is trying to get the …

Member Avatar for Gus_19
Member Avatar for flywheeljack

I am experimenting with sendmessage from a simple form to control the various buttons in iTunes. The problem is some sendmessages appear to work just fine and others don't. Now before we get into "do you have the right handles child windows etc." Heres whats weird, I can take my …

Member Avatar for flywheeljack
Member Avatar for Iamkenny

System.Data.DataRowView Hello people. Ive got a problem with a listbox of mine. I have three lisboxes, one listbox1 is for product category, another lisbox2 is for the product itself in which it will appear after the user has chosen a product category AND another listbox3 which acts like a shopping …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for smitty68503

I have an inventory system I am making for my business. I have a form that has a listbox control that lists all the orders that have been submitted. I also have a datagrid that lists the items in the order based on what is clicked in the listbox. I …

Member Avatar for smitty68503
Member Avatar for imolorhe

I am currently working on a project in VB.net that requires the advanced power settings of the client's system to be set to allow wake up timers for when the system sleeps. Please I have been looking around for the solution. I desperately need it. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Gus_19

I've run into a couple of errors within my program which reads a text file. When a user clicks a button to read the textfile and an exception is thrown, i have it displayed as a string in a message box, but an additional message box related to runtime error …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev

The End.