20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for saintrenz

I am making a login system that records time in and time out for students.. but the student can't sign in if already "Signed In" and student can't sign Out if already "signed out" that is why i have three form. **THE CONCEPT OF THE PROGRAM: When i log in …

Member Avatar for elie.karkafy
Member Avatar for ses03

i have four tables (1) tbl_module: modNo | modName _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 | module 1 2 | module 2 (2) tbl_subject subNo | subName | modNo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 | a1 | 1 2 …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw I would like you to help me here, i've googlished for this but it seems as if my problem is a bit complecated. I've created a program in java which has the '.jar' extention and then I created a program in VB.net which is an executor of the …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for saintrenz

THIS CODE IS WORKING,, BUT WHEN THE SECOND TIME LOGGING IN IT DOUBLE CHECKED LIKE 2 FORMS OPEN and 4 MESSAGE BOX APPEAR Private Sub btnSign_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSign.Click Dim connectionString As String connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Renz\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\FINAL\Database\AuditDB.mdb" sql = "Select ID, LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, LOGINSTATUS …

Member Avatar for saintrenz
Member Avatar for tirumalai

I have used treeview control in Vb 2010 and I need to upload files in the corresponding products How should I do it and what is the source code for the same.

Member Avatar for tirumalai
Member Avatar for iwanna4get

I am currently trying to make a simple file uploader using http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/w3kksch7.aspx and its pretty straight forward except I keep getting the error Access To the path 'E:\Temporary' is denied I tried running visual studio 2012 as admin I already change the directory (It was at C: earlier) Help and …

Member Avatar for iwanna4get
Member Avatar for lnkandi

can anyone assist me with the following question: write a pseudocode for a function to calculate the percentage of characters in an input string "d", "e", "c" and "t". draw a flowchart for a procedure to sort 3 inputs numbers in ascending order write a vb.net function procedure to implement …

Member Avatar for ReyJEnriquez
Member Avatar for spider2vb

filter combobox in a datgrid based on another combobox vb.net Hi ,, i have problem with combobox i have two combobox and two tables table manages (ManageID, ManageName) table Departments (DeptID, DeptName, Dept_ManageID) 1- CboEmp_Manage 2- CboEmp_Dept Public Class Class1 Public sub FillCombobox (ByVal cbo As Combobox, ByVal TableName As …

Member Avatar for ReyJEnriquez
Member Avatar for ReyJEnriquez

Hi EveryOne:-) I hope everyone is doing great... I have a question.. I have a table in a database and it contains 20 names How to loop in a database and display each name in a msgbox?? Thanks :-)

Member Avatar for ReyJEnriquez
Member Avatar for ReyJEnriquez
Member Avatar for sashyn01

do you guys have any idea on how would i know if my vb.net app is trying to retrieve data from online database?.i am hoping that someone here can give idea because i really dont how would start doing it...

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Stealthbird97

Hi Can someone tell me how I can get the content of a text file to be printed into a windows console. Each Line of the text file to be on its own console line. It would be a lot of help. I don't want to have to write a …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for xpgon

Hello. I have a problem creating appointments in Outlook with vb.net. Let see... i create the 1º and i see it in my calendar. When i creat the 2º, the 1º deseapear and the 2º appear. When i creat the 3º, the 2º deseapear and the 3º appear. Can you …

Member Avatar for Aleksandor51

Brand new to VB 2008 Express, but have done some work in VB 6. Not sure what I'm missing, but here goes. I have two comboboxes linked to an Access 2007 database. One box lists the names of the States in the US. This is what I used for the …

Member Avatar for spider2vb
Member Avatar for saintrenz

Im using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 and Microsoft Access What code/sql will I add to check whether User is an admin or a regular user? so it can load to a Admin form or Regular user form. My professor told me to use a FieldName "LoginType" in my database.. but …

Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri
Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

Hey guys! I've been working on this ping server project and I need some help rounding the numbers which appear. take a look at this picture : http://puu.sh/4Fqa5.png the label with the 00:00:00:0...:. Is there a way I can just make it show only 41? Thanks.

Member Avatar for KenSquare
Member Avatar for manutd4life

Hello everyone, am doing a small project and i need to use crystal report with MS access. i did the connection by wizard but now am having problem with the path when using it on another PC. What i need to know is how to connect Crystal report with access …

Member Avatar for Desiree_1
Member Avatar for lexaeterna

good day! i just wanna ask if there is a way of getting the path of an image from another computer in LAN and set it as image propety of a picturebox. thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for waleed.makarem

Dear experts, I am developing an application that receives sms msg from modem . It reads sms successfully, but sender phone number has wrong results. When the sender is just a numebr , it reads it sucessfully , eg 010016545526. But when the sender is ID eg "vodafone" , it …

Member Avatar for waleed.makarem
Member Avatar for tnsankaran

Hi, I am new this forum and i am one of person interest i programming language. I am trying one small application to create. But i don't have proper guidance. I request help here. Just a asset management process. There are 2 tables [U]Category[/U] -> Catid, Catname [U]SubCategory[/U] -> Catid, …

Member Avatar for spider2vb
Member Avatar for ReyJEnriquez

Hi everyone.. How to make the checkbox stays checked when double click??? When i click the checkbox it will check, and when i double click it, it will still be check... how should i do that guys???... Cheers:-)...USC CAS CHEERDANCE TEAM

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for jared.geli

Good day to all I was wondering if it is possible to show all data in a datagridview that doesn't match from 2 tables? Like Inner Join if you have at least 1 match data from the other table it will display it. What i want is to display those …

Member Avatar for jared.geli
Member Avatar for Basuraj

Dim table As DataTable = New DataTable table.Columns.Clear() Chart1.DataSource = Nothing Chart1.Series.Clear() table.Columns.Add("Color", GetType(System.String)) table.Columns.Add("Data", GetType(System.Int32)) table.Rows.Add("Green", Integer.Parse(txtgreen.Text)) table.Rows.Add("Red", Integer.Parse(txtred.Text)) table.Rows.Add("Blue", Integer.Parse(txtblue.Text)) table.Rows.Add("Yellow", Integer.Parse(txtyellow.Text)) table.Rows.Add("Brown", Integer.Parse(txtnothing.Text)) Dim IEtable = CType(table, System.ComponentModel.IListSource).GetList Chart1.DataBindTable(IEtable, "Color") Chart1.DataBindTable(IEtable, "Data")

Member Avatar for ReyJEnriquez
Member Avatar for Darkicon

I've been working at this code for probably 7 hours since last night. After hours of troubleshooting I solved most issues with my code but now I have a strange problem that I cannot figure out how to fix. One of my function is to generate a random hex string …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for DyO1

I added a ListView object, added few Columns, but the problem is there that I can't add no text to the other columns by making new Items Any help?

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for bullet_1

I am using following code. It creates a macro button on word menu in Add-Ins tab Public Sub ShowToolbar() ' Assumes toolbar not already loaded ' Application.CommandBars.Add TOOLBARNAME AddButton "Button caption", "This is a tooltip", 526, "NameOfASubInYourVBACode" ' call AddButton more times for more buttons ' With Application.CommandBars(TOOLBARNAME) .Visible = …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for DyO1

I would like to make a Export / Import buttons that will save/open files that contain listView data (ListView Items) Can someone tell me is there a way to do this?

Member Avatar for DyO1
Member Avatar for tomexlfc

Hi all, I have already written a code to search for staff records from my staff database and it's working fine, but the problem is, if someone enters a wrong a wrong staff id or just any number or alphabets, it still displays the "Found Record" message, instead of "No …

Member Avatar for waseem.akhtar.3572
Member Avatar for mahaveer somani

actually i have a very large code in excel vba. and it is really working very well. but when i m trying to use this code to vb.net then a part of this code is not working. i.e. Dim fnum As Variant Dim FileName As Variant FileName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:="Voucher", FileFilter:="Text …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde

I am opening mathtype.exe from richtextbox and type some mathtype equation editor after closing mathtype editor the data which i type must be displayed in richtextbox. I am tried this using sendkeys.send but it seems to be not working properly. Suppose mathtype equation in richtextbox you can open it by …

Member Avatar for pandey.k.vivek

The End.