First of all thank to every one for such a dedicated mind to help others......
I have a database in Access 07 name as aaaa and a single table in it table1.The table1 have S.NO(primary key),Customer_Name,Date,Balance.
Now in front end i.e VB.NET 08 i provide a starting date and ending date.The result must show Table1 all fields from particular start date to end date.Another option is by providing a particular date must show details of that date only.
1.Which connection method i can prefer to connect database ?
2.which view for result is suitable to this ?
3.And i prefer two text boxes for provide from and to date.single test box for sing date search.A button named as Search.Is it correct ?
4.what is the code to search in the database and load in result ?
please help me because around two years i have waiting for this.....Or please please it may be a silly and easy program to you worked in some minutes...send it to my id ....again Thank you for every one.