I wrote a program that does rudimentary tile mapping based on reading in information from a "map file" and drawing the map on screen. I need it to be drawn in a scrollable window so it doesnt matter how big the grid is defined in the map file. I have looked into autoscroll but i dont see how to get it to work. Here is the code for the non scrollable window:
Public Class Form1
'Defining the drawing variables, rectangles, bitmaps, etc.
'For drawing both the map grid and the backgrounds/icons
Private rect As Rectangle
Private rect2 As Rectangle
Private Draw As Graphics
Private Draw2 As Graphics
Private bitmap As Bitmap = New Bitmap(5, 5)
'bitmap variables for each icon that can be displayed
Public Structure CellID
'Declare data members
Public Loc1, Loc2, Visible, Terrain As Integer
Public Context As String
End Structure
Dim tree As Bitmap = New Bitmap(filename:="C:\dell\tree.gif")
Dim boulder As Bitmap = New Bitmap(filename:="C:\dell\boulder.gif")
Dim bush As Bitmap = New Bitmap(filename:="C:\dell\bush.gif")
Dim power As Bitmap = New Bitmap(filename:="C:\dell\power.gif")
Dim treasure As Bitmap = New Bitmap(filename:="C:\dell\treasure.gif")
Dim diamonds As Bitmap = New Bitmap(filename:="C:\dell\diamond.gif")
Dim hatchet As Bitmap = New Bitmap(filename:="C:\dell\hatchet.gif")
Dim axe As Bitmap = New Bitmap(filename:="C:\dell\axe.gif")
Dim chainsaw As Bitmap = New Bitmap(filename:="C:\dell\chainsaw.gif")
Dim chisel As Bitmap = New Bitmap(filename:="C:\dell\chisel.gif")
Dim sledge As Bitmap = New Bitmap(filename:="C:\dell\sledge.gif")
Dim jackhammer As Bitmap = New Bitmap(filename:="C:\dell\jackhammer.gif")
Dim machete As Bitmap = New Bitmap(filename:="C:\dell\machete.gif")
Dim binoculars As Bitmap = New Bitmap(filename:="C:\dell\binoculars.gif")
Dim hero As Bitmap = New Bitmap(filename:="C:\dell\hero.gif")
'Variable defined to read the file
Dim fileReader As System.IO.StreamReader
'Various variables for the data storage
Dim HeroLocation, HeroLo(), MapName, WhiffelBalance, EnergyBalance, Garbage, EnergyBal, WhiffelBal, Temp As String
Dim MapItems(100), Inventory(100), TempCellID(), numgridt As String
Dim numgrid, i As Integer
Dim Item1 As New ListViewItem
'Event Handler for the "Load Map" Button Click
Private Sub Map_Load_Button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Map_Load_Button.Click
'Setup for the List View that displays the inventory
InventoryView.View = View.Details
InventoryView.Columns.Add("Tool", 76)
'Read in the file and populate the text boxes
fileReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(Map_File_Input.Text)
MapName = fileReader.ReadLine()
Map_Name_Text_Box.Text = MapName
numgridt = fileReader.ReadLine()
If IsNumeric(numgridt) = True Then
numgrid = numgridt
MessageBox.Show("MAP ERROR: No bounds defined")
End If
If (numgrid > 35) Then
MessageBox.Show("MAP ERROR: The Map size is too large. The largest map size supported by this build is 35x35")
End If
Garbage = fileReader.ReadLine()
If System.String.Compare(Garbage, "#########################") <> 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("MAP ERROR: Deliminating Hash Mark error")
End If
HeroLocation = fileReader.ReadLine()
EnergyBal = fileReader.ReadLine()
WhiffelBal = fileReader.ReadLine()
'Parse the hero location from the text file, store in Int variables
HeroLo = HeroLocation.Split(",")
If (HeroLo(0) > numgrid) Or (HeroLo(1) > numgrid) Then
MessageBox.Show("MAP ERROR: The hero location is outside the bounds of the map")
End If
'Populate the balance of the energy and whiffle accounts
If IsNumeric(EnergyBal) = False Then
MessageBox.Show("MAP ERROR: The Energy Balance is Not Numeric!")
End If
Energy_Balance_Box.Text = EnergyBal
If IsNumeric(WhiffelBal) = False Then
MessageBox.Show("MAP ERROR: The Whiffel Balance is Not Numeric!")
End If
Whiffel_Balance_Box.Text = WhiffelBal
'Read in the next line (Inventory)
Inventory(i) = fileReader.ReadLine()
'Store the first inventory item as a temp variable (for comparison in the loop)
Temp = Inventory(i)
'Increment i
i = i + 1
'variable as a new list item
Dim mitem As New ListViewItem
'set this item to the first inventory item
mitem.Text = Temp
'Add to the list view
'Loop for reading the rest of the inventory
Do While System.String.Compare(Temp, "#########################") <> 0
Inventory(i) = fileReader.ReadLine()
Temp = Inventory(i)
If System.String.Compare(Temp, "#########################") <> 0 Then
Dim litem As New ListViewItem
litem.Text = Inventory(i)
i += 1
End If
i = 0 'reset i to 0
Temp = fileReader.ReadLine() ' Read the next line into temp
MapItems(i) = Temp ' set the first item of MapItems to the Temp
While System.String.Compare(Temp, "") > 0 'loop for reading the rest of the map items
i += 1 'increment i
MapItems(i) = fileReader.ReadLine() 'read in next line
Temp = MapItems(i) 'reset temp
End While
'Lots of conditionals for the number of items that could be in the map file
'Each conditional splits the items into 4 different strings, where they are deliminated by a comma in the map file
Dim aryCellID(i) As CellID
For x As Integer = 1 To i - 1
TempCellID = MapItems(x).Split(",")
aryCellID(x).Loc1 = TempCellID(0)
aryCellID(x).Loc2 = TempCellID(1)
aryCellID(x).Visible = TempCellID(2)
aryCellID(x).Terrain = TempCellID(3)
aryCellID(x).Context = TempCellID(4)
Next x
'Set window to maximize
Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
'For loop to draw the map!
For tilex = 1 To numgrid 'tile in the x direction the number of boxes in the grid
For tiley = 1 To numgrid + 1 'tile in the y direction the number of boxes in the grid (+1 due to nested loop)
rect = New Rectangle(tilex * 12, tiley * 12, 12, 12) 'define new rectangle
Draw = Graphics.FromHwnd(Me.Handle)
'Define a drawer
'Draw the main grid of rectangles
Draw.DrawRectangle(Pens.Ivory, rect)
'Locate the hero and draw the hero icon
If tilex = HeroLo(0) And tiley = (HeroLo(1) + 1) Then
Draw.DrawImage(image:=hero, rect:=rect)
End If
For index As Integer = 1 To i
If tilex = aryCellID(index).Loc1 And tiley = aryCellID(index).Loc2 + 1 And aryCellID(index).Visible = 1 Then
If System.String.Compare(aryCellID(index).Context, "None") = 0 Then
If aryCellID(index).Terrain = 0 Then
Draw.FillRectangle(Brushes.YellowGreen, rect)
End If
If aryCellID(index).Terrain = 1 Then
Draw.FillRectangle(Brushes.ForestGreen, rect)
End If
If aryCellID(index).Terrain = 2 Then
Draw.FillRectangle(Brushes.Blue, rect)
End If
If aryCellID(index).Terrain = 3 Then
Draw.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, rect)
End If
End If
If System.String.Compare(aryCellID(index).Context, "Tree") = 0 Then
Draw.DrawImage(image:=tree, rect:=rect)
ElseIf System.String.Compare(aryCellID(index).Context, "Boulder") = 0 Then
Draw.DrawImage(image:=boulder, rect:=rect)
ElseIf System.String.Compare(aryCellID(index).Context, "Blackberry Bushes") = 0 Then
Draw.DrawImage(image:=bush, rect:=rect)
ElseIf System.String.Compare(aryCellID(index).Context, "Power Bar") = 0 Then
Draw.DrawImage(image:=power, rect:=rect)
ElseIf System.String.Compare(aryCellID(index).Context, "Treasure Chest") = 0 Then
Draw.DrawImage(image:=treasure, rect:=rect)
ElseIf System.String.Compare(aryCellID(index).Context, "Royal Diamonds") = 0 Then
Draw.DrawImage(image:=diamonds, rect:=rect)
ElseIf System.String.Compare(aryCellID(index).Context, "Hatchet") = 0 Then
Draw.DrawImage(image:=hatchet, rect:=rect)
ElseIf System.String.Compare(aryCellID(index).Context, "Axe") = 0 Then
Draw.DrawImage(image:=axe, rect:=rect)
ElseIf System.String.Compare(aryCellID(index).Context, "Chainsaw") = 0 Then
Draw.DrawImage(image:=chainsaw, rect:=rect)
ElseIf System.String.Compare(aryCellID(index).Context, "Chisel") = 0 Then
Draw.DrawImage(image:=chisel, rect:=rect)
ElseIf System.String.Compare(aryCellID(index).Context, "Sledge") = 0 Then
Draw.DrawImage(image:=sledge, rect:=rect)
ElseIf System.String.Compare(aryCellID(index).Context, "Jackhammer") = 0 Then
Draw.DrawImage(image:=jackhammer, rect:=rect)
ElseIf System.String.Compare(aryCellID(index).Context, "Machete") = 0 Then
Draw.DrawImage(image:=machete, rect:=rect)
ElseIf System.String.Compare(aryCellID(index).Context, "Binoculars") = 0 Then
Draw.DrawImage(image:=binoculars, rect:=rect)
ElseIf System.String.Compare(aryCellID(index).Context, "None") = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("MAP ERROR: At least one of your cell items is undefined and will not be shown")
End If
End If
Next index
End Sub
Private Sub Browse_Button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Browse_Button.Click
Using OpenFile As New OpenFileDialog
OpenFile.Filter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt"
OpenFile.Title = "Select File"
If OpenFile.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Map_File_Input.Text = OpenFile.FileName
End If
End Using
End Sub
End Class
And here is a sample map file:
Sample Frupal Game Map
Pretty Rock
4,4,0,2,Blackberry Bushes