20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for cellus205

Im looking for an image viewer that supports most types of image formats, including PDFs, and has the ability to rotate/zoom, and draw on an image. I've been looking but to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way of going about modifying a control so that …

Member Avatar for mikepeal
Member Avatar for Deegirl

can someone help me to find out why my label display is listing the result of the textboxes instead of adding up the values of the text boxes? here are my codes: Dim strstudentName As String = (" ") Dim dblAssignment1 As Double Dim dblAssignment2 As Double Dim dblAssignment3 As …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for DyO1

How can I make a Save/Open buttons that will save and open ListView items AND THEIR DETAILS? (tried anything and it won't save anything else but the name)

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw I'm creating an application that will copy a file from one directory file to System32 file but I get an access denial error and I've decided to use vb.net to call cmd.exe and send keys to it that will instruct it to copy the file but the same …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for DM Galaxy

I am in wonder. I just make a slideshow form and add the context menu strip as when the user click on download image then current image get copy and paste on the desktop. I use path and destination method in this but they say bitmap cannot be converted into …

Member Avatar for DM Galaxy
Member Avatar for Peter Gibbins

I am writing an experimental project in VB.net to modify the colour data in a picture. I've finished the simple version using BMP file and now want to add JPEGs From what I read the JPEG compression uses the Discrete Cosine function which (if I understand the process) effectively compares …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for ReyJEnriquez

Hi Guys:-) I hope everyone is doing great:-) I Have a Question.. How to Display Selected Data in a DataGridView using it's own events?? This is my Code.. Public Class From1 Private Sub frmTest_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load ChildNameTableAdapter.Fill(TestDataSet.ChildName) End Sub Private Sub DisplayButton_Click(ByVal sender …

Member Avatar for ravikash123
Member Avatar for jared.geli

hi I'm having problems in my crystal report where all the selected rows in my datagrid will show up in my crystal report but instead it showing me an exception selectcommand.connection has not been initialized here's my code in my form where the datagrid is: Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = …

Member Avatar for jared.geli
Member Avatar for babyluxe03

hi! am making a sticky note program. where in i have 2 buttons for "add" and delete" and 15 richtextboxes not visible. So for eveytime i click the "add" button , there will be a one richtextbox to appear for a new note. can someone help me how to code …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for yorro

I have connected VB.net and mySQL on a the same PC before, but I have no Idea how to connect VB.net to a remote PC(LAN) I've only changed the server This is my code. I removed some of the details, but it works on server=localhost [CODE] conn = New MySqlConnection() …

Member Avatar for nathanl.dulguime
Member Avatar for anandatheerthan

Experts, Please forgive me if this is a dumb question. 1)I am developing an application that needs data to be displayed in a grid format. 2)I need the ability to edit multiple records inline 3) I need the ability to use custom validations on rows being edited. 4)I am not …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for saintrenz

Please Help: I am making an internet Cafe system that will login his/her account If user still have time left on his account(database) then login success and countsdown hours and minutes to zero if user logsout it will update the database "timeleft" of the current user If 5 minutes remaining …

Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri
Member Avatar for ReyJEnriquez

Hi Guys!.. Is the Datatable in vb.net can be indexed like a usual array?... Array[0]....Array[1]....Array[2]...etc But for DataTable?? How can we do that??...in such a way we can access a certain row.... Thanks guys:-)

Member Avatar for ReyJEnriquez
Member Avatar for Dili1234

I want to retrive data from table to combobox I used this coding though I didn't get an error the outpiut(data) is not displaing in the combobox Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click MessageBox.Show("Please Insert the Sample note no", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) Try myConnection …

Member Avatar for sharls
Member Avatar for saintrenz

Can't Update my User Table "Hours" "Minutes" "Seconds" from the current value of the timer where it has stopped I used button to stop the time Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class frmMain Public hh As Integer Public mm As Integer Public ss As Integer Public totalsec As Integer Public timercount As …

Member Avatar for gowans07
Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

## Hey Guys ## , I've recently stopped doing some of the projects which I wanted to do and took a look at SQL and came across Microsoft SQL and i was pretty pleased with wha tit can do so i downloaded the program and watched some basic MSSQL tutorials …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for saintrenz

I am making a cyber cafe system where user have to login their own account and i want to use a field "REMAININGTIME" which determines how much time left they have in their own account database. and it will display in the form as lbl. form will be look like: …

Member Avatar for KenSquare
Member Avatar for sirlordbanas

I'm a final year student and I am now creating my project with the topic transaction management system of non banking institution, case study of noble dream micro finance. my proposal has be accepted but I don't know how to start the whole project from. so please I need your …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for tieties

can someone maybe explain to me how the reply to property works, i want to give it an email address like this "message.replyto("ReplyAdd")", but it doesnt seemd to work. and the replytolist in the code also dont work i get this error when i put in breakpoint on it "count …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for elie.karkafy

i am using the odbc data sources ( created from the control panel --> administrative tools --> odbc data sources ) to connect the crystal report to my access database . all things good and the data sources works like a charm , till i discover that generating the report …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for jared.geli

I want to know how can I trigger an event or at least display it in a Datagrid from database. Here's the scenario: DateFile Plate Driver EmpID OdometerBefore OdometerAfter 9/25/2013 ABC123 Jared 00369 4000 8000 9/27/2013 DEF456 John 00246 3000 8000 10/9/2013 ABC123 Jared 00369 8000 14000 10/9/2013 DEF456 John …

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Member Avatar for elie.karkafy

Remarque the hand punch is connected to the network throug a converter from serial to network , so i need to connect the port and the ip at the same time , any help ?

Member Avatar for elie.karkafy
Member Avatar for ReyJEnriquez

Hi Guys, I hope everyone is doing great:-) I have a question... How To check if datatable is empty or no data is inside a datatable yet? Can you provide me with just code snippet?.. Thanks:)

Member Avatar for ReyJEnriquez
Member Avatar for ariannas

Code the keypress event of the textboxes. Allow numbers, the backspace key, and the decimal point. Only write the code once and use Handles. Answer Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(sender As Object, e As KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress End Sub

Member Avatar for ariannas
Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

Hey Guys! So i've been thinking about how to make this program which involves a person Logging on and gettings certain information and statistics throught the website. A good example and also something i've been wanting to do is use this page: http://puu.sh/4IEkQ.jpg to get the information below. How can …

Member Avatar for Ahmed.C
Member Avatar for joester007

>I am trying to write a proram that will search for character or letter and count how many times that character appears. The user will enter a phrase in a text box then press the search button, then an Inputbox will appear asking the user to enter a character. then …

Member Avatar for joester007
Member Avatar for ariannas

Code the keypress event of the textboxes. Allow numbers, the backspace key, and the decimal point. Only write the code once and use Handles Answer Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(sender As Object, e As KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress End Sub

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Abhishek_12

I am trying to add a List(Of T) to a Listview in Windows form application.But not able to do it. I have made a form and took the value of textboxes in a list and trying to bind the list to ListView

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for riudo

good day.. i have a slight problem in my enrolment sytem. im new in vb programming, and this problem perfectly work in stressing out and pressuring me as begginer. i have a listbox that contains all filtered data from my database. and i want it (all entry in the filtered …

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Member Avatar for ibpet11

Good Day All, I like to seek assistance for reading a file that has header and trailer information. I want the application to ignore the header lines (say the first 6 lines of the file) and also ignore the trailer which is always the last 2 lines of the file. …

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The End.