Hi all,

I have the following procedure that connects to my database.

Sub getDateModified()

        Dim fileCreatedDate As DateTime = File.GetCreationTime(strFilePath + "\CPI1.csv")
        Dim stmt As String

        SQLConn.ConnectionString = ConnString
        stmt = "select Table_Numbers From tblRelease_Dates Where (Release_Date Between '" + fileCreatedDate + "' And GETDATE())"
        SQLCmd.Connection = SQLConn
        SQLCmd.CommandText = stmt
        SQLdr2 = SQLCmd.ExecuteReader

        If SQLdr2.HasRows Then
            While SQLdr2.Read()
                dtRd = SQLdr2.GetSqlInt32(0)
            End While
        End If
        SQLConn.ConnectionString = ConnString
        stmt = ""
        stmt = "select DATEPART('m',Reference_Period) from tblRelease_Dates where (Release_Date between '" + fileCreatedDate + "' and GETDATE())"
        SQLCmd.CommandText = stmt
        SQLdr2 = SQLCmd.ExecuteReader
        If SQLdr2.HasRows Then
            While SQLdr2.Read()
                eDt = SQLdr2.GetSqlDateTime(0)
            End While
        End If
    End Sub

This works up until second instance of:

SQLdr2 = SQLCmd.ExecuteReader

Once it hits this line I get the error: "Invalid parameter 1 specified for datepart" which leads me back to this line:

stmt = "select DATEPART('m',Reference_Period) from tblRelease_Dates where (Release_Date between '" + fileCreatedDate + "' and GETDATE())"

What I am trying to attempt is getting the month number from the date variable called Reference_Period, which is of the type [DT_DBDATE]. I've tried passing this datepart into an integer type and a string type and both ways give me problems so my problem must be the actual DATEPART function.

I really need the month number for the rest of my code to work, can anyone show me the right way?

Hey Stuggie, how are you enjoying this crappy fall weather?

Try replacing 'm' with just the word, month as in

select DATEPART(month,release_date) from etc

Hi RJ, right now the weather at 360 is good. It's when I have to step out for a break that I don't like it ;). I actually wish it would just snow already as cold and rain is a horrible combination. How is it for you with cottage living?

I will replace the m with month and let you know how it goes as soon as I am out of a meeting that starts in a few minutes.

Thanks for your help!

Yep, that did the trick. If I could "one-up" you again I would.

Been home from the cottage since the end of August. Remember that snowstorm a week ago? We were raking leaves in the middle of it. Should have waited (like I wanted to) for the nicer weather that eventually came back.

commented: Another Up-Vote for your help. Thanks! +2

I did my fall cleanup a few days after that snowstorm. This year I refused to rake, I mulched 26 bags worth of leaves and left it all on my grass as well as my flower garden. It took me a while to mulch it all but it was less work and less demanding on some aching parts of my body!

You don't go to your cottage all year round?

The cottage is a seven hour drive so we go out mid May and usually return mid September. Came back a little early this year for family reasons.

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