Hello, I've been trying to find a place that explains how a pre-built 3D array is populated, but it seems like there is only help on how to declare it out there. Can anyone explain it? I know what data i want to put into the array, I just don't know how to add it.
This is what I have came up with so far:
Dim Array(,,) As String
ReDim Array(4, 32, 2) '(x,y,z)- x = weekdays(M,T,W), y = times(8:00,9:15,etc)), z = names(Jim)
For x = 0 To 4
For y = 0 To 32
For z = 0 To 2
Array(x, y, z) = {"M","10:00",Jim}
Next z
Next y
Next x
Also, do I have to populate each one first separately or would it be easier to do them all at once?