Hello all! I'm hoping that you might be able to provide a little help. I've been working on this project for my class, and so far I've been doing okay, but I've reached a point where I'm completely stuck. I have to print a sorted array, and I'm just not connecting the dots. I'm not expecting the complete answer, just a nudge in the right direction. As such, any and all help is appreciated.
The program has three buttons: Sort, Print, and Exit.
I've coded the Sort button's click event to change the original two-dimentional array into a one-dimentioal array and sort the contents in the one-dimential array. From what I can tell by stepping through the program, those steps are done without a problem. I'm having trouble getting the sorted contents of the array to write to my .txt file that I created using a streamwriter object.
Here's the code for the Sort button.
Private Sub uiSortButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles uiSortButton.Click
sortedReportStreamWriter = IO.File.AppendText("sortedreport.txt")
sorted(0) = unsorted(0, 0)
sorted(1) = unsorted(1, 0)
sorted(2) = unsorted(2, 0)
sorted(3) = unsorted(3, 0)
sorted(4) = unsorted(4, 0)
sorted(5) = unsorted(0, 1)
sorted(6) = unsorted(1, 1)
sorted(7) = unsorted(2, 1)
sorted(8) = unsorted(3, 1)
sorted(9) = unsorted(4, 1)
Dim name As String
For Each name In sorted
Next name