First of I am not engllish speaker so if something its off forgive me please.
Now on the topic, I have not touch VB in 4 or years and now changing from VB6 to VB 2005
Now I used to work with dataset on VB6 but the teacher is really.... patetic to said at best, and its making us use something like this.
conexion = "provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source= C:\Download\Anime.mdb"
Dim con As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(conexion)
Dim adaptador As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader
consulta = "select Nombre, Tipo, Discos, Completa from CD where Nombre like '" + TextBox2.Text + "' "
Dim comando As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand(consulta, con)
adaptador = comando.ExecuteReader
While adaptador.Read
TextBox15.Text = (adaptador.Item(0))
TextBox14.Text = (adaptador.Item(1))
TextBox13.Text = (adaptador.Item(2))
RadioButton2.Checked = (adaptador.Item(3))
End While
So far I have been able to read of database but I want to introduce things (currently working on this), delete and edit. Sadly for the moment I am short on time to finish this and other projects so a bit forced to ask for help.
Bedsides this I have 3 questions.
1.- is there a way to avoid typing all that each time I want to acces the database (example each button), and if so how.
2.- is there a better way to manipulate the database.
3.- oh yeah, in 1 I am taking a "type" of cd from another database, but instead of vb using the text to search for it, its using the value.
example db1. "type" "id" db2 "type" "name"... etc
In vb its taking the name from a combo box, but the datase its asking me from the id.
I know its to much bother even if its little the help or a link to somewhere it would help me a ton.