20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for msrd

I'm trying to figure out how to pass a parameter to a report in VB... [URL="http://screencast.com/t/MjBhYjYxOTM"]http://screencast.com/t/MjBhYjYxOTM[/URL] I've looked at the microsoft library on the report viewer class, but it's only slightly better than a boat anchor... does anyone have any other useful tips on how to figure this out?

Member Avatar for Kingcoder210

I have visited [url]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/k3bb4tfd(v=VS.71).aspx[/url]. I have learned many things. But it didnt make clear about those files what I have used there in my program. I know I can add additional files. Does it mean that I have to add those files there in additional file dialog box what I …

Member Avatar for srice

I'm trying to populate my textboxs with data from my database when the user name is selected but I'm having trouble getting the code right. Help Please! table users (there is a textbox for each of these fields) password lastname firstname Using upcmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM users WHERE …

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Member Avatar for senior_oracle

I Have a PDF Folder containing pdf files with the names ( sp_1.pdf , sp_2.pdf etc.....) In my word files , I have the text : " and it was created under the rule sp_1 in order to acheive the level we are working for that is sp_2 " so …

Member Avatar for SpOOKy.Is.GoD
Member Avatar for arjen

hello guys..i have a question..Is it possible to make the time running in datagirdview? and also if it is possible to make the update of two form combine in 1 form for example you have a customer form that you save, update in database and another like for employee that …

Member Avatar for SpOOKy.Is.GoD
Member Avatar for jamesgreaves

In the past I have been able to simply read the physical pinouts on the: Games Port (DB15) (using PEEKS and POKES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parallel Port (DB25) (also using PEEK and POKES(888)) . . . . . …

Member Avatar for setherith
Member Avatar for nore

in my problems, i want to use event keyboard press 'Enter' on textbox, i'm very confuse because in event property from textbox there was Enter, but after I double click and read statement in that, after i test my program, there was nothing , please help thanks before :)

Member Avatar for nore
Member Avatar for lucaazori

Hi, i would like to share you my problem in order to get solution `cause i gonna be crazy :( Actualy when i do click to insert button in my form i get this error: [ATTACH]17077[/ATTACH] the strange is when i close this window and i do click again the …

Member Avatar for lucaazori
Member Avatar for cege

I'm using Mastering Visual Basic 2010 <book and it tells me... In a button's Click event handler, declare two variables as follows: Dim a As Single, b As Double Then enter the following statements: a = 1 / 3 Debug.WriteLine(a) Run the application, and you should get the following result …

Member Avatar for ÜnLoCo
Member Avatar for msrd

Hi all, I'm fairly new to VB. I'm working on a Windows forms app that will average a set of numbers, the only catch is that there are 10 textboxes(4 in the example for times sake), and not all of the textboxes could be filled with a number... I know …

Member Avatar for msrd
Member Avatar for hosseinel

[code] hi, i have been having an endless problem with the save button for some time and i am also new in here. Actually, here's how my problem defines: i was developing my own project in the university so what i am stack is to have save button which firstly …

Member Avatar for the_carpenter
Member Avatar for socheata

Dear Mr or Ms: Nowadays, I have started to learn a programming and my subject that I have chosen is VB.NET. but I am very afraid whether I can learn it well or not. thus, I want to ask all of you that, How can I learn it well and …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for arjen
Member Avatar for msrd
Member Avatar for zulhimi89

If there any solution on how to choose specific column..what is the code?? i'm using VB.Net [CODE] If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then Dim CellValue As Decimal = Convert.ToDecimal(e.Row.Cells(4).Text) If CellValue < 5.0 Then e.Row.Cells(4).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Orange End If End If [/CODE]

Member Avatar for zulhimi89
Member Avatar for Derkus

So, this might be simple but I seem to be missing it. I am trying to figure out how to use variables to define which object to update. I could of course use a case statement to pick the object based on a variable, but it seems to me like …

Member Avatar for trpsjt2008
Member Avatar for eyad212

i use a Button on tool strip menu any one can help me to write a code(function) so when i click it i get what i want i dont want to use the mouse

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Member Avatar for kalyan2642

hello geeks, this is my first post, and my question is... i have some text files from which my app reads and process data, these text files are in hundreds and i am now providing them in a folder, but these should not be accessed by others, how i can …

Member Avatar for the_carpenter
Member Avatar for bettybarnes

i have a problem with saving data to access database this is my code [CODE] Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click If inc <> -1 Then Dim cb As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(da) Dim dsNewRow As DataRow dsNewRow = ds.Tables("Personnel").NewRow() dsNewRow.Item("PerID") = txtPersonnelID.Text dsNewRow.Item("FirstName") = txtFirstName.Text …

Member Avatar for the_carpenter
Member Avatar for jackparsana

I want to know about the tool strip Control. Can i Use Tool strip button in all the Win form. Like, I put the delete button in all the window form, but I want to put only one button in the tool strip and remove buttons in all the window …

Member Avatar for jackparsana
Member Avatar for zulhimi89

anyone can help me to separate a database horizontally instead of potrait. as example... BEFORE: Quarter 1=20 Quarter 2=10 Quarter 3=15 Quarter 4=35 AFTER: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 20 10 15 35

Member Avatar for jamesvick

i want to implement this feature : if i have a following sentence : {my name is james vick and iam a {member|user|visitor} on this {forum|website|site} and iam loving it | iam admin and iam a {supervisor|admin|moderator} on this {forum|website|site} and iam loving it} on a click of button i …

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Member Avatar for choover12

i need help, i am making a web browser in vb 10 and i have a built in media player and i want to make a play list. i got it to work with a listbox but not anything else. For the menustrip [CODE] Private Sub PlaylistToolStripMenuItem_DropDownItemClicked(ByVal sender As System.Object, …

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Member Avatar for mimosa9618

I am new to vb . Now i wan to create a standalone program to send datagrid data via email . izit any way to send the datagrid to email body ? below is my code. [CODE]Public Class Form1 Dim oLapp As Object Dim oItem As Object Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for madlan

Hi, I'm trying to create multiple instances of a child form. This form has an event that feeds a string variable back to the parent so I'm declaring it with WithEvents which is declared outside of the Sub - meaning multiple clicks will not open multiple forms. Any idea on …

Member Avatar for madlan
Member Avatar for M.rahul

HI all, I'm Fresher. I need information regarding [U]Axmscomm control [/U]in vb.net.Please guide me how to use this tool? What are the Libraries i should use? please provide me some source.I strucked with control. I searched a lot for this.I'm doing windows application using vb.net. hoping for the best Thank …

Member Avatar for the_carpenter
Member Avatar for zela

I have this richtextbox and displayed various text from .xml database. I need to format the text. For example when ever my vb code find string like 'the' in an .xml line it should display in italic as well as in blue color and so on for some other specific …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for opok

I want to develop a software that can manage DVD's in a library. meaning it stores all DVD's in a database. and it checks for available and non available DVD's .the same application be able to keep track of when a particular DVD should be returned i really want a …

Member Avatar for the_carpenter
Member Avatar for ninjaimp

HI I am trying to write data to an access table from vb.net. The code all seems to run fine but no data is being sent to the db though! the code i have got is [code] Dim itemcount As Integer Dim MyCn As OleDbConnection Dim sql As String 'Dim …

Member Avatar for happy@usa
Member Avatar for dhtguru

I am very new to vb.net. I need to be able to see when a certain popup window appears in another application. The time time it takes to appear varies so I need to know when it appears and in some cases when it has closed.

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for CallumP93

Hi All, I am creating a MySQL Module for usage in all my applications, one of my functions writes all data from the MySQL Database to an array, although to make this as versatile as possible I want one of the paramaters to be used to choose which array the …

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The End.