Hi friends....

how to connect MS.Acess database into vb.net......

is any ODBC setting needed?

Hi friends....

how to connect MS.Acess database into vb.net......

is any ODBC setting needed?

You can connect through oleDB (no ODBC required):

Dim SelectText as String = "Select * from myTable"
Dim SqlConn As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\asp_examples1\test.mdb
Dim myDA As oledb.oledbDataAdapter= New oledb.oledbDataAdapter(SelectText, SqlConn)


yes, of course you'll have to make an odbc connection and in your vb.net project you have to download the odbc reference.

To open a database in vb.net:

sconbase = "PROVIDER=MSDASQL;dsn=bdraacp;"
db = New ADODB.Connection
db.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient

the string in dsn it is the odbc connection

be attention to possible errors, please use exceptions to avoid mistakes in the application.


yes, of course you'll have to make an odbc connection and in your vb.net project you have to download the odbc reference.


Guimas provides the method IF you want to use ODBC. The original question was whether or ODBC is required. See my post two above this one - the code I provided is the sum total of what's required to connect without creating an ODBC connection.



Hi NedFrankly...

Thanks. it will work. thank u very much

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