Hi friends.....

anybody heip me. how to convert vb.net project into exe file.

In menu area select Build and then select Build programname.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

By default the exe file should be in..

my documents>visual studio>yourproject name > bin >debug

I have the same problem. But when I did the building of project and save it in a thumbdrive, and pluck the thumdrive in a new pc and install the program, it can work. But as soon as I remove the thumbdrive, the program doesnt work. There's actually error in the directory I saved my project. Like, I save it in this computer removable drive F:/. But when I insert it in another computer, the removalble drive becomes E:/. And so the error lies in there.

In vb.net,its not possible to create .exe files& if u want to view the compiled file-just check it out in vs-projects..
In vb.net,once the code is compiled and launched on the server-then the code of project can't b viewed...

just Run your project and if you wanna take the Exe just go to the folder that you saved the project and go to Bin and Debug.. and you'll see the EXE

Member Avatar for delacombo

just Run your project and if you wanna take the Exe just go to the folder that you saved the project and go to Bin and Debug.. and you'll see the EXE

Visual Studio does not have the ability to create an EXE. There is also no exe in the debug folder.

how to get the values from ms sql to vb .net combo box

Member Avatar for delacombo

Visual Studio does not have the ability to create an EXE. There is also no exe in the debug folder.

In response to the negative vote I got-- I was asking a question more than stating a fact. Sorry, should have added "from the searching I'm doing in my VS2008....".

Hi.I am doing the converting vb into exe file.I did all that was explained.When I put the thumbdrive into other pc,the interfce came out and when I clicked the button to show to the excel file,it says that the file cant be found because in my computer i saved it in C:/ and the other computer opened it as E:/ . Whats wrong?

Hi.I am doing the converting vb into exe file.I did all that was explained.When I put the thumbdrive into other pc,the interfce came out and when I clicked the button to show to the excel file,it says that the file cant be found because in my computer i saved it in C:/ and the other computer opened it as E:/ . Whats wrong?

Just copy over the whole project folder and then the exe will work. Its no more effort than copying over just the exe file so no problem

Hi.I am doing the converting vb into exe file.I did all that was explained.When I put the thumbdrive into other pc,the interfce came out and when I clicked the button to show to the excel file,it says that the file cant be found because in my computer i saved it in C:/ and the other computer opened it as E:/ . Whats wrong?

U will have to import the file as a resource and access it using Resources.. Then use the Publish Project option under Build to create the executable version of your project in Visual Studio..

Hi...I have done my vb.net project which connect to an access database. The .exe file that I build can work well in my computer but it's cant work on others computer that do not install vb. Is it the vb.net exe file only can run when vb is install?

Hi...I have done my vb.net project which connect to an access database. The .exe file that I build can work well in my computer but it's cant work on others computer that do not install vb. Is it the vb.net exe file only can run when vb is install?

If the problem is connection error to database you need to learn ODBC or some other database connectivity standards.. If the exe cant run coz of missing .NET files then use Publish Project option under Build.. this will create an executable in a location you specify, that will install missing framework files while installing your software..

There is no doubt that Visual Studio can create EXE files for VB.
And if you perform a Release build, there is no need to go through the Publish Project wizard.

The Release-compiled EXE is located in the bin/Release folder.
bin/Debug contains a debug compiled version used for... debugging.

And as far as the Access database connectivity is concerned, just create a folder within the project containing the Access database file and include the folder in the project. Use this path when setting up the connectionstring: ".\<databasefolder>\<databasefile>"

When you compile your project, that folder will be copied to the bin/Release folder during the build.
After all is said and done, just copy the contents of the bin/Relase folder to wherever you want, even a memory stick, and it will still work.

i think you're trying to create a setup file. if am right, then follow these steps;
1.open the project
2.select the file menu, new project, select other project types and just beneath it select setup and deployment
3. follow the instructions as you proceed

these steps will help create a setup file so it can be installed on any system using whatever version of windows.

if you are trying to make it as an application for other pc, try download the innoSetup. tell me if this program really work, coz i havent have the time to try it yet>.<

I've had very much success using Advanced Installer.
It's very easy to use.
You simply import the compiled files from the VS project, and fill out a few textfields, and then hit the Build button.

Visual Studio can not create an .EXE , just go to the folder that you saved the project and go to Bin and Debug.. and you'll see the EXE.

Because you are a new user I strongly suggest you read the member rules. There are two problems with your post.

  1. You state incorrectly that Visual Studio can not create an .EXE. Not only can it, but you also contradict yourself in the next statement.
  2. You revived a long dead thread. Unless you have something new to add, leave the old threads alone. In this case, the thread is over two years old.
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