I installed Ubuntu Linux this morning and got java jdk 1.5.0_09 installed, along with Eclipse, and then I imported a project I've been working on into the Eclipse workbench.
All configuration is fine, as far as I can say.

My problem: The program I am working on uses the Enum. I've basically built the entire program around the use of Enum, and it's a huge program -- I can't change change it to work with simple constants. My problem is that enum is not working for me. Maybe this is a bug in _09, since in _06 it works wonderfully. In any case, I'm wondering why I may be encountering this problem, and how do I fix it. Thanks.

Here is a screen-shot of my problem:
The error says: Syntax error on token "enum", interface expected
And the second one says: Syntax error on token ",", delete this token
And then everywhere in the program I make reference to the enum: {ClassName} cannot be resolved

The enum class follows the simple format:

public enum ClassName {

Check your compiler compliance settings. Most likely your project is configured for 1.4 language compliance.

Check your compiler compliance settings. Most likely your project is configured for 1.4 language compliance.

Ahh! Thank you very much!
I reliased today when I found the "This project is not JDK 1.5 compliant" error that my workspace wasn't configured for 1.5, so I checked workspace settings and, sure enough, the compiler compliance level was set to 1.4. You were exactly right! Thanks again.


No problem. Just remember that Eclipse doesn't even make use of the JDK you've installed (except to run itself). It has its own built-in compiler (which is decent but not quite identical in what it does to the official one from Sun).

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