20,284 Topics
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it's me again i had a code that searches a record based on user option.And i had the idea of creating a single function that accepts a query statement and execute and return it to the caller but i can't come up with anything(not make the code bulky).i have 3 … | |
Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form3 Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim rdr As OleDbDataReader Dim strmsg As String Dim db As New mydb1 Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter Dim dset As New DataSet Private Sub Form3_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load db.dbconnection() strmsg = "select Class … | |
It is possible send an e-mail from a remote .exe/.aspx through Outlook Web Access? | |
Hi guys,i just wanted to know how to export a record when ever a user clicks from a listview and export it to excel by adding a worksheet whenever the record is more than 3,basically excel offers 3wrk sheets. can u help?Thank You!!! | |
Group, I'm trying to write the commands to update a row within a SQL table. I've written the following: USE DATADESIGNSOLUTIONS SET IDENTITY_INSERT LocationID ON INSERT INTO LOCATIONS_SETUP(LocationID, LocationNumber, LocationName, LocationAddress1, LocationAddress2, LocationAddress3, LocationCity, LocationState, LocationZipCode, LocationZipCodeExt, PhoneNumber, FaxNumber, BillToAnswer, BillToLocation) VALUES(10, 1, 'Traditions in Tile / Buford RDC', '4325 … | |
Hey everyone, I hate posting in forums asking people for help, and then searching for hours and wanting to throw my computer out the window because I can never seem to find the resources I need for programming. I feel that in vb 6 everything was well documented and now … | |
I have been working on a project that requires arrival date, departure date, number of nights, price per night and total price. I have everything working somewhat but can not seem to figure out how to get the last three items to display in the text boxes instead of a … | |
Group, I'm working to use a second for to do task that will be populate texts boxes in the first form. However I'm getting an error that says, "An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Object reference not set to an instance of an … | |
Sir, In My --MS-Access Data Base, under one Person (Details) have more rows (When Repeat) I code to Create Tab Pages equal to Repeat Time like this, While QReaderQ.Read() RecCount = RecCount + 1 ' Count How many Rows End While 'Add Tab Pages Equal of Records, TabControl1.TabPages.Clear() For xXx … | |
*Hi guys...I am currently working on a really basic scripting langauge that gets the first 4 letters of a textbox's content (in a Windows Form project) and compares it to a in-program list of keywords and then uses the remaining characters to form an argument to the keywords... I was … | |
I need to create dataset in my module.If i retrieve the database (Huge amount of data are there),It takes too much time to load..Is it possible to resolve this issue.. | |
Hello group! I've seen one short discussion of ensuring that the controls within a form will shrink, grown and stay in their proportional position as the user changes the form size. Unfortunately it covered parent/child forms, etc. It didn't make a lot of sense to me. Ultimately I do want … | |
Forgive the begginer logic, but I can't afford a new degree until I get a raise. Goal: To create a dynamic text search based on a bulleted style procedure. Objective: Use a string reader to read a richtextbox line by line checking for the start and end of bullet points … | |
In my module totally 8 forms are there .In one form to open the designer it shows a error like "There is no editor available for ....../Form6.vb, make sure the application for the file type (.vb) is installed."If i open Code in the same form It will open.I don't know … | |
Btw. this is not a sudoku solver. To gain a deeper insight into the workings of the DataGridView beast (but I begin to love and appreciate it) I decided to make myself a sudoku layout with it. Start a forms app. Make the form a bit bigger and fill in … | |
how to generate a large prime numbers in vb using fermat algorithm. | |
Hi Daniwebians, Is it possible to make my existing exe file an extensible application without touching the code of the existing one?and if it is possible, How can i do that?. Please enlighten my mind. Thank You and Cheers. :-) | |
After deleted the image inside the imageList , do the imagelist auto arrange the image following by the number ? | |
hello friend, can someone help me, i want to learn how to connect my app database from another computer using code, i already try to change connection string = "Data Source=-SERVERNAME-\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=SmartHome;Integrated Security=True" but its still same, someone please help me, im using win8, microsoft sql server 2008, Visual studio … | |
I have a form with a calendar and a textbox with 2 buttons. The calendar is the vb 2010 tool and the textbox overlaps it so that when a day is selected on the calendar you can make an appointment for that day. i have a save button and a … | |
| I have trouble accesing images that are located IN the application (in solution explorer) What I want to do is theme options in one of my programs If TreeView1.SelectedNode.Name = "wood" Then main.background*.BackgroundImage= End If *PictureBox |
Hi All, Forgive me if this doesn't come accross clearly. I have a specific data set to get from a website. Most of the data sets that I get from this site have publication dates that I have been able to successfully use for our SSIS ETL processes. However, one … | |
I'm using VB.NET 2010 to create a system. I have here a databound datagridview. I want to add/delete/edit/update the row in my datagridview and also the database which is MS Access at the same time. How can I do it? Here is my code for Deleting Private Sub btnDelRow_Click(ByVal sender … | |
how to stop repeating the same image showing out in the image list Private Sub frmStart1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Call Timer.Start() Dim rd As New Random Dim c As Integer Dim lop As Integer = 0 c = rd.Next(0, 4) Dim pb1 As Image = ImageList1.Images(c) … | |
hi im newbie for using sql in vb.net and we have a project to create a registration form where the datas will be saved on sql. for e.g how the textbox1.text will save, edit, delete, or update its value or text to sql? also how to get the datas from … | |
Hi, Im trying to load animated GIF's from a folder to my listview, I'm able to load it but not moving One more problem is, a lot of GIF are inside that folder,but the display in listview show the same image how can i fix it, is there better way … | |
Ok here is the deal,i thought ImageAnimator can be controlled so im trying to do so by using the form Key Down Event,a timer,and an integer.So it fails with a An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException' occurred in System.Drawing.dll Additional information: A generic error occurred in GDI+. When i move … | |
Hello my fellow Daniwebers. I am to ask for some ideas for a challenge. I want a good challenge for my skills, and even help expand my skills Please post your challenge below. Thanks, Begginnerdev | |
I am using this function to convert the contents of my richtextbox to html: Public Function myRTF_To_HTML(ByVal sRTF As String) As String Dim MyWord As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application Dim oDoNotSaveChanges As Object = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdSaveOptions.wdDoNotSaveChanges Dim sReturnString As String = "" Dim sConvertedString As String = "" Try MyWord = CreateObject("Word.application") MyWord.Visible = … | |
I am trying to add an excel file(.xlsx) as a database to my vb.net 2010 project. But it does not recognize excel as a database type, it can only connect with access or sql. Any idea how excel can be connected to the project? Or should I just use file … |
The End.