suribabuk 0 Newbie Poster

i have one combobox and it is containing some items when ever i changed that item the output is generated according that it means i store databases in my combobox the default item is "select" like this
I have so many forms when ever i changed my cbdatabaselist that database is coming this code is in master page
sqlConn = New SqlConnection(strConn)
Dim sqlds1 As New DataSet
Dim sqlda1 As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
Dim sqlds1 As New DataSet

        sqlQry = "EXEC sp_databases"
        sqlda1 = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlQry, sqlConn)
        sqlda1.Fill(sqlds1, "DataBaseList")
        Session.Add("dscb", " ")
        Session.Add("dscb", sqlds1.Tables("DataBaseList"))

        Dim IntPCount As Integer

        IntPCount = sqlds1.Tables("DataBaseList").Rows.Count

        Dim PCol As String

        cbDataBaseList.Text = "Select"

        For p = 0 To IntPCount - 1
            PCol = sqlds1.Tables("DataBaseList").Rows(p).Item("DATABASE_NAME").ToString
            If PCol.Length > 5 Then
                If PCol <> "master" Or PCol <> "msdb" Or PCol <> "tempdb" Then
                    Dim strDataBaseName As String = PCol
                    strDataBaseName = strDataBaseName.Remove(4)
                    '*** Add only "Customer's" which got the prefix "CLT_ " ***
                    If strDataBaseName = "CLT_" Then
                        Dim NewPCol As String = PCol.Replace("CLT_", "")

                    End If
                End If
            End If
    Catch ex As Exception
        strex = ex.Message