20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for Affable zaki

Need Help guys. I am beginer in vb.net. i am using vs 2008 with sqlserver 2005. my head will burt very soon :( i have completed a desktop application for a local shopkeeper but he says this is in english and i want it in URDU :@ ,,,, i WANT …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for lecet98
Member Avatar for Elmo_loves_you

Hey Everyone Is it possible to disable the dates that appear before todays date in a dateTimePicker control? I want to put in some validation so that my users can only select days in the future...ie a future appointment date Any ideas ? Thanks

Member Avatar for B2.Aashu
Member Avatar for gamaliel
Member Avatar for UKnod

I am using system.net.mail for my email application and it works fine, untill I try to send multiple BCC address's. I can't work out why it is failing I get a long message from my try trap which basically says the server response was repeat limit reached. However I don't …

Member Avatar for UKnod
Member Avatar for 404notfound

Work has informed me that I need to run reports a certain way. I need to pull data out of the system database, and compile a report. I have a database with 3 tables. Personel (contains employee data), Q1 (1st quarter data) and Q2 (second quarter data). I'm trying to …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for jarduz

Hi everyone, how can I send data from one application to another. Something like a chat. I have 2 applications opened and then I want to send some data, for example label1.text, to the other opened application and then for example show it with a MSGBOX. Do I nees a …

Member Avatar for schroaus
Member Avatar for jarduz

hi everyone, how can I read the html code from a certain web page opened with some browser. For example I have firefox with 2 opened tabs and then I want to read both html code until I can find some tags inside those opened web pages. thanks.

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for taekiewzz

I want to filter my datagrid view in my winform with a date range. I have 2 label with StartingDate(lblStart) and EndingDate(lblEnd) which is called from the datepicker on another form. Filter = "(DATE >= '" + Convert.ToDateTime(lblStart.Text).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "' and DATE <= '" + Convert.ToDateTime(lblEnd.Text).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "')"; And this …

Member Avatar for FenrirMX
Member Avatar for gbhs

Hi folks Im a newbie. I have a combobox cboTeachersName that is bound to deptTeachers table. At runtime, it contains teachers of given subject (Course). I then select a teacher and save in a field in another table called Summaries. PROBLEM IS When I load the form and load the …

Member Avatar for jelly04
Member Avatar for akash0689

Hi I want to compare files of two folders according to date time and size of files.. These folders contain same no. of files with same name, but may have different size and date time. I want to put odd files in two list box for each folder showing there …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Aarowaim

I have two questions here. First of all, how do I enable selection of multiple listbox items and select them via code? Secondly, how do I prevent the user from selecting multiple lines? Now, for some background and my thoughts. I'm working on a project for computer science in which …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for IsaacMessi10

Sample 1: Private Sub Get_URL() Dim AddressText As String = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString ComboBox1.Text = AddressText End Sub Sample 2: Private Sub Get_URL() Dim AddressText As String = CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser)Url.ToString ComboBox1.Text = AddressText End Sub Neither of them successfully displayed a URL in my ComboBox. Any Help? Thanks.

Member Avatar for IsaacMessi10
Member Avatar for vishalonne

I have a access database from where I am populating the datagridview on button click event. but what I exactly I want to add record of access database in datagridview when button is clicked. Means on 1st click 1 record should be add in datagridview, on 2nd click another record …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for UKnod

I have an email programme that works sometimes, but mostly comes up with a general Mapi failure. I am at a loss as to the reason, but it may be a good idea to not use the mapi controls anymore if it is going to cause errors. I have looked …

Member Avatar for UKnod
Member Avatar for kipslem

Hellow, I'm an intermediate VB.Net programmer and I need assistant to get a project done. I have a request as follows. 1. Confirm that source files exist (the text files) Obtain value of field, Location in File_Locations table where code = 'TEST'. If the source files don't exists in this …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for sushants
Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for amvx86

I need some help with this one. i have a few code samples I have found on the internet, however, when I attempt to use them I get errors, and nothing really works. What I'm trying to do is get the text of a message box, and the contents of …

Member Avatar for amvx86
Member Avatar for saleem.mukhtiar

Dear Friends i made a applicatoin where i need a variable value which will enter by after 1st installation... Infact it is a uploading to ftp application with a single click. but the file name is not constant for all all locatins. So i want i will enter it in …

Member Avatar for saleem.mukhtiar
Member Avatar for VIPER5646

Hi all I have a Mdi Child Fom being oppened from the parent the form opens but the Load event will not fire UP. Doesn't the load event suppose to fire up every time the form is opened? Here isthe code usedto open the form from the Parent and also …

Member Avatar for VIPER5646
Member Avatar for kingsonprisonic

This module is for validating textboxes.... After using this module in your project you can simply validate all of your text boxes like [CODE] Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load AssignValidation(Me.TextBox1, ValidationType.Only_Digits) AssignValidation(Me.TextBox2, ValidationType.Only_Characters) AssignValidation(Me.TextBox3, ValidationType.No_Blank) AssignValidation(Me.TextBox4, ValidationType.Only_Email) End Sub [/CODE]

Member Avatar for Iamateur
Member Avatar for khwo

Hi, Anyone of you know hot to get item when user click on item in the listview. I want the data in listview display in the text box, can anyone give me some advice on this? The following code is my coding at Form_Load():- Private Sub Form3_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, …

Member Avatar for maley
Member Avatar for swathys

Hi, Can someone guide me on how to call the public property from web services. i got error *Server was unable to process request. ---> Object reference not set to an instance of an object.* Below is WS public property Public Property LoginID() As String Get Return Me.loginIDField End Get …

Member Avatar for swathys
Member Avatar for Aven.Seven

Greeting, Can somebody help me with this code i don't know what is the problem here Dim str As String = "SELECT DISTINCT FirstName,LastName FROM SessionMembers ORDER by FirstName, LastName asc" Dim cmdStr As New SqlCommand(str, con) Dim dtreader As SqlDataReader = cmdStr.ExecuteReader() While dtreader.Read stringCols.AddRange(New String() {dtreader(0).ToString}) stringCols2.AddRange(New String() …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for schroaus

I am currently creating a game. Everything in this game works great. To reset the highscores you click on a button and an input box pops up asking for your admin number. If the number is entered correctly the text files containing the highscores are deleted and blank ones replace …

Member Avatar for schroaus
Member Avatar for Aven.Seven

Greetings guys can you help me with this one, i want to validate if the username is already taken or not yet but i don't have a clue on how to do it. i tried this code dtCustomer.Rows.Count > 0 but it didn't work @_@.. please guys i really need …

Member Avatar for Aven.Seven
Member Avatar for aisha.edris1

hi everyone i want learn vp.net i don't have any idea i want website learn me from the beginning like w3school thank u for helping me

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for daley.vinod.5

Hai All, I have made a desktop application in Visual studio 2010( vb.net) with sql server 2008 as backend.I have made the setup of the project ,with sql database to be created using installer class and its all working well and fine. but i want to make my application in …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for jemartalaban_1

hello, can u help cuz some of sample codes of digital persona sdk is not working when im using digital persona 4000 in win7, do i need to change on its codes ? and how it will be saved to sql database?

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for LEAN.HEART.YOU

Can someone give codes for printing and others related to it. Like print preview etc... Thanks! :D

Member Avatar for LEAN.HEART.YOU

The End.