20,284 Topics
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after i define con.ConnectionString = dbprovider & dbsource con.open() leads to error The '.NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB Data Source = C:\Users\.... \Database1.mdb' provider is not registered on the local machine. i have access and .net framework installed | |
i have below code for my custom textbox to allow numeric chatecters for entering amount. Protected Overrides Sub OnKeyPress(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) MyBase.OnKeyPress(e) If Asc(e.KeyChar) >= 48 And Asc(e.KeyChar) <= 57 Or _ Asc(e.KeyChar) = 46 Or _ Asc(e.KeyChar) = 13 Or _ Asc(e.KeyChar) = 8 Then If Asc(e.KeyChar) = … | |
Friends, How Can i Validate to a User, That He Could Type Only Numeric Value in datagridviewtextboxcolumn, Please Suggest Me....... | |
Is there any way to change all of the text inside a label to another character? It would still be the same length, but all of the text within the label would be the new character. | |
I am in this position again with warning that I cant get rid of, Here is the code: Public Function POPErrors(ByVal strMsg As String) MsgBox("POP3 ERROR - " & vbNewLine & strMsg, MsgBoxStyle.Critical) End Function Here is the warning: Function 'POPErrors' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A … | |
hello guys, anyone can know about viewing Pictures into DataGridView from database(Access) in my database its only a path. Thanks | |
I need a voice of experience. I am working on a project for school. My project is a small B&M store. I am coding in VB .net I have an Access database with 3 tables - Inventory, SoldInventory and Sales. I need to create a simple POS. I would like … | |
I have created the Colour Dialog as much as I can and have been told that might be helpful but everytime I try to use it in my program I have, which is a basic version of MS Paint, it crashes. Private Sub butCColor_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e … | |
hi we have an office chat messenger in our office, it is executable, and ofcourse cannot modify the codes already. i dont know exactly how this messenger save history, looking from its root folder, i cant see something related from its conversation or message history. I just need to save … | |
Friends, I am Using Datagridviewcombobox and datagridviewlinkcolumn in a single datagridview, now i want to assign the value to datagridviewlink column by selecting datagridviewcombobox, How it May be Possible, Please Suggest.... | |
Hello everyone I'm using VB.Net and I have a database contains two tables "Personne" and "PersonneCopy" ( Same schema as Personne [4 columns = N°, FirstName, LastName, B_Day]) I load the first table in a Datagridview all it's fine with that, here's the code: Dim Connection As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data … | |
Hi there, I have created a vb.net application. Every time i open any of the reports for the first time on only some of the computers then it says Logon Failed. Please try again. When i then open the report again it opens fine! The report however opens first time … | |
I'm trying to place a texture in a 3d object, using Visual Basic and WPF, but I'm not being able to do it. If instead of an image I render a blue square, by replacing the line mymodel3dgroup.Children.Add(New GeometryModel3D(mymesh, df)) for mymodel3dgroup.Children.Add(New GeometryModel3D(mymesh, New DiffuseMaterial(Brushes.Blue))) then I get a blue … | |
Seems like this should be simple. I am binding comboboxes successfully to my Access DB. It looks like this: Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(asql, con) Dim ds As New DataSet da.Fill(ds) cboEmployeeNumber.ValueMember = "ID" cboEmployeeNumber.DataSource = ds.Tables(0) cboEmployeeNumber.SelectedIndex = 0 Works great. Then I try to bind a text box … | |
This may sound like a crazy request. However, anyone from the vb 6.0 days will know what I'm talking about. Remember how the editor had the +/- signs that you can hide the code but it would be as follows: public sub this () End sub and clicking the + … | |
Could someone help me with this? ins.CommandText = " INSERT INTO CoupleTbl (acntId, kasal, spouseName) " & "SELECT (acntId, " & dtpMarriage.Value & " , '" & txtSpouseName.Text & "') FROM AccountsTbl INNER JOIN " & "CoupleTbl ON AccountsTbl.acntId = CoupleTbl.acntId);" ins.CommandType = CommandType.Text ins.Connection = con ins.ExecuteNonQuery() MsgBox("Record Inserted") … | |
I am trying to make an application for deploying to all our workstations at work. I am using VB.NET to create a Windows application. What I need to have done is for the app to open up and display the IP address, MAC address and computer name in text boxes. … | |
Hello Group! I've looked around to see if there is specific code in VB.net to do this, but I haven't seen any. I'm using ListView/Detail and want to ensure that it is sorted ascending by one specific column. That column is called "hdrLineNo". I know that I can choose "Sorting … | |
Recently, I programmed a game in visual basic for my brothers birthday. I was planning on sending it to him through our schools email (other email sites are blocked) and when I tried to send the application my email was stopped with a mesages saying that I am not aloud … | |
Okay so, what I need to achieve is a button that allows the user to click two different locations in a picturebox and can create a straight line, just like in Microsoft Paint. This is for my Major project due on the 17th June 2013 for Software and am unable … | |
Im using Visual Studio Express 2010 My code TextBox1.Text=Int((Random)1-7) .............. What I basically want is it to give a random number from 1-7. I know im somehow close | |
Hello everyone. How can I get information from Active Directory by Printer name ? I have a list of IP addresses, i use 'System.Net.information.Dns' to get the printer name, there are 35 printers in all. I will use this Link to get propreties name , but i don't know how … | |
<p> I have a problem where I deleted a blank code page where it had nothing on it and after I deleted it an error came up when I wanted to debug my project and then it told me that there was build errors. Would be nice to have a … | |
I am having a little difficulty witht he syntax of a lookup using access DB here is the code: "SELECT * FROM tblContacts WHERE ContactID IN (353,1520,2031); Order by ContactID" It works find without the order and I have tried without the ; or with the ; at the end, … | |
Hey peps I've just used this code to block a website Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 Dim path As String Dim sw As StreamWriter Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load path = "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" sw = New StreamWriter(path, True) Dim Block As String = "\n … | |
Hi guys. I'm stuck. How can I use a custom color (rgb 25, 25, 25)(for example) as my fill rectangle color instead of the default blue? 'Private Sub ListBox10_DrawItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs) Handles ListBox10.DrawItem ' e.DrawBackground() ' If (e.State And DrawItemState.Selected) = DrawItemState.Selected Then ' e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Color.??, … | |
I'm puzzled. Somebody built a program that hooks into the API of a chat program called "Paltalk". With the program, you are able to control the room and do things like send text, restrict users from talking on the mic, etc. However, the program (from now on called 'bot') will … | |
Hello, Could someone please assist here? I have a program that reads a text file and copys the contents separated by a $ sign and writes the details to another new text file excluding the $ Sign. What I need assistance is to do a count and get the total … | |
I'm pretty stumped. I need to read a textfile using Streamreader in VB but not reall every single line I have to look for the line that has a specific character in a specific position to indicate that this is a start point, then read that line and the remaining … | |
for my combobox i want to prevent user from typing **further text** if the typed text **do not match part** of combobox items i.e from starting Autocomplete mode set to SuggestAppend Autocompletesource set ot Listitems Private Sub ComboBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.KeyPress Dim i As … |
The End.