20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Group, I'm not sure if this is a SQL Server issue or a Visual Basic issue. However during the runtime, I'm getting the following error message: String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated. I'm not sure why or where this is being caught. Searching this …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for binoy.mathew

Hi, Not sure if I should post it here or in DB section. I am extending an application. This application generates a PDF file and stores it in a SQL Server Database table in a column of image datatype. My requirement is to read the data from this column and …

Member Avatar for edmondhhd
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

Is there any way to make the size of the tab control expand in both hight and width when the entire window is resized? For example, if I initially set the top of the tab control to be about 1 inch below the top of the window and fill the …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for santosh.pandey.1293575

hello every one again well this time i am total confuse for this i have a table tblpay which is having 5 colums payID payTransID payyear paymonth totalpay now i want to show the record based on two columns i.e.: payyear = 2012 and payyear = march,april,may,june,july,august,sepetember,october,november,december and also wher …

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Member Avatar for santosh.pandey.1293575

hello all, kindly help me for this i have one form with datagridview in vb.net and 5 textbox for filing GDV i am using code: Dim a As String = txttable.Text DataAdapter1 = New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * From " & txttable.Text & " where [pay_year] = '" & cmbSyear.Text & "' …

Member Avatar for santosh.pandey.1293575
Member Avatar for yorro

Does anyone have any idea how to set the DateTimePicker's UpDown buttons to add/minus 30mins only instead of 1min?

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie

I'm having a nightmare here! I'm calling 2 different forms, one like a loading screen and the other is the working form. The trick here is placing the 'SplashScreen1.Close()' at the end of Form2 and it will automatically close the loading screen when Fom2 finish. But I could never get …

Member Avatar for kplcjl
Member Avatar for eriger777

Hopefully this explains it better. I need to get the information from the "Value" attribute. This is how the XML structure looks like. <Item class="StringValue" referent="RBX4"> <roblox xmlns:xmime="http://www.w3.org/2005/05/xmlmime" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://www.roblox.com/roblox.xsd" version="4"> <External>null</External> <External>nil</External> <Item class="StringValue" referent="RBX0"> <Properties> <string name="Name">.obj(Part001)</string> <string name="Value">...</string> I need to get the information between "Value"> and …

Member Avatar for eriger777
Member Avatar for amvx86

Hello everyone, Maybe someone out there can help me. I have this code that I am using and for the life of me it keeps throwing an error: If Len(ComboBox1.Text) < 1 Then MsgBox("You need to specify a target for this to operate properly.", vbExclamation, "Error") Exit Sub End If …

Member Avatar for amvx86
Member Avatar for Sadhikary

i want to access (Add, Delete, Update) data through lan (local area network)using vb.net looking for the connection string to access the same. Saurav

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

to open a MDIChild from my main MDIparent form I would use Dim ChildForm As New FrmComponent ChildForm.MdiParent = Me m_ChildFormNumber += 1 ChildForm.Text = "Add & Edit Components" ChildForm.Show() But I want to open another from from FrmComponent which used the same MDIParent. at the moment I am using …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for dmp24

so im trying to get a gridview to work! im doing it mannualy `Inline Code Example Here` abre_ligacao() Dim sqlqtz As String = "SELECT * FROM cobranca ORDER BY cobranca" 'MsgBox(sqlatendimento) Dim dsqtz As DataSet = GetData(sqlqtz) If (dsqtz.Tables.Count > 0) Then GridView1.DataSource = dsqtz GridView1.DataBind() Else MsgBox("Não há dados …

Member Avatar for |-|x
Member Avatar for eakaglo

I'd be glad if someone could help with how to write a code for autocomplete TextBox in asp.vb.net. I'm able to do that in VB.Net Windows application, but unable to do same in the Web Application. The following is what I've tried under Page_load: Try cmd = New SqlCommand("Select SubjectName …

Member Avatar for arun1123
Member Avatar for satti

Dear fellows , its a nightmare for me to set the resolutions of vb.net forms autmoaticly adjustable. I would like to know what are the suggested size of the form and what are the parameters to set to make the form screen resolution adjustable. One thing to inform you that …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for gleen.r

sql 2008 to vs 2010 add edit dele update save report serch filter codes help namn po..kelngan ko po sa project ko..tagal q na naghahanap sa net putol puyol nahahnap q..hard code mas ok..thanks

Member Avatar for gleen.r
Member Avatar for satti

The problem is i want to show a default value on form load in comobo box txt5, user dont need to click on it. am using goto focus and lost focus to grab data from data base . I need your suggestion that how to populate a combo txt5 on …

Member Avatar for satti
Member Avatar for danny.entico

need help to calculate for the duration between two dates, im using two datetimepicker and, i want to it to calculate the year month and date, can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for GeekPlease
Member Avatar for xrjf

Saw this thread today: http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/csharp/threads/448676/derivative-integrals You may download the (free) source code from here http://xrjunque.nom.es/precis/swdownload.aspx Need to say it's all vb.net, but you can easily have a .dll (all the 'machinery' is inside a folder: just complile as a .Net's .dll). Then, to derivate say 'cos(x)': dim strToDerivate as string …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Leodumbi

Ho Gents Is there any one who could help me on getting this sorted out? I want to save a unique indetification record considering this criteria: FULLDATE/PROCESS#. I.E: 03[COLOR="Red"]05[/COLOR]2012/1 03[COLOR="red"]05[/COLOR]2012/2 03[COLOR="red"]05[/COLOR]2012/3 ... 03[COLOR="Green"]06[/COLOR]2012/1 03[COLOR="green"]06[/COLOR]2012/1 For each date, I want it to start from one allover again. I have currently have …

Member Avatar for luvprogram
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

I have the code below in VS 2012. It dynamically allocates a DataGridView and an Update button, then it binds the grid to MS Access database table. That all works well. When I click the Update button btnUpdate_Click() is called, which calls the DataAdapter's Update() method. That produces the syntax …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for eos.paks

Good Day, I would like to ask some Help regarding on my Textfield that will not be allowed SPACES WITH NO CHARACTER, SPACES CHARACTER only be allowed is Characted Spaces Characted. Your Response is Highly Appreciated. Thank You.

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Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi DW There is a project that I'm currently doing and now I just thought of saving some data online so now my question is that how can I write code to fisrt of all create a file with a name of a user then inside the file write and …

Member Avatar for Dervish1
Member Avatar for ses03

how can I store this in a variable named ptotal? ptotal = Double.Parse(Me.txtt1.Text) + Double.Parse(Me.txtt2.Text) + Double.Parse(Me.txtt3.Text) + _ Double.Parse(Me.txtt4.Text) + Double.Parse(Me.txtt5.Text) + Double.Parse(Me.txtt6.Text) + _ Double.Parse(Me.txtt7.Text) + Double.Parse(Me.txtt8.Text) + Double.Parse(Me.txtt9.Text) + _ Double.Parse(Me.txtt10.Text) + Double.Parse(Me.txtt11.Text) + Double.Parse(Me.txtt12.Text) + _ Double.Parse(Me.txtt13.Text) + Double.Parse(Me.txtt14.Text) + Double.Parse(Me.txtt15.Text) + _ Double.Parse(Me.txtt16.Text) + Double.Parse(Me.txtt17.Text) …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for sundog1

Hi Guys... looking for a quick answer on excel Formula.. Anyone know why my text "Please Chase" is not showing up? =IF(ISNUMBER(F2),$F2>TODAY(),"Please Chase")

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for mrkm1188

I want to copy a folder structure from one directory to another and keep the folder permissions within the structure. Is there code to use robocopy for this?

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Jake.20

Greetings everyone, Can someone help me please on this error, you can also point to me where the converstion of the data type happen. If Not ListView1.Items.Count = 0 Then Do Until iLoop = ListView1.Items.Count lvitem = ListView1.Items.Item(iLoop) With lvitem query3.Connection.Open() query3.CommandText = String.Format("INSERT INTO workout_title_tbl VALUES((Select customer_Id From registered_cust_tbl),@workout_Title,@customer_Workout,@workoutType,@workoutInstruct,@date_Created,@time_Created)") …

Member Avatar for Jake.20
Member Avatar for carlbutler7

this is code i use to call in a record using a textbox and a button Dim SearchProduct As String = txtBC.Text Dim con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Data Source = '" & Application.StartupPath & "\POS.mdb'") ' Use wildcard' Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = New …

Member Avatar for GeekPlease
Member Avatar for sanjukashyap
Member Avatar for Shaikerss

I am trying to think of a way to do validation for only positive integers. And this coding should work for around 4 to 5 columns . Can someone help me think of a way to do this and what event handlers do i use?

Member Avatar for GeekPlease
Member Avatar for Damon88

I am looking for a code snippet which opens a image, creates a clone of this bitmap in memory disposes this opened image so that all handles are closed. Usually we can open a bitmap using this [CODE] Dim MyBit as new bitmap("C:\Image file.bmp") dim ClonedBit as bitmap = MyBit.clone …

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The End.