I am trying to save database after inserting the records into dataset from external file.... But when I insert records and then try to save it, it does not save...No error comes up though.??? Can you please look into the code and help??
If file_path = Nothing Then
Msgbox.Show ("Database file path is not provided!")
End If
Using reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(file_path)
ficontent = reader.ReadToEnd
End Using
Dim lines As String() = ficontents.Split(":")
Dim recs As New DataTable()
Dim key As String = lines(0).Substring(0, lines(0).ToString.IndexOf("]") + 1)
lines(0) = lines(0).Remove(0, lines(0).ToString.IndexOf("]") + 1)
Dim m As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To lines.Count - 1 Step 8 '// Add books - 1st part
Dim s As String = lines(i).Trim()
Dim bool As Boolean = s.ToString.StartsWith("#")
If bool = True Then
m = i
Exit For
End If
Dim newbkRow As BooksDataSet.BooksRow
newbkRow = BooksDataSet1.Books.NewBooksRow
newbkRow.ID = lines(i).ToString
newbkRow.Name = lines(i + 1).ToString
newbkRow._Other_Name_s_ = lines(i + 2)
newbkRow.Author = lines(i + 3)
newbkRow.Publication_Details = lines(i + 4)
newbkRow.ISBN_Number = lines(i + 5)
newbkRow._Subjects_Tags = lines(i + 6)
newbkRow.Genre = lines(i + 7)
'// Save Database
Catch ex As Exception
End Try