My original query for data from the database was:
Dim SQL_RecentWorkOrders As String =
"Select * from workorder WHERE date>#"
+ dtToday.AddYears(-YearsToGoBack).ToString
+ "# ORDER BY worknum DESC"
The updated query is as follows:
Dim SQL_RecentWorkOrders As String =
"SELECT * FROM workorder
INNER JOIN customer ON workorder.custid = customer.custid
+ dtToday.AddYears(-YearsToGoBack).ToString
+ "# ORDER BY worknum DESC"
The rest of the code is as as follows:
daAccess = New OleDbDataAdapter(SQL_RecentWorkOrders, cnAccess)
daAccess.Fill(dsAccess, "WorkOrders")
'Bind Work Orders
'WorkOrderNumberCbo.DataBindings.Add("Text", dsAccess.Tables(0), "worknum")
WorkOrderNumberCbo.DataSource = dsAccess.Tables("WorkOrders").DefaultView
WorkOrderNumberCbo.DisplayMember = "workorder.worknum"
WorkOrderNumberCbo.ValueMember = "workorder.worknum"
CustIDTxt.DataBindings.Add("Text", dsAccess.Tables(0), "workorder.custid")
LastNameTxt.DataBindings.Add("Text", dsAccess.Tables(0), "workorder.operlast")
FirstNameTxt.DataBindings.Add("Text", dsAccess.Tables(0), "workorder.operfirst")
DescriptionTxt.DataBindings.Add("Text", dsAccess.Tables(0), "workorder.description")
AcresTxt.DataBindings.Add("Text", dsAccess.Tables(0), "workorder.acres")
GridSizeSelection.DataBindings.Add("Text", dsAccess.Tables(0), "workorder.grid")
cmWorkOrder = CType(Me.BindingContext(dsAccess.Tables(0)), CurrencyManager)
...I added the table identifier, "workorder." in the data member string after receiving the following error: "Cannot bind to the property or column custid on the DataSource.
Parameter name: dataMember".
If I do the following in the immediate window, I get the results shown
I'm not interested in updating the data. Other than setting up aliases for each field, how can i reference the tablename.fieldname in the DataMember string parameter for DataBindings.Add? Is there an escape character?