Need your help here please..
I have a windows form where i have a requirement to convert money entered as integer into string format..
like : if amt entered was 5000,it shld be converted to five thousand rupees only..
please help..

write below code in ur button click event
textbox2 is the field where u will enter number


Then write the below function

 Public Shared Function ConvertNum(ByVal Input As Long) As String 'Call this function passing the number you desire to be changed
        Dim output As String = Nothing
        If Input < 1000 Then
            output = FindNumber(Input) 'if its less than 1000 then just look it up
            Dim nparts() As String 'used to break the number up into 3 digit parts
            Dim n As String = Input 'string version of the number
            Dim i As Long = Input.ToString.Length 'length of the string to help break it up

            Do Until i - 3 <= 0
                n = n.Insert(i - 3, ",") 'insert commas to use as splitters
                i = i - 3 'this insures that we get the correct number of parts
            nparts = n.Split(",") 'split the string into the array

            i = Input.ToString.Length 'return i to initial value for reuse
            Dim p As Integer = 0 'p for parts, used for finding correct suffix
            For Each s As String In nparts
                Dim x As Long = CLng(s) 'x is used to compare the part value to other values
                p = p + 1
                If p = nparts.Length Then 'if p = number of elements in the array then we need to do something different
                    If x <> 0 Then
                        If CLng(s) < 100 Then
                            output = output & " And " & FindNumber(CLng(s)) ' look up the number, no suffix 
                        Else                                                ' required as this is the last part
                            output = output & " " & FindNumber(CLng(s))
                        End If
                    End If
                Else 'if its not the last element in the array
                    If x <> 0 Then
                        If output = Nothing Then 'we have to check this so we don't add a leading space
                            output = output & FindNumber(CLng(s)) & " " & FindSuffix(i, CLng(s)) 'look up the number and suffix
                        Else 'spaces must go in the right place
                            output = output & " " & FindNumber(CLng(s)) & " " & FindSuffix(i, CLng(s)) 'look up the snumber and suffix
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                i = i - 3 'reduce the suffix counter by 3 to step down to the next suffix
        End If
        Return output
    End Function

    Private Shared Function FindNumber(ByVal Number As Long) As String
        Dim Words As String = Nothing
        Dim Digits() As String = {"Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", _
      "Eight", "Nine", "Ten"}
        Dim Teens() As String = {"", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", _
       "Eighteen", "Nineteen"}

        If Number < 11 Then
            Words = Digits(Number)

        ElseIf Number < 20 Then
            Words = Teens(Number - 10)

        ElseIf Number = 20 Then
            Words = "Twenty"

        ElseIf Number < 30 Then
            Words = "Twenty " & Digits(Number - 20)

        ElseIf Number = 30 Then
            Words = "Thirty"

        ElseIf Number < 40 Then
            Words = "Thirty " & Digits(Number - 30)

        ElseIf Number = 40 Then
            Words = "Fourty"

        ElseIf Number < 50 Then
            Words = "Fourty " & Digits(Number - 40)

        ElseIf Number = 50 Then
            Words = "Fifty"

        ElseIf Number < 60 Then
            Words = "Fifty " & Digits(Number - 50)

        ElseIf Number = 60 Then
            Words = "Sixty"

        ElseIf Number < 70 Then
            Words = "Sixty " & Digits(Number - 60)

        ElseIf Number = 70 Then
            Words = "Seventy"

        ElseIf Number < 80 Then
            Words = "Seventy " & Digits(Number - 70)

        ElseIf Number = 80 Then
            Words = "Eighty"

        ElseIf Number < 90 Then
            Words = "Eighty " & Digits(Number - 80)

        ElseIf Number = 90 Then
            Words = "Ninety"

        ElseIf Number < 100 Then
            Words = "Ninety " & Digits(Number - 90)

        ElseIf Number < 1000 Then
            Words = Number.ToString
            Words = Words.Insert(1, ",")
            Dim wparts As String() = Words.Split(",")
            Words = FindNumber(wparts(0)) & " " & "Hundred"
            Dim n As String = FindNumber(wparts(1))
            If CLng(wparts(1)) <> 0 Then
                Words = Words & " And " & n
            End If
        End If

        Return Words
    End Function

    Private Shared Function FindSuffix(ByVal Length As Long, ByVal l As Long) As String
        Dim word As String

        If l <> 0 Then
            If Length > 12 Then
                word = "Trillion"
            ElseIf Length > 9 Then
                word = "Billion"
            ElseIf Length > 6 Then
                word = "Million"
            ElseIf Length > 3 Then
                word = "Thousand"
            ElseIf Length > 2 Then
                word = "Hundred"
                word = ""
            End If
            word = ""
        End If

        Return word
    End Function

Thanks a Ton Buddy,will check this and revert..:)

Excellent Stuff Dear Pooja,thanks alot,tht was really awesome..many thanks :)

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