20,279 Topics

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Friends, I am Developing a Windows Application For Lan, I am able to Scaning Pc's Name Which Are Connected on My Lan on Same Workgroup, But I have Problem That If Sudden I Get Lost Connection With any Client Pc, or Client Pc Become Shut Down So it Should Make …

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Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello ! i want to disable my usb port using c# or vb.net ,is it possible to do so using .net ? if yes then any idea how i can do this ? Regards

Member Avatar for PriyaVijay
Member Avatar for Nebil

Hi guys,i was using crystal reports in my vb.net project.I read in some books and in the internet that you can create a grand total for some fields like total cost calculation.And using 'sum' you can calculate the total result.well in my case i can't find 'sum' in my crystal …

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Member Avatar for Affable zaki

i have decleared all variables as double. Sub kaat() goldkaatinratti = (Val(txtbox_tolagoldweight.Text * 96) + Val(txtbox_mashagoldweight.Text * 8) + Val(txtbox_rattigoldweight.Text)) * 8 / 96 End Sub but when i leave the textboxes empty it gives ma the error (Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid.) i CANNOT …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri

i just want to make a mp3 player, but i got problem at my mp3 path. this is my code: Public Class Form1 Private Sub Import_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Import.Click FBD.ShowDialog() TextBox1.Text = FBD.SelectedPath Dim folderInfo As New IO.DirectoryInfo(TextBox1.Text) Dim arrFilesInFolder() As IO.FileInfo Dim fileInFolder …

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Member Avatar for saquibaltaf

Hi, i am biggener to VB.NET and ADO.NET. I have created a VB.NET form contains "Date From" and "Date To". i want to pass these two range parameters to crystal reports to manipulate the result. What is the way to do so using ADO.NET. Kindly some one explain Step by …

Member Avatar for retsehc
Member Avatar for schroaus

I am currently taking a programming class. I finished my work early one day and was bored so.. I decided to make a randomizer that will only pick a number a single time. I have been trying to make it, but I run into continous errors with it. It seems …

Member Avatar for schroaus
Member Avatar for Affable zaki

i am making a module in vb.net which will convert number of grams to number of tola masha and ratti respectively. 1 tola = 12 masha 1 masha= 8 ratti while 1 tola = 12.5 grams i can make number of tolas by number of grams \ 12.5 but can …

Member Avatar for Affable zaki
Member Avatar for LuisAZC

Hi everyone! This is my very first post. I hope that some can help me. I'm totally newbie to VB but i need to make a executable file to do this: Open a given *.cpp file, and for every line inside this file check all the words containing only uppercase …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for pc20912

Sir, My English is not good, because of I attached Picture for you to understand my question. This is My Access Data Base There are 2 Table for Database. One for Master Details other for Repeat Details. According to my example Kevin has come 03 time repeatly. because of that …

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Member Avatar for schroaus

I am making a game in microoft visual basic. It is virtually finished, but I am having a problem. When you hit the start button a timer is activated making the character in the game equal mouse position. The problem is that the character is not actually going to the …

Member Avatar for schroaus
Member Avatar for togerrr

there is no source code for vb program connected to vb His example, when there is a change in the dollar against the rupiah or the rising price of gold or stocks rise, so it will automatically be stored in the database comes with its sound when the changes occur. …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for chrispitt
Member Avatar for dhimanbiswas4u

sir i want to get data between to tag... example:(showing in my view source) <img class='stat_icon' src='/images/green.png'> **data to be extracted**</a> or like <input type=hidden name=timestamp value='**data to be extracted**'> for the first example i wrote like: Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for kindofsudden

I'm trying to visualize how this will be set up... I need my VB.NET application to read year 2013 values (Year, Employee, and Annual Performance Score) from a CSV file and write them to an Access DB. This DB is linked to my VB.NET project using a dataset. No problem, …

Member Avatar for kindofsudden
Member Avatar for Vusumuzi

This program is to calculate commission and this is the pseudo I wrote for it. Tell me if I'm right. 1 Declare variables 2 get sales 3 calculate if sale < 1500 Then commision= sale * 0,02 else commision= sale * 0,04 4 Dispaly commision

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Affable zaki

well here is the problem ! i am making a desktop application using vb.net and sql server for a local jeweler. i want to fetch "gold rate" to text box "txtbox_goldrate" from http://www.goldrates.pk . the other way is to use goldrate api from a webservice but that is not free …

Member Avatar for Affable zaki
Member Avatar for Vusumuzi

Please see question 3. I have attached the question paper with the second attachment as my answer.

Member Avatar for chrispitt
Member Avatar for ahudson

I have Visual Studio Express for Desktop 2012. I am trying to make an accouunt search feature. Similair to this: http://tinypic.com/r/4r2cer/5 Anyways, the Account Holder Name and Balance fields are read-only. How do I type in the Account Number and auto-populate those two fields based on the acct. number. If …

Member Avatar for mridul.ahuja
Member Avatar for Hnna

Hi, I'm a beginner in vb.net and I have a problem. At first I want to say sorry for my language, English is not my first language. Hope u onderstand my prob. So, I'm working disconected, I have a datagrid and now I want to search in this datagrid by …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for PM312

I have a combobox with 5 coloums of which coloumn 1 is DataGridViewComboBoxColumn I want to populate / add items to DataGridViewComboBoxColumn with data from access database using datatable. i am not getting how to add items to DataGridViewComboBoxColumn. How can i do it. Thanks

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Member Avatar for PM312

I have created custom text box for specific purpose i.e to accept alphanumeric values only and the length of text should be 6. If the user put less than six characters the code in below block converts it to 6 characters by filling in zeros . ‘Custom Clss block Protected …

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Member Avatar for PM312

When the readonly property of textbox is set to true then back colour turns to grey. i use below code to change the back colour to white Private Sub TextBox1_ReadOnlyChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.ReadOnlyChanged If TextBox1.ReadOnly = True Then TextBox1.BackColor = Color.White End If End …

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Member Avatar for sidyusuf

Hi, i need to know how can i inherits or pass login form authenticated values to MDI child forms.

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Member Avatar for sonia sardana

ParamArray means to allow a subrotine to take a variable no. of arguments. I m just sending the arguments suppose i send 1,2,3,4,5 I want just the addition of these numbers. Sub main() Dim i As Integer i = Console.ReadLine() average(i) Console.ReadLine() End Sub Sub average(ByVal ParamArray b() As Integer) …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Iamateur

I came across this question: Which of the following are the valid method of command object? The answer given here is : ExecuteQuery & ExecuteScalar My doubt is why answer can not be ExecuteNonQuery and ExecuteScalar?

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Member Avatar for androidz

I made three projects the first one is a windows form, the second one is a class library and the third one is another class library to be the reference of the second and first projects. Inside my second Project which is a class library there are two files a …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Group, I've written a short stored procedure in SQL Server 2008 to create a new Order Number. The code looks like this: INSERT INTO ORDRNUMBERREC(OrderNo,UserId,CreateDate) SELECT MAX(OrderNo)+1,'system',GETDATE() FROM ORDRNUMBERREC WITH (TABLOCKX) In VB2010, I've written the following code to execute the stored procedure: con = New SqlConnection(sConnection) cmd = New …

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Member Avatar for taekiewzz

Windows Application Form: I have a problem with filtering winform datagridview by listbox items (multiselect). For example: My listbox items have guest name of 'Lim', 'Jack' and 'May'. I would like to filter my gridview data by these 3 guests. Which each guest has their own entry. This is my …

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Member Avatar for akash0689

I have two folders say A and B having exactly same no .of files with same name but different modified date and size. I want to compare each file of A to its respective file of folder B and get the newly modified file in a List box. If newly …

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The End.