I am having connection issue while connecting to using below string
provider=IBMDADB2;Data Source=XXXX.XXXXX.COM:5000;Database=C2RCU0;Uid=s858;Pwd=cccc
Getting error like database not found. But What i found was connection to mainframes it self was not happenning. Do i need to provide any other information or what i am missing here..
sConnection As String = "provider=IBMDADB2;Data Source=XXXX.XXXXX.COM:5000;Database=C2RCU0;Uid=s858;Pwd=cccc"
Dim sql As String = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DB2.TEXT_PHRASE WHERE FK_CD = '00078' AND S_DT = '01/01/0001' "
Dim DB As New OleDbConnection
1. DB.ConnectionString = sConnection
2. Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(sql, DB)
3. Dim commandtype As New CommandType
4. cmd.CommandType = commandtype.Text
5. Dim ds As New DataSet
6. Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)
7. 'DB.Open()
8. da.Fill(ds)
9. Msg = ds.ToString
10. MsgBox(Msg, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, APPLICATION_TITLE)
I am getting error and showing connection time out in details but exception what i am catching is database name not found