How to make only one record at a time get inserted in the database table and also delete from the other table?
Once the details are filled ,I insert it in table1 as the new record and I delete the same record from table2.
Table2 is the table that is already containing the records.
Table 1 stores the records of table2 through textboxes and once this are stored then in table2 same record gets
But as there are duplicate records here,the problem is when I try to insert the given details,all the duplicate records
also gets inserted and same in case of delete.
Is there any code that can make only one record to be inserted and deleted at a time?
I mean insert/delete only one record and not to affect other duplicate records.
I had written the insert delete command at code side in the button.
But,now due to duplicate records I don't know how to code for it.