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440 Posted Topics
Re: Welcome kutta_vin, I really can't understand anything of your code and of that you are asking for. Perhaps you can give a small sample, for example on how the output of your select statement should look like (you can reduce it to the essential facts only). krs, tesu | |
Re: To compute the median of discrete values continually read in, all values must be stored. (contrary to simple average where only running sum, current value and number are necessary). Also the list from where the median is to be taken must be sorted. So these steps are necessary to get … | |
Re: Hi There is a function LAST_INSERT_ID() what returns the last-created auto-increment value. So first insert parent data what creates a new auto-increment ID. Then insert row in child table where LAST_INSERT_ID() function is put in the values list of the insert statement, for example: [code] -- first insert parent row … | |
Re: ORG (abbr. for ORiGin) is an assembly directive (not an instruction). It defines where the machine code (translated assembly program) is to place in memory. As for ORG 100H this deals with 80x86 COM program format (COMMAND) which consist of only one segment of max. 64k bytes. 100H says that … | |
Re: [QUOTE=Noxes;629405]One more question, does anyone know how to get Dev C++ to stop deleting the next character space when using space or typing something in? I want it to space over instead of delete and write over.[/QUOTE] There is a toggle key on your keyboard labelled 0 INS. If you … | |
Re: This is a very common task. Seems to be appearing here every other week. If i recall correctly, about two years ago or so i posted a compact solution to this problem (Besides mine there are lots of solutions given by other people too). So seaching the forum won't be … | |
Re: Hello Greetings from the hood. PL/SQL is Oracle's extention to SQL. It is similar to PSM the standardized ANSI SQL programming language. Actually many of the new features of PSM standardized in 1999 and 2003 were derived from PL/SQL. In my opinion, If one plans to work in the field … | |
Re: Such wrong result is quite usual, it's a painful mysql gotcha! In your query [CODE]SELECT DISTINCT mess_id, id, message, MAX(date_sent) as date_sent FROM mail GROUP BY message_id[/CODE] [B][U]ALL[/U][/B] columns not being parameters of aggregate functions (max(), sum(), count() etc.) must always be enumerated in GROUP BY clause. There is no … | |
Re: Hello First, variables must be initialize before using them, e.g. smallest has been defined but never been initialized. So put these two lines just before your while loop: [CODE]fin >> next; smallest = largest = next;[/CODE] Second, do not use fin.get(next) for this reads one char only, and not an … | |
Re: To search for strings in ascii files there exists the amazing Knuth–Morris–Pratt string searching algorithm. It is faster than anything. Try it, and you will be delighted. | |
Re: Hi scapu, Don't lose heart! Pick out an algorithm, for example Newton's method seems to be rather comfortable to compute the square root of a given number. This method is also identical to the ancient method of the Babylonian to draw the square root of a given number, it s … | |
Re: Hi like the beautiful ladies you are planning to manage there could be found so beautiful solutions on that[URL="http://www.databaseanswers.org/data_models/dating_sites/index.htm"] web site[/URL]. -- tesu | |
Re: Hello arbazpathan, primary-key property is not required for table "vendor" if its "vendor_name" is already declared to be unique. If so, you can easily put a foreign-key constraint on table "purchase_order" referencing vendor(vendor_name) by means of "create table purchase_order(...)" or by "Alter table purchase_order ..." if table "purchase_order" already exists. … | |
Re: hi shknahs, you may also try this: [code=cpp] void rev_str(string str,int n) { if(str[n]!='\0') rev_str(str,n+1); cout<<str[n-1]; } // result: shknahs [/code] krs, tesu | |
Re: Hi pushl is a 32 bit instruction (suffix l = long = 32bit). So the assembly is wrong for 64bit machines, except you do special compiling and linking with gcc and ld. You need to tell the compiler and the linker that you would like to get 32bit-code. For the … | |
Re: Hi tucanoj is right, I agree with him. There is an another solution [CODE]void print4(int pme){ if (pme > 0) print4(pme-1); printf("%d,",pme);}[/CODE] which saves some if-branches. What's hidden? Do you mean how does recursiveness function? When print4 is called with parameter pme, say pme is 3, 3 is pushed on … | |
Re: Here is some code for testing palindromes: [CODE]bool isPalindrome(string s) {int i,l=s.length(); for (i=0; i<l/2; i++) if (s[i] != s[l-i-1]) return false; return true;} int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ string pal[] = {"able was I ere I saw elba", "Able was I ere I saw Elba", "Napoleon I noelopaN"}; for … | |
Re: Hi tuse How are you? [QUOTE=tuse;635983]Thanks a lot. Didn't see the 'mysql' database.[/QUOTE] Well, if you had access to grant table mysql.user you would have also been able to SELECT User, Password FROM mysql.user. You got it? Yes, you would be able to hack that mysql database. So it's a … | |
Re: Hi tanha It is always a good idea to start database design with an entity-relationship model. Depending on whom you design the ERM for, there are more or less flaws present. First, relationship student many-to-many dependent allows that a student would have many mothers and fathers. This impossibility can be … | |
Re: Just out of curiosity: Is there also an error message or faulty behavior of that code? Supposing your update and subselects are correct, I would replace END; by END | for you have chosen delimiter | -- tesu | |
Re: hi mertucci, are in doing data modelling? Superkey is any subset of attributes that uniquely identifies the tuples of a relation. This subset need not be minimal, that is, one can remove some attributes from it and it is still uniquely identifying. If all redundant attributes are removed you get … | |
Re: Hi Error message is correct for book of [BOOK].[BookNo] isn't listed in from clause. Also join with bookpage which makes the many-to-many relationship is missing. [CODE]select b.bookno, a.pageno, PatientNo, FirstName, LastName from patient p join page a on p.pageno = a.pageno join bookpage bp on bp.pageno = a.pageno join book … | |
Re: Hi I don't have octave experience, I am using matlab. But I know there is a octave library for c/c++. Maybe this small [URL="http://wiki.octave.org/wiki.pl?CodaTutorial"]tutorial[/URL] helps a little. There is a further advanced [URL="http://wiki.octave.org/wiki.pl?CodaAdvanced"]tutorial[/URL]. -- tesu | |
Re: hi, you may google Joe Celko trees krs, tesu | |
Re: hi, ERM seems to be almost completed and sound. May I do some notes to the primary, foreign keys? For example entity friendlist has an artificial key idAddedFriendnum although the attributes (idPerson, FriendID) unequivocally identifies each entry. Therefore (idPerson, FriendID) should be primary key of friendlist. Both attributes must be … | |
Re: Hello You could try this: [CODE]select * from t3 where c1 || to_char(c3) in (select c1 || to_char(max(c3)) from t3 group by c1) order by c1, c2, c3;[/CODE] c1, c2, c3 are your three columns. The subselect generates a temporary key from grouped c1 column and the corresponding to_char(maximums of … ![]() | |
Re: Hi if you are only interested in start and end dates of leaves of a given month, you may check that month whether it is contained in those dates, as for example: [CODE]select To_Char(fromdt,'MM') as from_month, To_Char(todt,'MM') as to_month, leaveno from onleave ... etc ...[/CODE] If you like to get … | |
Re: Hi Unfortunately, I don't know that microcontroller. However, there are things in common among mcs. As for example, how do you make your program wait until a/d conversion is completed? Usually you will get the low a/d result first, later follows high result. Therefore you need to wait until conversion … | |
Re: hi what will happen if you omit "and CabRego='" & Me.cmbcabs.Text & "'" ? what should be the meaning of & ? Can you give all columns and their datatypes of table AccDtl? -- tesu | |
Re: Hi great! click on the SQL icon in the tool bar. the icon looks like a small magnifying glass or sometimes like a piece of paper with a pen (depending on the versions). I wish you good luck -- tesu |
The End.