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111 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, Chapter 3 exercise 3-1: [quote]Suppose we wish to find the median of a collection of values. Assume that the we have read some values so far, and that we have no idea how many values remain to be read. Prove that we cannot afford to discard …

Member Avatar for Alfonso_4
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, Was wondering if any of you could help me out, how can I count the amount of numbers(digits) there are in one integer, for example: int integer = 123; integer has three digits. int secInteger = 10; secInteger has two digits. The reason for asking is, …

Member Avatar for jimmyraynor
Member Avatar for Fasola
Member Avatar for A.Rehman Amjad
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, Had to make the following exercise in Accelerated C++ Write a program to calculate the average of the numbers stored in a vector<double>. THis was my solution: [code] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <vector> using std::cin; using std::istream; using std::cout; using std::setprecision; using std::endl; using std::vector; …

Member Avatar for NP-complete
Member Avatar for boyjim32

The idea is to help him create HIS own code, not to give a possible solution ! You're not helping him with this, on the contrary !

Member Avatar for tux4life
Member Avatar for tino

[QUOTE=tino;765798]Still looking for programming, as well as organizing help![/QUOTE] Hi, allways fascinated with AI, can't help myself but maybe this place is a good place to ask for help: [url=] Gamedev_AI_Forum[/url] Hope this helps :)

Member Avatar for tino
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hi Danny, Was wondering when you scrolled down all the way to read the thread you're interested in, there's no way to either go to the top of the page or push a button to go back to view the forum in which the thread was started ? Wouldn't it …

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for CPPRULZ

Great tutorial on pointers by Narue @ [url=]Eternally Confuzzled[/url]

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for kjsalk

Doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it ! Are you having a problem with the code ending immediatly after entering a variable ? Do use [code] [/code] tags in the future, makes it easier to read your code.

Member Avatar for kjsalk
Member Avatar for clutchkiller

1 is a number. '1' is a character. So, it depends on which of the two you are going to use.

Member Avatar for clutchkiller
Member Avatar for t_s

Great tutorial on pointers: Narue's [URL=""]Eternally Confuzzled (Click Here)[/URL] C++ dynamically allocating memory: [CODE=C++] int *pMyInt = new int; ... delete pMyInt; [/CODE]

Member Avatar for t_s
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hi all, I have a class which contains a struct that holds some variables, string, int's. Now, one of the variables (string) in the struct is used to compare it with a name, if the name is in the struct, it has to be [COLOR="Red"]returned from my function [/COLOR]with it's …

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for LuckyMe444

Ive run your program and it gave me an error, according to my limited knowledge it's related towards going out of bound with your array. Try using for loops: [CODE]for (int i = 0; i < (N-1); i++)[/CODE] and change your switching algo to this: [CODE] if (a[j] < a[j+1]) …

Member Avatar for LuckyMe444
Member Avatar for Yaserk88

TIP ! Show what code you have written, makes it easier to see what direction you want/have to take ! Working with a an STL vector ? Working with an array ? ... etc.

Member Avatar for dougy83
Member Avatar for cpp noob

Hi cpp noob, You know, no offence ment, but maybe you'd better learn how to program correctly before you start tackling game programming. Though I'm no programmer and I'm still learning it myself, I can see, you have little or no experience. You didn't use switches to simplify the several …

Member Avatar for CrisRo
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hi ladies and gents, Wanted to ask a simple question probably for you guys and the answer will maybe be simple aswell, but, I thought, what the heck, I'll go for it :) It just seems strange that when everyone tells to use <iostream> instead of <iostream.h>, <cstdlib> instead of …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for JoBe

Good evening ladies and gents, Had a question concerning this piece of code that I'm trying out from a book, it supposed to open a file, write text to it, close it, reopen it, append text to it and then write the text from the file to the console screen, …

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, Got a question, is it wise to create a member of a class by using another class it's constructor and deleting it threw the use of that class it destructor? For example: [code=cplusplus]// Testing code. #include "first.h" int main() { first myMenu; bool gameLoop = true; …

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, It's been ages since I posted here, have been doing some coding on and of and I was wondering about the following, beneath is a test I made in trying to use the new operator in combination with a string, first a string literal, second time …

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, Ive got an exercise in which I have to fully parenthesize expressions using the higher-lower precedence, for instance: a+b*c would become (a+(b*c)) because multiplication has a higher precedence then addition. Here are my solutions for the following expressions: 1) a = b + c * d …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, Gotta few questions if you don't mind: 1) Exc_6_4) Wrote a table of values for the bitwise logical operators and was wondering if any of you could check them out whether they are correct this way. 2) I have to write five examples of undefined behaviour …

Member Avatar for Ravalon
Member Avatar for Lynqu2

[QUOTE=Ancient Dragon;293461]Its never too late to start. I was 40 when I started, but it is a lot better to start at a much younger age.[/QUOTE] And I thought I was old when I started at the age of 35 :cheesy: Serious, did you really start at 40 and made …

Member Avatar for Lynqu2
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, Was wondering if any of you could help me out with the following, sometime ago I had to reinstall MS V++ EE and ever since then, when I enter for instance 'std::' or 'cin.' I don't get a list with all the possibilities it has, normally …

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for senguptapallab

I like the list Dave Sinkula posted sometime ago: [URL=""]C++ book list[/URL] :!: Bjarne Stroustrup's C++ Programming Language is great, however, in my personal opinion, not the first C++ book you should read as a beginner!!!

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for green_oasis

[QUOTE=cscgal;291691]Narue wrong on a C++ question?? This thread is getting stickied to commemorate![/QUOTE] Narue WRONG ???? NAH, can't be, it was just a fault in the Matrix :cheesy:

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hi guys, This exercise goes as follows: - Write a function that counts the number of occurences of a pair of letters in a string and another that does the same in a zero-terminated array of char(a C-style string). For example, the pair "ab" appears twice in "xabaacbaxabb". Now, I …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, I'm trying to copy two words, for instance test and word into an array of characters and have this: [CODE]#include <iostream> int main() { char word[10]= ""; char *wordArr[10]; for(size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { std::cin >> word; *(wordArr + i) = word; …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hi, Got another question concerning an array of strings: I did it this way: [code] int main() { const std::string myArray[] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"}; for (size_t i = 0; i < 12; i++) std::cout << myArray[i] << '\n'; std::cout …

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, I just made the next exercise of this book and although it works as it should, [I]I was wondering if any of you guys could tell me whether or not it could be improved.[/I] The exercise goes as follows: - Define a table of the names …

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for pratigya

Hi, First use [ code ] code tags [ /code ]. It' makes it alot easier to read code. Second, show your complet code, where is num declared and how, is it declared as an array? Third, where is temp declared, it should be declared inside the loop and be …

Member Avatar for Salem

The End.