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109 Posted Topics
Re: [QUOTE=bmackkc;309118]I have two forms; I'll call them frmReturn and frmReturnItem. FrmReturn is bound to data in a SQL table; data entered in frmReturnItem is stored as a child table in SQL. In the database, there is a one-->many between Return and ReturnItem. frmReturnItem can be opened only from frmReturn. frmReturn … | |
Re: [QUOTE=fesago90;312927]Well, I read that endl 'flushes' the output buffer as opposed to \n. Now what does that mean (how could that be useful)? Does it make it less or more efficient?[/QUOTE] endl calls the flush() method of the stream. That means more work done per use, and it's a sure … | |
Re: [QUOTE=ankit_the_hawk;306640]Pls help, isnt there a [B]simple way[/B] to input strings in C without all the fuss. I never had a problem in C++.[/QUOTE]Without a full program that can be run, it's hard to tell you what's wrong without guessing. But if you're having this problem in C, you would also … | |
Re: [QUOTE=d1e9v85;305997]for a assignment i need to create an array dynamically so then late i have to sort the array but the problem is i an new in this cousrse and i dontknow how to creat an array dynamically please help any help will be a good start for me \thx[/QUOTE] … | |
Re: [QUOTE=livingsword;296608]hi, im a beginner.[/quote] Hi! :) [QUOTE=livingsword;296608]heres what i have done so far....[/quote] That's a good start, but you're missing one row that makes formatting an equilateral triangle easy. [QUOTE=livingsword;296608]and the output i get is : [IMG]http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/562/untitledpl9.png[/IMG][/quote] For a normal triangle you would probably do it one of these two … | |
Re: [QUOTE=cezarjont;307072]is min heap different from max heap...?[/QUOTE] Yes. :) A min heap uses ascending priority where the smallest item is the first to be popped from the heap. A max heap uses descending priority where the largest item is the first to be popped. You can read more about heaps … | |
Re: [QUOTE=afaquaholic;300280]I am running a service that queries on regular intervals. I initially set it up so that the connection formed onStart, and closed onStop. This of course leaves a connection open all the time, which isn't what I want. So I moved the open and closed to inside my timer … | |
Re: [QUOTE=jan1024188;297225]I want to know how to write a program that moves for example C:\ex.exe to D:\ex.exe.... What header to use? stdio.h? what function to use? Can i get a link of source(this program) ?[/QUOTE] stdio.h has a function called rename. You can use that to copy a file to another … | |
Re: [QUOTE=Eko;304161][code] #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <dos.h> int foo() { int x=0; while(x<1000000) x++; return x; } int main() { time_t start, end; int x,time; start = time(0); x=foo(); end = time(0); // now just subtract the two times to get processing time time=end-start; printf("%d s: ",time); return 0; } … | |
Re: An integer is a [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer]negative or positive whole number[/URL]. Float is short for floating point. It's a [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_number"]real number[/URL]. | |
Re: [QUOTE=Marks256;307672]Can someone please point me to a good windows api tutorial?[/quote] When it comes to the windows API, a tutorial just doesn't cut it. You want a good thick book. The good news is that such a book [url=http://www.amazon.com/Programming-Windows-Fifth-Charles-Petzold/dp/157231995X]exists[/url]. :) [QUOTE=Marks256;307672]The one that i found ([URL]http://www.winprog.org/tutorial/[/URL]) is nice, but it … | |
Re: [QUOTE=certem;306168]Hello i have spent hours and days and couldn't find how i can make a variable that has rounded to 2 decimal digits. But i dont want to use myVariable.value....or myVariable()....styles. In the net i have seen something like BCD that is related for official accounting issues but i coudn't … | |
Re: [QUOTE=AshwinCareem;306649]Hi everyone, I have a problam with data types which are using in C++. I am so confuce about int,float,double,strings,etc; And numbers of bits that related to each data type. Please anyone help me to solve my problam.[/QUOTE] The number of bits depend on the compiler. I'm sorry, but I … | |
Re: [QUOTE=tech291083;296699]Hi[/quote] Hi! [QUOTE=tech291083;296699] 1. Are programmers the most frustrated lot among all the IT professional in the recent years?[/QUOTE] Not in my experience. I've worked as an IT engineer and system administrator with a rapidly growing corporation. I was much more frustrated before I became a programmer. :) [QUOTE=tech291083;296699] 2. … | |
Re: [QUOTE=The Dude;313804]Just wanna know -- Computers tend you make you kinda fake..[/QUOTE] I present myself differently, but my personality is basically the same. Easy going, quiet except when I think I can make a difference, and nice enough to keep from making enemies. ;) I guess I'm kind of fake, … | |
Re: [QUOTE=Marks256;313521]I am just curious about the pros and cons of each. Please leave your opinion(s). Thanks! (sorry the question is so broad, but i just wan the pros and cons of each.)[/QUOTE] It's impossible to tell you the pros and cons without some sort of context. If it were possible … | |
Re: [QUOTE=degamer106;314890]For example, if I gave the user a choice to enter a string for a new filename, or let them just press ENTER for some other choice.[/QUOTE] It depends on how you get the input, but you can check for an empty string with getline(). [code] #include <iostream> #include <string> … | |
Re: [QUOTE=ghostfacelz;313252]Hi, just have a question regarding classes/inheritance and a variable. ive been trying to work out the best way to do it, but would like some outside input. ok..here goes: i have a base class Ship. classes will inherit from this class. i also have a class tinyShip (and later … | |
Re: I find it humorous that there was a google ad for aspartame resources just under tatumkay's post when I first read it. :lol: That is all. You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming. | |
Re: [QUOTE=Elfshadow;313317]I started learning C++ as my first language. But some of the OOP stuff gives me trouble. I know C is a widely used language like C++ and has about the same syntax but isn't OOP.I have tried some basic C so i have not got parts that are different … | |
Re: [QUOTE=Xzantose;312068]The answer to your first question is I mainly use linux. The next is realy stupid! I watch a movie were the IT programmed pong from scratch. No toolkit , no pictures just code. This inspired me and made me curious.[/QUOTE] I wish programming was like in films. I would … | |
Re: [QUOTE=rwagnes;313227]Thanks, but I figured it out. Elise[/QUOTE] What was it? :) | |
Re: SetSuspendState() should be in PowrProf.dll, not User32.dll. [code] [DllImport("PowrProf.dll")] public static extern bool SetSuspendState(bool Hibernate, bool ForceCritical, bool DisableWakeEvent); [/code] | |
Re: [QUOTE=Aia;312261]I think one of the reasons authors of books about programming in C make heavily use of the function scanf() is that is readily available and easy to use for the new learner.[/quote] Deceptively so, and that's the biggest problem. ;) Instead of making the effort of reading a line, … | |
Re: [QUOTE=abhinav.sharma;310111]But what if I define the derived class in a friend function to the base class. will the private members of the base class be successfully derived and if yes, will they be as public or private, or depend on the type of derivation?[/QUOTE] Yes, they'll be successfully derived. That's … | |
Re: [QUOTE=jerryodom;312773]I'm fairly new to .NET programming. The DateTimePicker control seems to be a great solution for entering valid dates without alot of backend checking and preventing the user from entering a bad date. However it seems like I always have to explain to my testers that they don't have to … | |
Re: [code=cplusplus] if ( choice1 = choice1 ) [/code] This will always be a true statement for two reasons. Firstly, the == operator is used to compare things, the = operator sets values. Secondly, comparing choice1 with choice1 is sure to be true for our universe. ;) You probably meant to … | |
Re: [QUOTE=smallpau1;311857]im still getting an error saying "term does not evaluate to a function taking 2 arguments" for line 19[/QUOTE] You have both a function and a local variable called power. The local variable hides the function name, and your compiler is telling you that your local variable can't be used … | |
Re: [QUOTE=Aia;311655]I don't visit any other forum but the C and C++, so I don't know if there's a different place where I can make this comment. However, I'm going to go ahead and say. I would like to give a public and loud THANK YOU! to this people: [COLOR=Blue]Mr.WaltP Mr.Ravalon … | |
Re: [QUOTE=iamthwee;310653]I also have to question why are you spending time on making things look prettier and neater when you should be spending time addressing things that actually are a problem. Like newbies never, ever, ever using code tags? Cheers.[/QUOTE] That's a hard problem. Forcing good behaviour without needlessly restricting people … |
The End.