I have been talking to a few programmers online for quite some time now and one thing seems to be a common factor in each discussion, frustration of the job profile given to them. I would like to know from the professional programmers associated with this forum, the followings:
1. Are programmers the most frustrated lot among all the IT professional in the recent years?
2. If yes, then what the reasons are?
3. Many have been telling me that most of the graduate programmers leave the programming field for good just after 5 years on average. Is it any way true?
4. If yes, then what they do after leaving programming for good?
5. Programmers are always under pressure form the managers and management and often feel being neglected and underpaid and overused. If this is the case, what could be the solutions?
I hope you all will share you thoughts with me. Thanks and happy new year and an error free 12 months.