Hello ladies and gents,

Ive downloaded the first four PSDK-FULL files and wanted to install these, but I don't know how exactly to do so.

I tried to use winzip and extract them, but keep getting an error that says, failed to launch file: C\Documents and Settings\Johan Berntzen\Local Settings\Temp\install\setup\PSDK-x86.msi

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, I also downloaded the extract winzip and when extracting this, I get the Extract tool, but when I click on this, it comes up and goes down again, do I have to use this tool in a certain way?????

THe files that I downloaded can be found here:

Do I actually need to download them all, because there are 16 files, do I need them all???? I think it's really confusing because nothing is written that says what is needed for what :o

I am not sure if want all 16 Cabinet files. But if you want a customized installation, why not try this option?


* To run the installation program over the Internet, choose to download the Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 SP1 Web Install. The installation program will install the components you select.


I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, I also downloaded the extract winzip and when extracting this, I get the Extract tool, but when I click on this, it comes up and goes down again, do I have to use this tool in a certain way?????

You have a PSDK-FULL.bat file that was extracted from the PSI-FULL.exe. Run it with a target directory to extract. It will call the Extract.EXE file.

Thanks for the additional info WolfPack, because of that, I read the instructions a bit better, turns out I only need to download the PSDK-x86 file, and this makes it possible for me to decide what I want to download and what not :o

Sorry for this, but, this is what you get when amateurs try something like this :mrgreen:

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