so i am using visual basic express edition 2010
i am now able to select an image and displaying it in the picture box.
now i need to run a c code (its exe file) by clicking a button in the vb form.
i was able to this too by procss.start
now when i am doing this the c code needs one input which is the file or image that i am searching and displaying in the picture box.. so that will be the input of the c code.
i want to give that input directly to the c code or rather to its exe file without needing to type it manually.
when i will click the button the exe file will run and the input will be given automatically so i will get the output..
can anyone please help?
i hope i was clear :(

If your reading the specific file or image from specific location then you could code it in C application which is EXE which your running when clicking button on vb form.

no the user will choose the image by another vb button :( and that will be the input

there is nobody to help? :( :O

Then you need to ask the user to select image or file using the openfile something like below

Dim objFile As New OpenFileDialog
        Dim filepath As String = ""
        If Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then

            filepath = objFile.FileName
        End If

File path will have the path selected by user this you need to pass to your EXE.

i have asked the user to select the file
i have then displayed that in a picturebox
i have now even figuered out how to pass the input to the exe too
but now i am facing another problem.

  1. i am pressing one button>choosing the file>and the file is displayed
    this same imagefile path is passed to exe as input the exe is stopping
  2. if i am opening and displaying one image and sending imagepath of another image to the exe then the exe is working properly

i guess the image file needs to freed or something after its selection and display??.. i am not sure.. can you help?

I am not sure what you are asking about. your exe is not able to read the file which you pass through vb code?

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