20,284 Topics
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| Hello can you please give me a code for a tabed web browser? browser name=webbrowser1 form name=form6 new tab button=NewTabToolStripMenuItem |
Please help me. I have design my help content ĩ̷̊ñ a html file. I want to display it as soon as the help button is click. The html doc is ĩ̷̊ñ my bin folder, how can I call it, wen it is being click. •̸ŤђαϞĸs ĩ̷̊ñ advance | |
Hi, I have this datatable that I need to loop for my excel exporting function. And I have to export data that exceeds the row limit of excel worksheet. now I want to know how to create a query of limit on the datatable.select in such way like in sql. … | |
how i can make the cell on my DGV linked to other DGV ??? | |
Hello Daniweb. Im currently working on a solution that involves querying a specific user (either by getting the user to 'login' or by detecting who the user is that is logged in to the machine) against the domains active directory structure to determine if they are a member of 1 … | |
Hello Everyone. I am making a tool in which I want a button to do the following job e.g; A=(1,2,3) Signature Guide B=(1,2,4) File Signature In short I am making an antivirus, every thing is done, except "clean" button. I want that the clean button should do the following job. … | |
Ok, I know this has been asked before but I'm a new user to VB and don't know where to start. A Mate of mine is creating a Custom Minecraft Launcher useing VB for me. We have 2 text boxes Username and Password and what I want it to do … | |
hi .. I'am a student and my teacher ask to creat a program in vb6 using list view text boxes and command bottons, labels and 2 forms . The out put are the form 1 will display the list view and 2 text boxes labelled with the Total price and … | |
Hi All: I have this code below that uses an open common dialog box to dispay 5 horse pictures. Does anyone have the code to display the pictures on the Form only by passing the horse picture names as parameters when I call the subprocedure in the mnuViewNext and mnuViewPrevious … | |
What code would i need to use in order to download a file from a webserver and then save it to a predefined folder? Then if a newer version of the file is available, Rename the old file and download the new one. Thansk for the help | |
when i use this code to save my datatable to the databaseit works well on the initial save save but when I access the database fill the datatable and then I delete some rows from the datatable and the "SAVE" the changes are not carried on to the database.How come … | |
Hello guys, I made a simple program that Add, Saves, Edit & Retrieves Data from a MS Access DB... Dim arrImage() As Byte Dim strImage As String If Not IsNothing(Me.ImageBox.Image) Then Me.ImageBox.Image.Save(myMs, Me.ImageBox.Image.RawFormat) arrImage = myMs.GetBuffer strImage = "?" Else arrImage = Nothing strImage = "NULL" End If myqry = … | |
Hi Friends Iam newbie to vb.net .iam creating a registration form.iam also creating database table in sql server.now how to store record in that table.how to do this? regards apking | |
Please help me. I want to connect to mysql using the connection string from connectionstrings.com. It gives me error that: format θƒ the initialzation string does not conform to specification starting at index 13. Please help me.... •̸ŤђαϞĸs ĩ̷̊ñ advance | |
my adaptor is giving me problems , i thought that maybe it is because of the SQL environment that i was using , but it is giving me the error report : System.XML.XMLException: an error occured while parsing Entity Name , line 2 , position 57. though am using a … | |
Hi, i'm working on a grid, where the data can be saved, modified and deleted from the grid and effects in the database. I have a problem,i.e after I enter data in one row and goto the next row, the next row automatically gets filled by the same data as … | |
I am running a program in which the output is visible in a grid and now i want that output to be saved in Excel file. I need that code of converting the ouput into Excel file. plz...................help | |
I have a dataset (GrindItems) with 4 datatables successfully populated from dbf files. If I understand the concept of a dataset, I no longer need an open connection to the source db and I should be able to query my dataset. My first question is whether I need a Connection … | |
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Please help me. I am trying to create a new connection to my access database ĩ̷̊ñ crystal report database expert. After I selected the database name and I click finish. It prompted an error : logon failed. Details: DAO error code: 0xbd7. Description: Not a valid password. Please help me … | |
Dear All I am software engineer and develop software in Vb6. Mostly I develop database software. Financial solution like Payroll, Inventory, Accounting, Production system etc. Now I want switch in vb.net. Please advise me about choosing vb.net version. And give me sample codes. Regards ALi | |
This is a short bit of code that shows how to implement sorting on columns in a details-mode ListView. Suggestions for improvement are always welcome. One possible improvement would be to modify the column headers to indicate which column is being sorted and in which direction. | |
I currently found a piece of code on a website but i can't get it to work it always reports fail. Pls help. Private Function FindImage(Image1 As Bitmap, Image2 As Bitmap) As Point For y = 0 To Image1.Height - Image2.Height - 1 For x = 0 To Image1.Width - … | |
Dear All ! I have developed a Software for a Hospital using vb.net 2005 & Sql Express. Now i want to connect this data through lan. What connection string should i give. Please suggest. Below is my current connection string which i have used for it. Dim conn As New … | |
hi i am working with an application where i have to enter dob in textbox in the format "dd\MM\yyyy".what i have done yet is as below: Private Sub txtDOB_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtDOB.LostFocus If IsDate(txtDOB.Text) = True Then MsgBox("correct date") Else MsgBox("input correct date") End … | |
I have 2 PictureBox One is for my Webcam Viewer and one is a Pic_hairSytle. i have a problem nid to transfarent the BG of picturebox of my Pic_HairSytle only show the Hair but if i setup the propertier window colorBG to transfarent it turn the BG like in the … | |
Hello I am new here as well as with vb2008xpress and I have a question. I have a datagridview with 12 columns and 30 rows I want to use as a scoreboard for a game (no need to input or save data). Columns are for the players and rows for … | |
i have a listview and a combobox. i need to display all my column headers from the listview as items on my combobox. also i need to "sort" the data of my listview according to the selected item on my combobox. ex: my listview contains the column headers, "name", "address", … | |
hi guys, i have a crystal report the display all transactions done, even the ones that are deleted, and there is a flg to know which ones are deleted. i need to make a formula to calculate the sum of cash, the problem is that i dont know how to … | |
Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound. this is an error msg appear when i need to add a new row to datagridview, how i can add new one ??? DataGridView1.Rows.Add() |
The End.