20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for dre-logics

>I use MySQL database Two tables: Table 1 articles Field: article nb article description supplier cell 100 nails company 1 no 200 screws company 2 yes >Table 1 stock Field: article nb. barcode nb. barcodedescription instock 100 10011 nails 2 inch 5000 100 10012 nails 5 inch 0 200 20012 …

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Member Avatar for dwinn

Hi everyone, I have developed a site using VB.Net and Visual Studio 2010, that allows users to upload and download multiple files to an FTP server. I have recently been given a request to change this so that SFTP is used instead of FTP. I have downloaded WinSCP but am …

Member Avatar for Tjandra

Hi guys, I have setup a form (frmParent) that contains 1 TableLayoutPanel with 1 col & 2 rows. In the first row i put a DataGridView and on second row i put a Button. I set all controls' modifiers to Public. Then add a form (frmChild) that inherit from frmMaster. …

Member Avatar for s_prata
Member Avatar for musicazx

I'm new to Visual Basic. I have a little program look like this. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xr44pxp3n79atkk/wall.png <Please have a look It will calculate the total area by adding up all wall area. Public Sub btnWallAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnWallAdd.Click FlowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Clear() FlowLayoutPanel1.AutoScroll = True For i As Integer …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for babyhadem

i'm having problem in coding for my project i.e Hospital Management System ... plz refer me few sites which provide codes of vb.net i'v done only the code for the login form ...

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for benscomputers

The following is the code from an assignment I am struggling with. I am supposed to change the GetGallons function procedure to a sub procedure in a class that i created in another project.. Here is the code from the original class: Public Class RectangularPool Private _decLength As Decimal Private …

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Member Avatar for opman234

Please, I need help. I want to capture finger print and save it ĩ̷̊ñ database. I have not done it before. Please I need help on how to go about it. I am working with vb.net and access database. •̸ŤђαϞĸs so much ĩ̷̊ñ anticipation. Opman

Member Avatar for Khav

Greetings, i am doing a school project which basically deals with forms and an access database.I have various textboxes in a form.I want some textboxes to be filled automatically with a value when another textbox has been filled. For e.g , if the user fills in the 'Cost' textbox , …

Member Avatar for Khav
Member Avatar for HibaPro
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for ayat abukhadra

hi, does textchange control for the textbox executes for every change in every character or for the full text?

Member Avatar for ayat abukhadra
Member Avatar for RobRTaylor

I have a question, been racking my brain trying to figure out why this is happening. Let me start off with a chunk of code. This takes values from a textbox and writes them to an Excel sheet: Public Sub printFrmDUIReportPreview() '// =============================== PRINT PREVIEW DUI REPORT FORM ================================== '// …

Member Avatar for RobRTaylor
Member Avatar for bembem20

can someone tell me how to get the values of the dynamic texbox created..on my first code, i munaully put textboxes..but resulted to non efficient code according to my prof..so i found a code that dynamically create texboxes, but my problem now is how to get the values of them. …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for khair.ullah

hi friends, i have a problem with using vb.net application, i want to restore my database from my vb.net application so that user clicks the restore button an OpenDialog open which Open the .bak and then restore the database to a state befor backup taken. i try the follwing code …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for tendaimare

I would like to though my datatable and seach in one particular column if there are any zeros.Currently I've been using the code below but I am not happy with the results . Any suggestions, ideas If FormatNumber(myTable.Compute("0.00", "ProductCode = '" & txtProductCode.Text & "' "), 2) IsNot Nothing Then …

Member Avatar for Gé48
Member Avatar for Oneryavuz

Hello, I have 2 datatable, first table for customers personal information and second table for customers areas of interest. this two tables have same ID for same customers. So, when i want to check my some group of customers(like who intrests on sports stuffs) i need filter my first table …

Member Avatar for Oneryavuz
Member Avatar for darthswift00

How does one validate username and password from sql database? I have used parameters in doing validating my database, but have noticed that username and passwords are being accepted when i type it straight out(EG. username= e001 , password=dave@road) , even though they have characters in capital letters(such as username=E001 …

Member Avatar for darthswift00
Member Avatar for iqra.cs786
Member Avatar for khair.ullah

hi every one! I am creating an application in vb.net with sql server 2005 at backend. I have a table PURCHASE Order with 3 colunn i.e PO_Id ,Cus_id and PO_QTY . In front end i have a SAVE button, two TexTbox 'POrder no' , 'Order Qty' and combobox 'cutomer NAME' …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for melodies

Hello guys, I'm new to this forum and I'm a biginner in VBnet language. I'm using VB express 2008. I'm trying to create a PC version of the famous game "Ticket To Ride" using VBnet language. I uploaded the map as a background image. I thought about creating pictureboxes,rotating them …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for pipelian

i have a datagrid which contains a CheckBox colum. now i want to pass values (just 1 column) from datagrid to listview based on which cell is checked. ![Untitled31](/attachments/large/3/Untitled31.jpg "Untitled31") Picture shows that, once the cell is un-checked value disapears on listview.column 1. Thanks daniweb in advance

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for iqra.cs786

i made the form of search of my project as in screen shot in vb.net the problem is that it shows the record many time of one person i put the sql query this qury = "SELECT p.per_id AS 'Person ID', " & _ "p.per_name AS 'Name', " & _ …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

Sometimes sorting data can be easy and sometimes it can be difficult. If you have data in a listview you can spend a great deal of time writing ICompare functions. This is appropriate for non-trivial applications but can be a little intimidating for inexperienced programmers. Also, it is a problem …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for opman234

> please help me check this sql statement. it is giving me this error "No value given for one or more required parameters. " cn.Open() Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand cmd.Connection = cn cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text cmd.CommandText = "Update HallTransaction Set status=? where ID=?" cmd.Parameters.Add("@statu", OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar).Value = check cmd.Parameters.Add("@Custid", OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar).Value …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for moone009

Using VB.NET 2010 All helps is greatly appreciated! Currently I am parsing through 1,000s of text files each day and inserting them into SQL. I am unsure how to break up the actual pipe delimited data and insert it properly into my database columns so I am doing that through …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for chriswelborn

This is a piece of code I wrote a long time ago when I saw someone make a "guess this scrambled word" game. The program didn't have to unscramble the word to know what the answer was, but I wanted to do it anyways. I wanted an algorithm that could …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Ao.No.Enjeru

Greetings guys can you help me with my problem i have a search textbox and i want to hide some rows on the datagrid that is not equal on the search textbox. can someone give me an idea? Thank you in advance.

Member Avatar for Ao.No.Enjeru
Member Avatar for Vijay_1

Hi All, I am well in Access Reports but in crystal reports just i am learning. I am using visual basic 2005 and access 2003 database. The report development in crystal, I am struggling and searching a long time but there is no useful tips. My database has more tables …

Member Avatar for kenth21v

I can't seem to find an thread that matches my questions so I am starting a new thread... I made an application. I used: VB.net 2010 SAP Crystal Reports Runtime Engine for .NET Framework 4.0 SQL Server Database (.mdf) I don't really know how to setup so I just publish …

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Member Avatar for npmiller

I am trying to read the following xml file into my datagridview <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <DEFLECTIONS_TABLE> <Deflections number="1"> <Service_Class>A</Service_Class> <Verticle>600</Verticle> <Horizontal>400</Horizontal> <Service_Class>B</Service_Class> <Verticle>600</Verticle> <Horizontal>400</Horizontal> <Service_Class>C</Service_Class> <Verticle>600</Verticle> <Horizontal>400</Horizontal> <Service_Class>D</Service_Class> <Verticle>800</Verticle> <Horizontal>400</Horizontal> <Service_Class>E</Service_Class> <Verticle>1000</Verticle> <Horizontal>400</Horizontal> <Service_Class>F</Service_Class> <Verticle>1000</Verticle> <Horizontal>400</Horizontal> </Deflections> </DEFLECTIONS_TABLE> I made my windowsform and put a datagridview inside called deflection_datagrid. …

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Member Avatar for ulasoc

i want to append text to "file.txt" in each new line. But its joining text when i use "write" instead of "writeline" like this "TEXTTEXT" The problem is "writeline" leaves characters end of the text as if you press enter like space. you just see them when you open it …

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The End.