20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for pc20912

I try to making Birth Day reminder project, from VB.Net and MS-Access There are Two tables, "Visitors" and "Employees" "DateofBirthDB" field in Two tables with same format. (some few different fields also in Two tables) I want to select all upcoming birth days from today onwards upto Yesterday, Please expalin …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for Learner010

hello everybody, i started learning vb.net around 3-4 days ago. And now i playing with operators . There i have one doubt : is it possible to treat string value like a operator ? for example : let suppose , there are 2 variable named `a ,b` of integer type …

Member Avatar for Learner010
Member Avatar for sushilsth

Private Sub btnsave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnsave.Click Dim com As New OleDbCommand() ' Try Dim fs As New FileStream(str, FileMode.Open) Dim data() As Byte = New [Byte](fs.Length) {} fs.Read(data, 0, fs.Length) fs.Close() 'readed image Dim name As New OleDbParameter("namee", OleDbType.VarChar, 50) name.Value = TextBox7.Text Dim address As …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for harisybsy

how can i multiple barcode image in print preview and print it? here is the code of mine: Public Class Form1 Dim PrintDoc As Printing.PrintDocument = New Printing.PrintDocument() Dim pd_PrintDialog As New PrintDialog Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged_1(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtBarcode.TextChanged picBarcode.BackgroundImage = Code128(txtBarcode.Text, "A") End Sub Private …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Rosalyn_1

I want to filter the values in the listview using the date range selected in two datetime picker. Here is my code: Dim reportstring As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Fe\Desktop\SADsystem\SADsystem\stockroom.accdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=stockroom" Dim reportconn As New OleDbConnection Dim date1 As Date Dim date2 As Date date1 = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTimePicker1.Value) date2 = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTimePicker2.Value) …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for VIPER5646

Hi all I Currently have a MDI Form that contains a DataGridView. When I open a dialog form as a MDi MdiChildren the dialog form partionly hides behing the Datagridview. (I also tried with a windows form same thing happens). Can any one help me solve this with out having …

Member Avatar for VIPER5646
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw I was working with VB.NET but then the problem occurred so I decided to change this project to VB 5.0 because that where I can make this program a stand alone executable file, this program will be embedded on a Disc (CD/DVD) so now what I want is …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for skran

Hello! Why when I try to save a null value from textbox at sql server 0 is saved? The field type is number. I use an insert query to do that thanx in advance

Member Avatar for Vinamra_1
Member Avatar for SKBrendyll

I have a combobox which is cboUser. In cboUser contains 5 item and have a aseparate password each user1="user1",user2="user2",user3="user3",admin1="admin1",admin2="admin2". All of the items have a password.If the user selects user 1 and the user input the password "user1". Then it goes to another form. What is the code for that? …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for jared.geli

Hi again I want to display my table in excel to my datagrid. I want select the 5th row of my spreadsheet as the column header. I have no problems of displaying it in DGV when my column header is at the first row. Now I need to have my …

Member Avatar for jared.geli
Member Avatar for emma.brady.794

Hi, my teacher has set me a challenge to create an array that gets the user to input 6 names, then it will output the 6 names to them. It sounds simple, but he set it to me knowing that I had no knowledge on how to actually do this. …

Member Avatar for emma.brady.794
Member Avatar for poksmdpk

how to can i insert data in another table without using wizard dataset and i have a variable that date and time that can be used on date time picker please help can anyone simplyfy the code?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for pc20912

My computer in Home network, it used few computers, (Their connected to router using Wire and WiFi) I made project from using VB.Net and MS-Access, DataBase used from network path, Project was working fine, If any computer run my project out of Home Network, it show error message. If there …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for kuldeep tinku
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Thasarath
Member Avatar for sganandhsg

Hi All, I am using log4net for the Logs and generated the new log file when new date is started(12AM). I need to create a log file when it will reach 1MB and also new date(12AM). Please help me with details of config changes. So I need log file like …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi guys I've never worked with script before and I'm not sure but I think the solution around my problem will be in script but don't take in mind that yet as I said I've never worked with script. I have a DVD+RW I want to burn or embed a …

Member Avatar for Gé48
Member Avatar for lrhimma

hi everyone im doing small vbproject that must auto generate id using the current date format in vb.net-(VISUAL STUDIO 2012) with Ms access database. When the button1 click the autonumber should be displayed in text. And when it save, it should be saved in the database access. The id number …

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Member Avatar for belwaer

I have this XML data I have this XML data <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <RESULT> <GRP ID="ITM0_1"> <FLD NAME="TCLCOD" TYPE="Char">BSMSL</FLD> <FLD NAME="ZTCLCOD" TYPE="Char">NégoceLot</FLD> <FLD NAME="FIL11" TYPE="Char"/> <FLD MENULAB="Actif" MENULOCAL="246" NAME="ITMSTA" TYPE="Integer">1</FLD> **<FLD NAME="ITMREF" TYPE="Char">BIS-001</FLD>** <FLD NAME="DES1AXX" TYPE="Char">Paquet biscuit salé MST</FLD> </GRP> <GRP ID="ADXTEC"> <FLD NAME="WW_MODSTAMP" TYPE="Char">20111122113508</FLD> <FLD NAME="WW_MODUSER" TYPE="Char">ADMIN</FLD> </GRP> </RESULT> …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for nav234

Hi all, Iam using [B]vb.net and WPF[/B] In a wpf window im showing a datagrid in the load event while in the load event itself,i need to count grand total amount from a single datagrid column and add it to a textbox in same page . My page looks like …

Member Avatar for 123mahesh
Member Avatar for jared.geli

Hi guys I need help on adding a value from 1 row to other column 1 row below. I know it's kinda confusing so here's what I want to do: Column_A Column_B Column_C 1 25% 25% 2 15% 40% 3 25% 65% 4 35% 100% So far I don't have …

Member Avatar for jared.geli
Member Avatar for chris.shipley.315

I really am trying to figure this out but just cannot get it right. I have 2 tables, "tblSalesMain" and "tblRepMain". I am trying to return to a combobox a reps first and last name instead of an "ID". For example, when a sale is selected it will show all …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jaasaria

hi guys , i have a problem with my loading/refresh record in my form. i have only almost 500 record and take so long before refreshing/display the data. i have a user input form where user enter their record and while saving(direct to the database) and refreshing data i just …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for poksmdpk

can anyone help me in this problem? i have to put sql server data in my combobox on my form, i watch several tutorial in youtube and read here some other codes but i still don't how to. please can anyone help me? Using combocon As New SqlConnection("Data Source=NSSISQLSERVER;Initial Catalog=NSSIDB;Persist …

Member Avatar for poksmdpk
Member Avatar for branding4you

Does anyone know of any code that records actions that mouse and keyboard performs on my computer then save the file so I can replay it later I have 340,000 pdf documents to work through The Idea is to ... The recording app will do three things, when I start …

Member Avatar for Deep Modi

I am using the richtextbox, and now when I am saving the File, then the File get saved but not as I want.? Example: File Name: example File extension: .txt Body: **1.)**Hey guys, Whats up? **2.)**R u Fine ??? **3.)**Reply soon Now When I save the file and open in …

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for Deep Modi

I like to know how to add the no at the each new line before starting. I know how to count total lines. but I am lacking some knowledge on how I can Add new line number before New line and also the selected line get background colour different then …

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Member Avatar for kerryP

Hi, I am new to VB.NET and I manage to create an add-on to help my disable girl look up things. The small issue i am having is getting the add-on to run automatically without me or her clicking on the button. I was wondering how can I make the …

Member Avatar for satti

there are two combobox cm1 and cm2 when user select columns from database for x axis and y axis in cm1 and cm2 the graph show the data from those columns . Need your help that how to populate combos with column names and to show the graph of selected …

Member Avatar for ryanjayson
Member Avatar for guente

Please i have a problem i cant resolve. I was able to populate my combobox (Cus_ID) from TLB_Customer table sucessfully. Now, how ca i use the same populated combobox to populate a textbox (Cus_Name) all in the same TLB_Customer table. My Code Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class frmTransaction Dim con As …

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The End.