In my app, I have a text box that takes the text and transfers it to w Word doc for printing. It does this with the bookmark feature in Word.
On the Word doc, I only have "X" amount of space. The bookmark in Word will auto size and fill with as much text as I want, but I need to limit this, and only have (for example) up to 900 characters in that specific bookmark. The remainder of the text I need to go to a seperate sheet.
Here is the (stripped down) code I use to transfer the text to the Word doc as an illistration:
Public Sub printPC_Affidavit()
Dim oWord As Word.Application
Dim oDoc As Word.Document
oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
oWord.Visible = True
oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add(x.myPC_AffidavitDOTFile)
oDoc.Bookmarks.Item("txtOffense1").Range.Text = frmPC_Affidavit.txtOffense1.Text
oDoc.Bookmarks.Item("txtOffense2").Range.Text = frmPC_Affidavit.txtOffense2.Text
oDoc.Bookmarks.Item("txtPC").Range.Text = frmPC_Affidavit.txtPC.Text
oWord.PrintPreview = True ' print preview mode
oWord = Nothing
oDoc = Nothing
End Sub
So the bookmark in Word is called txtPC. I'll have to create another template in Word, and in it create another bookmark (that I'll call) txtPC2 or something.
So how do I get any characters over the 900 over to the second template?