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I am a self-employed IT Professional with 16+ years of "pc hacking". I worked my way up from break/fix to MIS Director of a 150 seat law firm in Hartford, CT before going independent in August 2008.
- Interests
- C++, VB.Net, VBA, XBox FPS
- PC Specs
- (Usually) HP Elitebook 2740p, Core i5 M240 @ 2.53Ghz, 4GB RAM, Visual Studio 2010 Pro, SQLExpress 2008
82 Posted Topics
Re: Here's [some source code](http://archive.msdn.microsoft.com/Connection/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=3863 "Data Connection Dialog") at MSDN for the Data Connection Dialog that was ?packaged/affiliated/an add-in? for Visual Studio 2005. Alternatively, there's [this project](http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/59796/UDL-Net-A-ConnectionString-Editor-Built-from-Scrat "UDL.Net Connection String Editor") at CodeProject.com. | |
Re: You'll probably not want to increase the "stock on hand" until you take delivery. What I recommend is to track that amount in a separate column, "On Order"  . If you have MSAccess, there's a pretty good inventory layout in the Northwind sample database. See screenshot inline. (yes, … | |
Re: FWIW, I also see some text editor bugs, but cannot replicate them on demand. Using IE Version 9.0.8112.16421 on Windows 7 Build 7601: Service Pack 1; *it seems to be after a big paste operation*. For me, I've only noticed issues with placing the cursor back to the end of … | |
Re: Codeproject has a webservices intro, with a client-side console application to consume it. [Click Here](http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/8257/How-to-make-a-simple-WebService-and-consume-it) to view the article. | |
Re: Google has a custom search API, [Click Here](https://developers.google.com/custom-search/v1/overview) for the overview. What are your specific requirements? How many websites do you need to be able to view? How much of each website do you need to "block"? Is this for a class project, just killing time, or what? | |
Re: While you're at it, put some error handling in... Imports System.Data.SqlServerCe Public Class Edit_Sensor_Form Try ' Shared variables Dim con As SqlCeConnection = _ New SqlCeConnection("Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Database1.sdf") Dim myDA As New SqlCeDataAdapter Dim myDataSet As New DataSet Dim DataGridView1 As New DataGrid Dim ret As New SqlCeDataReader Dim mySelectQuery As … | |
Re: Assuming that the "windows login" you are referring to is actually the browser prompting for credentials, try this example [here](http://vbcity.com/blogs/jatkinson/archive/2009/12/12/programmatically-entering-and-data-using-the-webbrowser-control.aspx). | |
Re: In order for the other computers on the network to access the DB hosted on your computer, you will need to leave SQLExpress running. The other machines would then use a connection string something like: `connectionString="Data Source=" & YOUR_COMPUTER_NAME & "\SQLEXPRESS;InitialCatalog=" & YOUR_DATABASE_NAME & ";Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"` Where YOUR_COMPUTER_NAME is … | |
Re: For your "Service Based Database", you are using MSSQL? | |
Re: Have you looked at `schtasks.exe`? There is a section of documentation [here](http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766266.aspx) on MSDN that gives an overview of the requirements for running a task on a remote computer. | |
Re: Try [this](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/vbnet/threads/441295/set-connection-string-at-run-time-in-vb.net "Set Connection String at Runtime in VB.Net") discussion, see if any of the suggestions help you. | |
Re: We need the exact text of the error message. Clean and rebuild in Debug mode, see if you get the same error. I take it you get an error when running it somewhere other than your development machine, correct? Almost certainly a permissions error, or missing|unsupported assembly | |
Re: The `GROUP BY` clause allows you to associate the Average values with a specific item, if you just want them to display in a different order, look into `ORDER BY` | |
# Have you ever tried using the String.Compare method for a case-insensitive string comparison? # The [documentation](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/zkcaxw5y(v=vs.100).aspx) on MSDN for the overloaded method: 'Declaration Public Shared Function Compare ( _ strA As String, _ strB As String, _ ignoreCase As Boolean _ ) As Integer states `Compares two specified String … | |
Re: Do you actually have 15 physical Serial Ports? I don't know for certain, but I suspect that you cannot just arbitrarily decide to give yourself another serial port without the appropriate hardware - at least not using this method. I don't see any mention of a "virtual" port in the … | |
Re: What do you have so far for requirements, design, and code? | |
Re: No idea, since I don't use Crystal Reports; but they have a lot of documentation and community support on their website [here](http://scn.sap.com/welcome), Sample Code and SDKs [here](http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/boc/samples). | |
Re: Known issue. First hit on a Google Search.... Click [here](http://search.sap.com/ui/notes?id=0001525432&boj=/sap/bc/bsp/spn/scn_bosap/notes.do?access=69765F6D6F64653D3939382669765F7361706E6F7465735F6E756D6265723D30303031353235343332&ssocompatible) for workaround. | |
Re: Please confirm that I understand. If I understand correctly, you can: 1. Determine which database to connect. 2. Connect to either database per user choice in ComboBox. 3. Retrieve the correct data. **All at runtime** Is that correct? | |
Re: Too late, the OP is banned now... | |
Re: I believe you need to provide a the connection and logon properties separately for Crystal Reports. I haven't had a chance to look into it yet, but have seen that mentioned in other discussions. You might try the Crystal Reports SDK [here](http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-27465), and look through their discussion groups to see … | |
Re: Confirmed. Both methods have 2 overloads, Save method has same overloads LoadFile(String) LoadFile(Stream, RichTextBoxStreamType) LoadFile(String, RichTextBoxStreamType) | |
Re: I've seen it for at least a week or two, I just "assumed" it had always been there, but unnoticed by me... :) | |
Re: Send the text to Word first, then use Word to print it. **Did you search the forums first?** If you search the forum for "Word RichText" you'll find 6+ pages of discussions - I'm sure some of that code can be adapted to your needs, [this one](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/vbnet/threads/441075/send-text-to-word-#post1897194 "Send Text to … | |
Re: How about some table defs and data? Would that help? Lethugs had sent this out on a previous post, I do not know whether the db structure has changed since then, but I suspect not - as I suggested rethinking the design and his reply indicated that he was "constrained"... | |
Re: If you step through the code, what is the value of e.Index on Rows 58 & 59? You should use a loop for that incremental count too. You'd have to put the textboxes into an array in the order you want them filled in, then just loop 0 to 59. … | |
Re: Do you not need the bookmark after the first insert operation? A quick look [online](http://word.mvps.org/faqs/macrosvba/InsertingTextAtBookmark.htm) shows me that unless you redefine the bookmark after inserting the text, it's lost. Can you not just set the page layout for different first page, then let Word decide when to page break? |
The End.