20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for lrhimma

hi I'm developing an application where i have to scan the barcode of the driverID and retrieve his information in textbox. Honestly, i don't know how to deal with this. I'm new in vb.net. Anyone can help me to give a sample code. please (thannks in advance)

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Member Avatar for imperator

Hey. I am trying to make a small Google Adwords keyword planner tool which incorporates clicking the download button. ( http://i.imgur.com/M3Ksotz.png ) However, it's a bit difficult to figure out how can I programmatically click that button because it's not a usual <input> HTML button, but it's code looks like …

Member Avatar for greatiq
Member Avatar for lincoln68504

I am currently working on a project that involves saving a picture to a sql database. I have done quite a bit of research on this and have found a lot of useful stuff but nothing where I can actually develop some code from. Simply put, it is a datagridview …

Member Avatar for ryanjayson
Member Avatar for Sevyt

My access database is shown in my datagridview. When i start the program and click through the names everything is displayed in the linked textboxes. But ones i search through my database, and the results are filtered. My cellclick stops working, not getting any error messages. It just stick to …

Member Avatar for Sevyt
Member Avatar for arezz09

hello.. i have problem load two data from different table and column.. for example, each data from product table into product combobox and brand table to brand combobox..i succussfully load data to combobox but got multiple same data into combobox.. Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;Data Source=" & Application.StartupPath & "\mydatabase.mdb;Jet …

Member Avatar for ryanjayson
Member Avatar for yagelnnn1

Hey, does anybody know how to read cloumn from MySQL? I mean, like if I have in my MySQL the schema "Bdatabase" and the table "accounts". In that table there are username and password. How can I do in my program that it'll read the username and password?

Member Avatar for ryanjayson
Member Avatar for elie.karkafy
Member Avatar for Gen_1

I need help playing audio from mysql blob. I know how to save audio file as blob but I don't know how to play it in vb.net. Is there a way to play audio from mysql blob without saving it first as a file? If so, I need sample codes, …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for westsiderailway

Hi there, i have two froms all ready made in design mode. how do i transfer data between them. the program starts in Form1, the user selects which option to use and then goto Form2 to calculate. when finished go back to Form1, how do i get the result back …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Yeonng

Hi, I'm a beginner in Vb.net. I have a problem like this. My table name in dtabase is *tblsales* ![67f4b407a5443c6d48ba102a4779c9f2](/attachments/large/4/67f4b407a5443c6d48ba102a4779c9f2.JPG "67f4b407a5443c6d48ba102a4779c9f2") and i have 4 combobox in month and year ![81361dad1be3d14458ae4ad0a3aa9a55](/attachments/large/4/81361dad1be3d14458ae4ad0a3aa9a55.JPG "81361dad1be3d14458ae4ad0a3aa9a55") i need to find data between this 4 combobox. And this is the code i've tried before. For …

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Member Avatar for amvx86

Hello everyone, I'm writing up a new application that instead of using microsoft as a server, I'm using a linux server with a database in it. The database was setup, the tables were set up, and access was granted in mysql. The issue I'm having is that I keep getting …

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Member Avatar for bogdan.buduroiu

Well Hello daniweb, I want to point out that I am barely beginning to learn VB.net for my A-Level Computing Course. So, I was asked to make a Currency Conversion Program and make it have a Transaction Log that is automatically updated when the user makes a conversion. I chose …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for AnLag

Hi, Am new in VB.Net.I want to know how to call for data from SQL server usin code. Thanks

Member Avatar for AnLag
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Please don't mind, my question is very lengthy. Help me. I have been facing a problem with my usb for two months. When i copy something from any computer, it copies it perfectly and when i plug my usb in my computer, the files open only in usb's window but …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for pc20912

I am using MS-Access & VB.Net I want to change Database password which use for connection string in Vb.Net forms (DB password change using, Open DB through MS-Access) For the beginning I used My.setting to save password and retrieve it from project load, but it not secure. My.Setting files easily …

Member Avatar for Dili1234
Member Avatar for 2384443

I'm new to this topic..!! Please help me out.. I have learned about Visual Basic during my High school but now there is a new topic which i'm interested & that is VB.net..!! Could you please tell me that is there any difference between them or are these two languages …

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Member Avatar for Deep Modi

I am trying to add the History page in my application which will work like as i shown below: 1st Column: (Date); 2nd column: (Login Time); 3rd Column: (Logout Time) I added the following code: Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for joester007

These are the instructions for the assignment. I have done everything but I'm stuck on number 8. 1.Write a function that takes in a string of numbers and returns the corresponding array of those numbers in the Single data type. 2.Write another function that takes an array of Single and …

Member Avatar for JennyV143
Member Avatar for weeraa

I have datatable and it has two columns named "RegNo", "Name" RegNo is a string field. This is an example "RegNo" "Name" ====== ===== 55 name1 10 name2 5555 name3 75 name4 10A name5 i used this code for sort datatable.DefaultView.Sort = "RegNo ASC" But after sort the RegNo column …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for rbeach1955

I am using FactoryLink SCADA HMI software and I need to lock the focus on a screen that automatically opens and needs operator to answer before it will close and allow the user to continue on the background screen. If anyone knows where I can find this answer I would …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for kibbs_it

i need to develop one application like service invoice file management..!! i have customer list, technician daily going their for service i want to store daily service paper via scan that paper and want to store in that application is this possible to do.. because i was very beginner for …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Asan23

i am trying to pass and array to a function in a module so i can calculate the average with multiple entries and its not keeping the other entries only the lat entry. in the function i tried different way to see if i can get the private array and …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for tsomondos

I wrote a few applications using Visual Studio 2010 and i was saving them in different folders but all of them are saved on my desktop and now i want to combine them and i'm failing..please can you help me or give me instructions on how to do it. Thank …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for pc20912

Table1 ID Name City ContactNo GK12-350 - Peter - Munich - 8997557906 EG24-812 - Colling - London - 8726 6000 RU38-915 - Brezhnev - Moscow - 4958721273 Table2 ID OderFrom OrderDate AprovedBy EG24-812 - City Saloon - 23-03-2012 - Thomas RU38-915 - General Merchants - 01-07-2011 - Rumpe EG24-812 - …

Member Avatar for jrevox
Member Avatar for DanielTradeWs

I have this problem, I have a SQL code working perfectly on SQL Query windows... SELECT ID_no, nom_navire, date_mes, date_sav, description, nom_fourn, no_facture, date_facture, accept, decline FROM DB_FACTURE WHERE( ID_no = 39) Answer perfect On my code Is ... SELECT devise FROM FOURNISSEURS WHERE nom_fourn = '" + Nom_FournPass + …

Member Avatar for DanielTradeWs
Member Avatar for DanielTradeWs

Hi every boddy Big problem here. I don't know if from access or vb.net I program in Visual Basic inside Visual Studio 2010 I have Access 2002 dbase with the first field caled ID_no : autonumber and primarykey and it is a "LONG INTEGER" I can not change because it …

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Member Avatar for mrkm1188

I have a simple Windows Forms Application that I published to a network share and manually installed on a handful of users computers from the network share. I had to make a change to the software and had to manually uninstall and reinstall the new version of the form on …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for vn412

Hi, I have a table with curdt field with datatype datetime in ms-access. the entries in curdt as follows:1/28/2011, 2/9/2011 etc. I have a form with two datepickers with custom format of dd/mm/yyyy. my query is like [CODE] select * from table where curdt between #dtfr# and #dtto# [/CODE] where …

Member Avatar for Krishan_2
Member Avatar for raidenx44

we have problem regarding to the list view portion as you can see on the figure. On the left list view, we have a list of authors which data bounded through the database. we want it to transfer several of the information on the right list view then get its …

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The End.