20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for skp03

i have a form in which their is a two text boxes text box1=username text box2=password when i execute then i have to enter the username and password when i cancel the execution it will close every thing ok But i need the same username which has been used at …

Member Avatar for skp03
Member Avatar for skp03

A bit of confusion what to do I have a form1 in that their is a button by name "login" by clicking on the button "login" the form2 will be shown in a form2 their is username and password text boxes and two button one is "ok" and another one …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for sara

hi.. can u help me calculate age using vb.net. i have txtage.text and txtdob.text. the format dob is 21.03.1978. and if txtage.text <35 it will in group 1, if txtage.text < 49 it will in group 2. the group in radiobutton. i've bee thinking this problem almost 3 days. please …

Member Avatar for bescobar
Member Avatar for skp03

what to do in order to get the same setting in the execution of the form which has been done during the previous execution of the form in VB.net

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

I have inherited the standard panel control to create a panel having custom border color. The problem is, while the panel is on a form and any other form is moved across it, it paints hapazard lines of the same color as the panel custom border color, all throughout background …

Member Avatar for priyamtheone
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

I have a readonly datagridview that is bound to a datasource. It has two columns. Now I want the first column to have no cell borderstyle; and the second one to have 'All' (i.e. all sides of the cell shall have a border) as cell borderstyle. Before binding the datagridview …

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Member Avatar for daniwaber

Hi:) I want to change the formatting of a rich text box's selected text with lines of different sizes. For example if I have written " [B]I code in VB[/B] " (any font, size 72, bold) on the first line and " [I]VB is easy[/I] " (any font, size 48, …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde

Hi Guys, In my appplication Backgroundworker throw an error exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Any idea how i can resolve this thread.

Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde
Member Avatar for mansi sharma

hey,I know the foll. Method to read the textfile line by line. & it is also working Fine. But I want to know that method which includes EOF(End Of File). Can Somebody tell me that method. [code=vb] sFilename = "C:\Listview.txt" If Dir(sFilename.ToString) <> "" Then sFileReader = System.IO.File.OpenText(sFilename) sInputLine = …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for naazsayed

hi, i have a project in my last year and have 2 queries i am using vb.net and sql server 2005 as backend first problem is, i have a search form in which a field called billno is searched and all details are displayed in datagridview but the problem is …

Member Avatar for naazsayed
Member Avatar for digital_signage
Member Avatar for shers

Hi, I'm working on a propertygrid that has two items. The value of these items has to be taken from a database table. The table contains two columns, but I only want one column data to be displayed in the propertygrid. When the user selects one value from the drop …

Member Avatar for shers
Member Avatar for adnysam

Dear Friends I have an issue when I place a label box in the MDI Parent form and then open a child form the [B][U]label box highlighted in child form[/U][/B], could you please help me out to regret this problem, Thanks in Advance.

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Member Avatar for 2advance

Hello Friends, I've one problem with an Image which is to be placed in crystal report. I stored image in sql server 2000 database in varbinary datatype. Now i want to retrive that image and display in crystal report using vb.net 2005. Any one know how to do this?

Member Avatar for kothaisaravan

Hi, I want to save the gridview values of one form while leaving that particular form using VB.NET. I did this in case of textbox and combobox values by using Savesetting and getsetting property. Thanks if any help...

Member Avatar for klm910622

hi.. i'm new in using vb... can anybody help me to check the problem inside my code? [CODE]Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.IO Public Class editMovies Private Sub editMovies_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(conString) Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT …

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Member Avatar for toldav

I need help in write this code. If someone can give me a hand on this please. I need to determine which students have a specific major based upon the button that is clicked , then code will pull all the CS student's name and put them in the results …

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Member Avatar for RedexProGamma

Hi again... I have been working on a small webbrowser application, and am having trouble with my Favorites bar script. So far I have [CODE]Public Class frm_Main Public Function NewFav(ByVal Name As String, ByVal URL As Uri) Dim twoToolStripMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem = New ToolStripMenuItem(Name) AddHandler twoToolStripMenuItem.Click, AddressOf Me.twoToolStripMenuItem_Click Me.FavoritesToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.Add(twoToolStripMenuItem) End …

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Member Avatar for aerohn

I have an error "ERROR [22018] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression". I am using VBdotNet2005 and MS Access as its database, and I can't really get the hang of this error. I've been trying to google the answer but I cannot find solution for this. …

Member Avatar for aerohn
Member Avatar for compulove

I am trying to copy the contents of a folder into another folder in another drive using XCOPY. Here is code I have now but it isn't working and I figure xcopy would be the easier way to go because MOVETO and CopyDirectory haven't been working because its copying files …

Member Avatar for bluehangook629
Member Avatar for afffro

how to make offline database use vb.net and microsoft access?? please help me.. urgent

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for jugnu

Hi, I need to know how to run an application on client machines from a Central location for example from an application server? Thanks and Regards

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for trisha0906

i would like to sort the information inputted on the textbox and make it appear on the listview of another form by using the combobox. like if i inputted my Surname, First_Name and Middle_Name and i chose the "Full" item for my paytype with the id number "txtid" and the …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for bluehangook629

Hey guys, I am trying to find .NET Framework Configuration Tool which used to be in the control panel for older versions such as .Net Framework 2.0. I just noticed that it is not there anymore, and mscorcfg.msc is also missing from the machine. I googled on it and one …

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Member Avatar for vammy

Hi Guys, How do we create relation ships between tables using a sql query? im using MS Access and VB.net. Please post an example,tht would b really appreciated. many thanks.

Member Avatar for vammy
Member Avatar for mahmodslah25

Hi All in my project (bot) i want to make two http requests one by one with cookie like : delete something , then appear (Are you sure to delete?) message ,then click submit thanks for all

Member Avatar for cyberwarezcp

Hello I wanna asking, i have a database ( online ) which have a 3 table ( Name, Link, Status ) I wanna ask how to : Check Name Data is it Same with the TextBox1? if it same check the status data is it "A" for Active or "N" …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for deepsmehta

I want to calculate factorial with all proper validations. Can anyone tell me the functions to be use for this using VB.NET...pLz

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for m1234ike

Hello DaniWeb, I have a new idea for an app: I have an external harddrive and I usually backup my desktop with a cleanup folder which I usually move to the external harddrive. The problem is: when I search for a file (i.e. example.mp3) I will find multiple copies which …

Member Avatar for awmantonio

Hi! I have a problem in Crystal Reports on VB.NET 2008. I have two GroupHeaderSection, one is grouping per Department and the other is per Section. Under the Section grouping, I have series of Summaries, i.e. EmpA, EmpB, EmpC. These summaries are the Sum of all the workOutputHrs of employees …


The End.