20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for zuvefox

hi.. VingCard has software name Vision to create hotel's door access KeyCard an to connect to encoder device. I want to connect and crate access keycard via my application but I don't found SDK . could anyone help me how to create access KeyCard using vb.net or have SDK?

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for daniwaber

Can anyone suggest a code used to print a certain text from and RTF box with different formatting for different words. Also, can I print preview it and page setup it. I tried to use the print dialogs but could not do it. Please help:)

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for pankaj.garg

Dear All, Screen Size of my deployment screen is larger than my development screen. If i try to set my form size larger than my development screen size, IDE doesnot accepts this. Please let me know How can I use a form larger than my development screen Size? Pankaj

Member Avatar for pankaj.garg
Member Avatar for dashawk

Hi guys, I am just wondering if anyone have already developed an application using Visual Basic 2010 with Multitouch gestures? I have some research in these fields but I only get WPF or C# codes but still lacks details.... Anyone could share their ideas?

Member Avatar for kothaisaravan

Hi, Am using VB.NET. I have a search page in one form(Search.vb) and another form(Form1.vb) to display the details of selected data from the search form. I already have back button in Form1.vb which returns to some other form say (Action.vb). In case of searching data it returns to Form1 …

Member Avatar for kothaisaravan
Member Avatar for skp03

With the help of VB.net how to lock a computer screen using a form do anybody know please let me know

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for khizer03

hello everybody !!!!!!!!!! I have a code which i coded but in that their is an error to lock the screen in the form1 i have written [CODE] msgbox("we are about to lock your screen!!!") me.visible=false lockscreen.visible=true lockscreen.killprocess.enabled=true 'the code i had written in the timer is public sub killprocess(byval …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for falconsorceror

Hi, I cannot seem to figure out how to search through a created/filled dataset for a certain value which exists in column(1), returning Column(0)'s value into a textbox. My code looks like this: Dim connStringdg44 As String = "server=(local);database=Cricket;trusted_connection=yes" Dim conndg44 As New SqlConnection(connStringdg44) Dim strSQLdg44 As String = "select …

Member Avatar for falconsorceror
Member Avatar for thegrovesy

Hi all, I have created a custom datagridview cell type (which allows the user to either enter text or add an image). This is working as I had planned, with one exception... This new cell type, which is set as the CellTemplate, has a button to the right of the …

Member Avatar for thegrovesy
Member Avatar for vb.netfreak

Hi, i need to load all buttons(200) text in my vb.net windows form at run time from my database table column. for single button its like button1.text = database value but i want For i = 1 to 200 button(i).text = database value Next i i tried this but its …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for nore

Iam using data set and create table adapter then create select some data to be used in my aplication. In my app, i create data table to gain data from table adapter, but i don't know how to get some specific data, ex : item in column "a". Could you …

Member Avatar for nore
Member Avatar for tashee2007

Hi All, I have one vb form with two textbox,one checkbox, and two buttons. I am using SQL Database as back end for this form. Controls of my form goes like that: 1. txtGenderID 2. txtGenderName 3. chkIsDefault 4. btnSave 5. btnCancel SQL Table as follows: Table Name: tblGender GsGenderCode …

Member Avatar for tashee2007
Member Avatar for sigridish

hi all! i have here a code [CODE] Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged mycommand = New MySqlCommand Dim daMyName As New MySqlDataAdapter Dim dsMyName As New DataSet Try connection() mycon.Open() With mycommand .Connection = mycon .CommandText = "Select * from finaltickettable where work_group …

Member Avatar for sigridish
Member Avatar for anc6802

I'm writing a program for my job in which we are keeping track of employees usage of food at work. The form in question interacts with an access database to a binded control with labels and textboxes. This form I'm working on is the user view which doesn't allow them …

Member Avatar for anc6802
Member Avatar for Begginnerdev

I am having a problem with a datareader. [CODE] Do While myData.Read itmListItem = New ListViewItem() strValue = IIf(myData.IsDBNull(0), "", myData.GetValue(0)) itmListItem.Text = strValue For shtCntr = 1 To myData.FieldCount() - 1 If myData.IsDBNull(shtCntr) Then itmListItem.SubItems.Add(" ") Else itmListItem.SubItems.Add(myData.GetString(shtCntr)) End If Next shtCntr view_data.DatabaseListView.Items.Add(itmListItem) Loop [/CODE] I have used message …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for Tobyjug2222

Hello, I'm currently making a program in Visual Basic 2010 for my Course work, and I'm struggling a little as it involves a "log-in system." The system will save the Users Information in a folder (Called UserInfo.txt) (Address, Password, Email etc..), and the folder name being the username of the …

Member Avatar for berniefitz
Member Avatar for Begginnerdev

Hello, I have one more question. I am connectinag to SQL Server 2008, not express, and I keep getting the "login failed for user "..."" The connection string I am using is: [CODE] Dim connStrg As String = "Data Source=" _ & ServerAdressTextBox.Text & _ ";Initial Catalog=" & _ DatabaseNameTextBox.Text …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for tvone

Say i have these XML tag: [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <AutoMobile> <KeyPhrases list="BMW"> <[COLOR="Green"]Question value="Is this type I or type II?"[/COLOR]> <[COLOR="Red"]Option value="Type I"[/COLOR] id="1"> <Question value="Is this controlled or uncontrolled?"> <Option value="Controlled" id="1"> <Diagnosis_List> <Diagnosis icd9=""> type I - controlled</Diagnosis> </Diagnosis_List> </Option> <Option value="Uncontrolled" id="2"> <Diagnosis_List> <Diagnosis icd9="">type I …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for toldav

I'm trying to find out what is the final output value for this "for loops." I'm getting 81 [CODE]Dim sum As Integer sum = 0 For i As Integer = 1 To lstNumbers.Items.Count - 2 sum = sum + lstNumbers.Items(i) Next lstNumbers.Items.Add("The sum is " & CStr(sum)) "lstNumbers.Items" 5 10 …

Member Avatar for toldav
Member Avatar for dennis_ian

hi iam new with vb and iam just trying to learn this one by reading tutorials online. After months of trying, i have created one db which i would like to use at our office. Its a counter Ticketing system. Its fun actually i must say, but its also giving …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for razree

Hi all I run into a problem and I'm asking for you help again. I have a IF statement which is checking each row in the data table (for a match) and ELSE statement with commands which are executed if the If statement is not satisfied. Now I would like …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for churni

Hi All I am creating a program which will (in the end) help me quickly transfer products from one category into another within a MySQL Database. I have a database with TWO separate tables which are connected using INNER JOIN where the products have a categoryID as do the categories …

Member Avatar for invisal
Member Avatar for RaoxFaello

I'm new to VB.Net i was asked by my professor to create and pass an application (He didn't mention any specifics so i'll take it as creating my own application) So i'm thinking to create something simple and it include something like opening a form within a form For example …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for khizer03

how to link a form so that the form should appear as soon as the computer gets on in VB.net

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for aishapot

I need to save pictures in my database, my database is MSSQL as of now, my code for getting the picture is this: Private Sub browsepic_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles browsepic.Click With dialogpic 'Open File Dialog sa toolbox .InitialDirectory = "C:\Users\CAMILLE\Pictures" .Filter = "JPG Files|*.jpg|PNG Files|*.png|GIF …

Member Avatar for aishapot
Member Avatar for lili22

[B]Hello .. im a business student with a vb.net course .. donno why we're being taught vb but that's that .. any ways could anyone help me solve this problem: Develop an application which reads two integers n1 and n2 from the user via two textboxes and displays in a …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Bheeman89

Hello people. Im having a problem in my coding. I am doing a username and password application (sumtthing like a password keeper). So I have created the interface and i integrated vb 2008 with sql server 2008. So the adding of account and password all went fine. I have applied …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for abhit_kumar

Dear All Experts, How to display datagridview with default six blank rows and two columns. Please guide me. Regards, abhi

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for flywheeljack

I am currently working with a vb2010 front end with access as the database. everything works for accessing the information adding information. But when I try to edit/update the contents of a row I find that the update is being applied to the first row of the table rather than …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for skran

Hi! I m trying to open a filter form at the center of a form which is inside the panel 2 of a split container.. I ve selected Start Position of the filter form => Center Screen but the problem is that when I push the button which opens the …

Member Avatar for Netcode

The End.