You know when you insert an image into BASIC it makes a new folder called "Resources" and puts the picture in it? Well, I want a file in it so I can access it.
PictureBox3.ImageLocation = "C:\Users\Kenneth Rhee\Desktop\CIB\Profiles\" + TextBox3.Text + "" + TextBox4.Text + "" + TextBox6.Text + "\" + TextBox3.Text + "" + TextBox4.Text + "" + TextBox6.Text + ".jpg"
So basically I want to know the file path of the "resources" folder so even if another person downloads it, they can access the files. I think the file path is something like WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.Resources.icon_cadsoft_eagle because that's what the ImageLocation said in a PictureBox. Any ideas? Any replies would be appreicated. Thanks in advance.