20,284 Topics
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how can i upload an image with the same size of the picturebox? can someone help me ? :) | |
i have one table containing 2 columns namely Designation and Department. i want from choosing on DeptnameCB the DesEmpCB will display the corressponding designation to the department chosen. i have this code as of now. Dim strsql = "select * from DesignationEveryDepartment where Department = '" & DeptNameCB.Text & "'" … | |
Hello again, How do i do the code where i have a list box with certain names in. Also a textbox called Username. When someone enters the name into the textbox to get access to a form, how do i make it so it only allows the names from that … | |
Hi, How can i convert my column with timespan dataType (Eg: 04:04:45 ) to DateTime in HH:mm:ss format (Eg: 04:04:45)? Currently I can convert the column to datetime (Eg: 10/2/2012 4:04:45 AM) but I only want the time (Eg: 04:04:45 ). Can someone help me please... | |
i have a listview with subitems namely NAME Age and Position. The positions are Driver, Conductor and Inspector. I have 3 textbox namely CountD, CountC, CountI. What i want is if i Click the Name in the listview where the position is driver, the CountD.text will display 1 and if … | |
hey, i need to insert a row into datagridview meanwhile it has to be updated in the database(backend) using oledb. thanks inadvance | |
I have a 1 datagridview in form1 with columns namely ID,Name_, Address, Birthday, Age, Gender,Status, Position, Driver License , Attendance, and password. The position is a combobox where the items are Driver, Conductor and Inspector. In form2 i have 3 listview namely Ldrive, Lcon, Lins. The problem is this , … | |
Hello, I am trying to create a currency converter, but when I press 'convert' it get the error message: Index was outside the vounds of the array. Here is my code: Imports System.IO Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions Public Class Form1 Private Sub doCalculate() ' Need the scraping Dim Str As System.IO.Stream Dim … | |
Dim bill As integer=textbox14.text Module1.billno = bill Form18.txtbillno = Module1.billno Value of Type 'Integer' cannot be converted to System.Windows.Forms.Textbox | |
i trying to make subliminal message program so i mean i will write "I am Happy" then i should show this message for 1 frame per second. how can i use 1 frame or 1 frame time. i cant use timer couse i can see my message even i set … | |
AOA. Dear friends i am a final year student of BCS . I am working on project with Title "HOSTEL MANGMENT SYSTEM" . I am confuse in project i.e what type of form it need. So if any one have idea about this project so plz help me. Thanks in … | |
calculate the cost, sales tax and total cost ion the list box. cost for each chair is 1200 and sofa 200 while sales tax is 16% | |
how to formate the DGV cell in hours and minutes in vb.net 2008 | |
I've a DataGrid Control in my application and a button. When i click a button it should display the contents of the Logins table in the DataGrid. For this I've coded the following, but its giving me an error "Rowset is not bookmarkable.". I've searched a lot, many suggestions include … | |
Hello again! :) How can i put a Captured Image by a Webcam in picture Box? I'm Using VB.Net 2008 I dont know what to do. Thanks in advance! | |
hey frds, help me i don know the how to copy the content from one table to another(in access) using oledb,dataset.. for clear understanding i gve eg., there r 2 tables, the 1st table with the fields studentID,StudentName, Course,Year and 2nd table with the fields studentID,StudentName, Course,Year,marks,grade. here i want … | |
I'm retarded and can't find this on the net. How do I pass data that i've stored in a variable via a textbox into a MessageBox? [CODE] MessageBox.Show("Name:", BName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) [/CODE] When I run this, BName does not show the name. BName is a name from a textBox BName. | |
gud evening sir/maam , can i ask for a help regarding on how to change the mouse pointer using image in vb.net to look like its a mouse cursor ... i dont have any idea with this stuff cause we havent discuss this yet and i need it by tommorrow … | |
Hi all, I am using vb.net2003. I have one solution and different projects under its. But, I don't know how to declare a varibale for many projects and use it? Can anyone show me how to do it? Thanks and regards, zawpai | |
Hi All, I sware I am loosing the will to live, I have tried to accomplish this by my-self for about 2 weeks now and I am still at square one, I prey someone can help me. I am writing an application for booking conference rooms and I need a … | |
sms sever that can send and recieve based on the content of recieved message. I want help on a sample application(student results via sms) 1.Student send thier student id via phone 2.sms application recieve the message,scans through the message to extract the stud. id 3.scans through the database with the … | |
[CODE] Dim mDocDtT As Date Dim mDtPeriod as Integer = 4 mDocDtT = DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, mDtPeriod, mDocDtT) mDocDtT = Format(mDocDtT, "yyyy-MM-dd") [/CODE] But the codes are not working the date is still in #01/27/2011# format I want it in yyyy-MM-dd format Please help!!! | |
HI! i got this problem in choosing selection property for combobox, here is the situation I have two items in the combobox(Dog,Cat ) if a user choose either of the two it will perform an action like data input then save etc. here is my sample code if combobox.selecteditem <> … | |
Hey guys avtually i have a registration form ( a table of 3 columns, the name, textbox and the validations ). Everthing is working fine but i would like to do something which i am unable to do.. Actually in one row there is 2 validations (RequiredFieldVal and CompareVal), the … | |
I can't figure out how I can change the font style/color of a specific bookmark. Every time I try something, I keep getting the null exception error and and I can't figure out where I'm going wrong in referencing the bookmark itself. Here's what I've got so far in creating … | |
i have a 1 datagridview in form1 and 1 listview in form2. the records in the datagridview are from my ms access also in my listview the records (items/subitems) are also in from the ms access. i do some deletion of records in the datagridview using vb.net. My problem is … | |
I would like to make my own youtube application, that pulls all the latest videos (in order) from my channel, or anyone elses (Maybe a textbox to the channel?) I would like it to display the latest video in a large WMP Control (Unless you think theres a beter way) … | |
I'm trying to read a DBF file into a DataSet and then write a selected number of columns to a MDB. I've been successful reading the DBF into the Dataset with this code; Public Sub sReadDbf(ByVal dbffile As String) mydbfConn = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection mydbfConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & _ sAlohaPath … | |
i'm just curious, can we make scrolling text without using a Timer? (like scrolling text for news in television) | |
I have a listview in form1 containing the subitems, Plate number, Engine_Number, Chasis_Number, LTFRB Case_Number and Color. I transfer the Plate number in the listbox in form2. Also i transfer the Item in the listbox to textbox1. My problems is this, How i display the other subitems (Engine_Number, Chasis_Number, LTFRB … |
The End.