20,284 Topics
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Hey, so I'm creating a program that creates a SHA512 hash. I have a problem though. I try to encrypt the word 'test' and I get this encrypted hash as: ?&??J??I???? ???a??w.G????? ?z???????O????{72??_???oW? Which isn't a SHA512 hash. Here is my code so far, maybe you can help me. [CODE=VB.Net] … | |
Hello everyone, My company uses control numbers to keep track of all of our inventory for every product that is entered into our warehouse. (ex. G123456789, T987654321) 1st Alphabet followed by 9 digits of numbers. Most of the time, these control numbers are scanned into the system by using a … | |
Hi to any an d all that read this thread. I have a VB.NET App that creates forms from a template. I am having problems getting them to communicate with each other. Is it possible to send data from one textbox in the first instance to the same textbox in … | |
How to make the form size automatic setting the size equals to the screen. or Maximize the whole form including the form components. | |
Hi I Have a form that contains around 30 Labels and 30 Pictureboxes. I have a piece of code that on form load that steps through the labels and changes the text to a file name from a directory. This all works fairly well however: I need to be able … | |
Dear Freinds I want that when i save combobox value it take starting two characters only from textbox and save it | |
Hello all. I've had many problems solved for me by daniweb users without ever even joining. Now, though, I've run into a problem that I can't seem to solve. It feels like a very stupid problem that will probably have an easy answer, but alas I have not found it … | |
I'm working on a project in vb.net 2010 that has 3 RichTextBoxes. Two of the RichTextBoxes can be loaded with text from text files. How do I take the multiple lines of text from each RichTextBox and combine them into the 3rd RichTextBox. For example, if 2 of the RichTextBoxes … | |
This is the code I have to validate control number that we use to keep track of our inventory. However, I dont know much about Access so I have written and tested this function in VB.Net on Visual Studio. Now, I need to convert my code so it work in … | |
Ihave been working on database but Though iam able to create But Cannot Write in data base.. [CODE] Dim ADOXcatalog As New ADOX.Catalog Dim ADOXtable As New ADOX.Table Dim ADOXindex As New ADOX.Index On Error GoTo errhandler ADOXcatalog.Create("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & "c:\info.mdb") On Error Resume Next ADOXcatalog.ActiveConnection = _ "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" … | |
Hello! Is there Any way to Attach Files ... Like A button on form Which When Clicked open a dialog to select Word Files from computer then it Uploads to the Server or Attach it to Database so that It can be viewd after form fill up Is completed!... | |
I have a Crystal Report that shows images using a SQL Database with the image paths When viewing the images in a report everything is fine untill you get to a page in the report when the error pops up [B](Request could not be submitted for background processing)[/B]. The image … | |
Hi, in my project I need to allow the user (admin user) to have the ability to run custom queries on the database. Ive done this pretty simply whwer the user enters their query and the reults are set to a datagridview. It would also be great however to allow … | |
This filtering concerns of mine have been bothering me. I hope you guys will not get irritated because I have another one. My client wants that my table be filtered based on the values from a field regardless of its order. Example: I want to search for a student whose … | |
Hi I dont have a huge wealth of experince with SQL statements and im struggling; i have two tables table one holds employee data table two holds payent histroy for employee so essentially a 1 to many relationship I would like to list all of the job titles(for which there … | |
Hello. Sorry if you find this not interesting. My project is to create a cash register for a cafe. It has the features like in the pic. It also has a record sales staff can see in datagrid view. The table can be filtered to find specific item. It also … | |
Good day everyone! I have a problem with the filtering part of my application. I am already using this code; Tablebindingsource.filter = "Prereq Like '" & textbox.text & "%'" it searches for values from Table whose Prereq value = textbox.text. My concern is, how about if there are several items … | |
| Hopefully someone searches this one day and it becomes useful. I never found anything. Below is the vb syntax for combining numbers in the same memory address. [code] Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim LngWord As Long = LngMakeWord(Integer.MaxValue, 65489) Dim LoLng As … |
Hello! Yes, This is my first post. And it might seem a little selfish that i just joined to ask a question, so don't worry, i'm not gonna ask and run, i'll stick around. So my problem, what im trying to do is using regex i'm pulling information from a … | |
Hello All, I need to create a new DateTimePicker control supporting the Hijri and Hebrew calendars I tried the DateTimePicker on "windows server 2008" and it was working very fine without any code change for Hijri and Hebrew calendars but on "windows XP" it works only with Grgorian calendar so … | |
Hello! Anyone could tell me how to set the limit of a certain column to accept 10 the same inputs only. I have a table named Date and I want to limit its content for the same inputs to 10 only cause 10 person only can have the same date. … | |
Hello, I have just started using databases, but I am totally stuck. I made a database and table using MS Access. The table has three columns. ID, Code, and Letter. Basically, the Code column stores a number for each letter (eg. 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C, … | |
hi friends i m using datetimepicker for date, i want whenever the month in date is 3,4 etc. then combobox should add the month in words ie. march,april etc. automitically. for eg. if todays date is 16-1-2011 then combobox should add item jan only or if already added 12th month … | |
hav developed an application using vb.net 2005. i want to create an asp.net form which if i click a button on the asp.net form, i launch the login form for the vb.net application. i dont have any idea. please help. | |
i'm using checklistbox, i want to display data from sql database in checklistbox with check when particular id number inputted in textbox. Please Help...I'm new with visual basic... thanks.. | |
Hello members of CodeProject, I have a project, a database with employee information (name, town, birthday, HireDate, etc). I have add custom TextBox (on fly), and on that TextBox a code: [CODE]TexBox1.text = DateDiff("d", HireDateDateTimePicker.value, Now) [/CODE] which is calculating how many days worker is working in company from HireDate, … | |
hi friends... i want to link a buuton to an html page. i knx there is its control in the toolbox bt i don't know how to use it.. need help plzz | |
I have created one application which have one mdi parent foem and after that i have designed 3 more forms. now from solution wxplorer whenever i click in mdi parent form i doesont show its design pane.. how can i see the design view of mdi parent form. | |
I have a data in list at vb.net and i want export to Excell. I have tried the code from Jx_man in thread "Export Data from listbox to Excel" , but it can't worked. Dim MsExcel As Excel.Application ---> Error Statement is not valid in a namespace I use Microsoft … |
The End.