20,284 Topics
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Hi All, I'm doing some serial I/O in VB.NET for a project at work. I'm new to VB.NET so I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly. I need to determine what ports are free and which ones are in use. Presently, I try to open the port and if … | |
Hi, My code is: [CODE] sqlsub = "SELECT distinct field1, field2" sqlsub += " FROM tbl I Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter Dim lsdataset As New DataSet 'populate data adapter da = New OleDbDataAdapter(sqlsub, conn) da.Fill(lsdataset, "tbl") thpr = Gettheoprac(lsdataset.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(1).ToString, "shortform") subcombo.DataSource = lsdataset.Tables("tblname").DefaultView subcombo.DisplayMember = "snshort" + "(" + thpr … | |
Please can u tel me how to take backup of database from sql server2005 using vb.net with the help of code | |
hi guys, i am using vb.net 2005 and i want to know the event name for a listview that happens every time an item is added. thank you. | |
Hi there More noob questions from yours truly! As part of the application I'm writing in Visual Basic, I have written code to display records in text boxes and cycle through each of them one record at a time. I'm having trouble getting the code I've written to update records … | |
I was browsing the internet for different method to find Pi and I finally found a pretty good one. The only issue is, when you give it a very large number, it slows down tremendously. Would it be possible to make it find 2500 digits a at a time instead … | |
if i select any row in DataGridview its displaying its value in Texboxes.Now what i want if i change that anytextbox value then its automatically comes to datagridviewand the Datagridrow status should be in update mode. | |
I am having problems making the right parts of my MDI Child background image transparent. I have set the background and Transparency keys to several corresponding colors and nothing works, is this a problem with MDI? I have a background set for the MDI parent. | |
Hello everyone, I have bound a datagridview with a table, And put a checkbox on each row .And an Insert button at the bottom. On clicking the button ,the Checked rows are to be inserted in the table. When I do that it gives an error as 'Can not Insert … | |
i am trying to export a crystal report document to excel but it is giving me an error saying that object refference is ... Any help pliz [CODE] Sub cryview() 'This code contains a functionality to export to Excel '* A sub for every corresponding Crystal Report Dim rpt As … | |
Hello VbForum, I`m migrating access database to vb.net. I have employee database with a few DateTimePickers, textboxes, and comboboxes In access I have formulas in textbox's control source like this, and it works: [code] txtDayCalculation =DateDiff("d",txtDateofHire, txtManualDate) txtYear =Int(txtDayCalculation/365) txtMonth =Int((txtDayCalculation-(txtYear*365))/30) txtDay =((txtDayCalculation-txtYear*365))-(txtMonth*30). [/code] So, I have trying to do … | |
I have a simple form which starts a new thread, and this thread displays the value of a control (TextBox) Form contains: TextBox with default value of "Default" StartButton which starts a new thread Form: [CODE] Public Class Form Private Sub StartButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles … | |
Everyone..please help me... I cannot save my list item to the database with this code. [code] Dim my_cmd As MySqlCommand my_cmd = New MySqlCommand() my_cmd.CommandText = "insert into documenttable values(route1,route2,route3,route4,route5,route6,route7,route8,route9,route10,route11,route12)" rs.Open(query, conn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic) my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route1").Value, .ListBox1.Items(0)) my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route2").Value, .ListBox1.Items(1)) my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route3").Value, .ListBox1.Items(2)) my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route4").Value, .ListBox1.Items(3)) my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route5").Value, .ListBox1.Items(4)) my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route6").Value, .ListBox1.Items(5)) my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route7").Value, .ListBox1.Items(6)) my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route8").Value, .ListBox1.Items(7)) … | |
Hi, Everybody. I need to reload the form of my application. The application has only one form vb.net 2005. I need a button that will call the page_load event so I can restart and reload all my settings. basically I need to call the Sub private Page_load event(). I just … | |
Hi all. I am having issues with people not closing an important file in excel. I have a new vb.net based application that i want to close the excel file when i prompt it to. The application checks for specific named files in a hidden folder on a timer event, … | |
Dear Freinds i face a problem in show the data from datagridview actually i make a 4 column in datagridview now i want the four columns of table come in same columns in datagridview but when i show data in gridview it add more 4 columns and show data in … | |
Hello everybody I need help to complete my project. It's a calculator program. Most of the code is complete IT SHOULD FUNCTION JUST AS THE PROGRAM CALCULATOR FOUND ON WINDOWS VISTA I just have two problems 1)It should perform a continuous operation between numbers, without pressing the equal button. In … | |
i have manage to use a code from a coder from apple, posted on google code but does not have support any more and i have having a big situacion here i really deen some guide on how git this runing the right way case i promesi i have trie … | |
hi im trying to link a browse button to a textbox when the user clicks the browse button and selects a destination the selection is displayed in the textbox thanks for your help | |
How to save ITEMS on listbox to MySQL Database in vb.net.... plz reply... | |
what's up when i call the function below i get an error that says that oledb is not regstered on this machine i am calling the function like this [CODE] ListBox1.Items.Add(getAllTableNames) [/CODE] [CODE] Public Shared Function getAllTableNames() As String() Dim con As OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim com As New OleDbCommand Dim i … | |
Hi friends, after a long time. i am developing a small tool by using VB.Net. I want to display data in comboboxes from a table which is in an access database. I using SQL query. Its a simple problem , I think the problem is in my COMMAND. I want … | |
i am inserting data using datagrid but my problem is that it is not inserting the last row item itemqty value only,in one row i am inserting groupcode,itemcode,itemqty,entrydate,locationcode,addt only .the itemqty of last row is not inserted if i give itemqty=1 by default it takes 0 and all(groupcode,itemcode,entrydate,locationcode,addt) remaining item … | |
Hi there, I am new here, and i humbly seek your assistance, when i try to increment the for loop it jumps to case 5 of the select case statement. What i actually want is when i press the Next button it shows me a set of options which is … | |
Is there a way to make a file shredder in VB .NET..if is there plz explain it with code... | |
hi friends i m doing project in vb and database is microsoft access in my form i have 3 radiobuttons and 3 combobox when i select radio button then respective combobox enable and remainig disable i load all the data in combobox through data reader the problem is user can … | |
I have a form that has 5 text fields... TextField1 TextField2 TextField3 TextField4 TextField5 I need to automatically input those fields into a website via a button. The Website link is [url][/url] -Next i have to click login -enter a password Admin00 and select ok -Click on Basic -Click on … | |
please help. thanks. :icon_smile: | |
Visual Basic 2008 here is a code that will show you your smtp server Dim info As New ProcessStartInfo("nslookup", "-type=mx -timeout=30 sendmail.org") With info .RedirectStandardOutput = True .UseShellExecute = False .CreateNoWindow = True End With Dim proc As Process = Process.Start(info) Me.ResultTextBox.Text = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd proc.Dispose() but how do i link … | |
hey guys where can i find free office 2010 ribbon for vb.net i found ribbon for c# but nothing for vb |
The End.